MARK M ALDRIDGE "Community Advocate" SA - SUPER TRAWLER EXPOSE UPDATE                    a.userlink { color: #253741; } a.userlink:visited { color: #6a818c; } a.userlink:hover { color: #005e85; } font[size="1"] { font-size:10px; } font[size="2"] { font-size:13px; } font[size="3"] { font-size:16px; } font[size="4"] { font-size:18px; } font[size="5"] { font-size:24px; } font[size="6"] { font-size:32px; } font[size="7"] { font-size:48px; } .GuestBookMessage { font-family: Arial; color: #000000; font-size: 13px; } .GuestBookMessageRow { font-family: Arial; color: #000000; font-size: 12px; } .GuestBookHeader { font-family: Arial; color: #000000; font-size: 12px; } .div-text-footer-color { color:#000000; } .div-text-footer-container a, .div-text-footer-container a:visited, .div-text-footer-container a:hover { color:#000000; }                                                                                                                                                       The Super Trawler and the hidden truths UPDATE 10/9/12 other articles belowSo the truth leaks into my email box, self interest on the boards that endorsed the super trawler, dodgy quotas and the supporting science, and hastily registered new companies fishing Australia to buy up licences, with the aim of raping our oceans of over 36,000 tonnes of our precious bait fish. The information below this text is a collation of information from my 4 week expose of the new “Super Trawler” and its Australian registration as the “Abel Tasman” allowing it to operate within our waters, since its release many hidden truths about the self interest and dodgy practices used to allow this destructive ship into our waters has surfaced. Last night and this morning I have been enlightened to the many issues faced by those at the forefront of the fishing industry since February this year, when the first news of the “Marguis” a super trawler from the EU fleet wanted access to our fisheries. The massive trawler can take in thousands of tonnes of fish in a number of days, so heading into our waters was reliant on its ability to access over 36,000 tonnes of fish, but the licences to do so were not available, in fact the science would not have even supported the available licences of around 8,000 tonnes, let alone the method in which this ship operates. So the Dutch owners of the trawler needed our present system to change, and they succeeded where in the past they had failed, a recent meeting in February this year of the FSMA, allowed the doubling of quotas, coincidentally for the species of fish they were after “Pelagic” allowing their sponsor Gerry Green of Seafish Australia to find just above the break even catch size of 15,000 tonnes, where the beginning of this story gets interesting, is that those who voted in favour of the quota increase all had a conflict of interest. “It has become obvious Dutch money is buying up our fisheries with foreign EU subsidies” Gerry Green should never have sat on the board, and many of the others were to sell their quotas to Gerry in any respect, making matters worse, the licences were not to be purchased by Greens company Seafish Tasmania, but a new shelf company only registered after the fact, called “Seafish Tasmania pelagic pty. Ltd.” ASIC searches clearly show the Dutch interests in this newly formed company, a very interesting situation considering the laws associated with ownership of fishing licences in Australia. “Minutes of the 28 February 2012 SPFRAG meeting, have only just reappeared shortly after I questioned as did many their whereabouts”, see  ASIC searches of the new shelf company show the following owners. Name: DIRK-JAN PARLEVLIET 1E8288852 Address: Waterbospark Jz Rijnsburg, Netherlands Born: 21/12/1977, , NETHERLANDS Appointment date: 20/04/2012   Name: DIRK VAN DER PLAS 1E8288852 Address: Mallebrugga Bv Katwijk, Netherlands Born: 28/12/1978, , NETHERLANDS   Appointment date: 20/04/2012 Name: GERALD JOHN GEEN 027417657 Address, KIAMA NSW 2533 Born: 27/04/1959, , UNITED KINGDOM Appointment date: 21/05/2012   Ultimate Holding Company Name: PP GROEP KATWIJK B.V. 1F0382602 Org No.: 158 703 881    These are the people who now own the various licences and in the name of a supposed Australian company, who intend to rape our oceans of upwards of 36,000 tonnes of pelagic fish, the very same feed stock most of our fish stocks and endangered species are reliant upon. Questions remaining unanswered, in fact unasked include the new chair of the board Dr. Jim Ward recent appointment considering where his income is coming from, but I will leave that question to our paid representatives.  But this is not the devastating part of the leaks that should sink this whole issue, the big issue is in the dodgy science and the long term affects to our precious fisheries, over the past week, I have spoken with fishing fleets being put out of work, trawler operators aghast at this decision to allow the “Super Trawler” access to our oceans, the president of the game fishing society, members of the AFMA, PFRAG, and many who prefer to remain silent in fear of retribution from the fishing industry. In previous articles I have condemned the issue of “By Catch” those pretty words that cover up destruction of protected species, and yes I stand by that position, but seems the facts available to the public are the tip of the ice berg, as recent information takes the problem beyond any idea of acceptable collateral damage. A Trawler travelling at 5 knots, towing a huge net the length of the Sydney harbour bridge, simply destroys fish stocks like Sardines, yet from the bridge of such a huge ship, schools of bait fish look the same on the sonar, yet this boat is not licensed to take sardines, so hundreds of tonnes sucked up by its huge vacuums, will simply be tossed over the side dead, hundreds of thousands of tonnes, fish that will no longer be available to licensed South Australian fisherman, or indeed the many game fish that rely on them as feed stock.“Endangered and protected species will also be destroyed by the hundreds of tonnes” In 2011 similar attempts to fish our waters by another similar vessel from the EU, resulted in a little more truth, when the skipper fronted the AFMA (minutes of 11/11/2011) where it was admitted by the skipper “Per Pebick” they had wiped out similar fish stocks in other countries, noting Australia was one of the last remaining stocks in the world.  Even when we look at the research sited for the quota expansions, the very same information supplied to the Australian government, the terms of reference are over 10 years old, something I consider selective to support the position of those who have the most to gain financially from all the preferred final approvals. “AFMA’s Harvest Strategy for the Small Pelagic Fishery prohibits the use of such data” yet the AFMA and the government ignored the guidelines” The quota decision therefore contravened AFMA’s own government-approved Harvest Strategy for the SPF (small pelagic fisheries). Research for the western fishing zones simply does not exist, so when and if the Trawler hits the west coast, the damage is an unknown quantity, even more shallow than the research used to increase the quotas in the east coast.  Pelagic fish species are a common property resource, as such are owned by we the people,  and their importance in our eco system is paramount, so this issue is not just about greed, self interest and corporate spin, it is about the long term sustainability of our fisheries and in fact our costal eco-system. I seriously doubt total arrogance was the reason the “Super Trawler” set sail to Australia before it had government of fishery’s approval, let alone quotas worthy of such a huge trip,  it would seem more appropriate to believe it come on a promise, a promise from whom and what for, are worthy questions indeed. This issue commands more than simple questions, but more so a full enquiry, the previous federal government stopped the entry of the foreign-owned super trawler, Veronica, eight years ago. That was after a national public campaign led by Recfish Australia made Australians aware that the foreign vessel would be attacking our small pelagic fish stocks before we really knew the size and biology of their populations. It’s an even worse situation now, as the quotas have been massively increased, yet the science is the same, if science then was inadequate then, it is a total failure now. Mark Aldridge Independent Federal candidate for Wakefield SATHE TRUTH ABOUT THE SUPER TRAWLER    Many in the political arena made the decision to allow the Super Trawler to fish in Australia based on fishing quotas, the science being put forward to them so far, supports this massive Trawler, but are our representatives blinded by short term vision,  the very fact they have become used to listening to supposed experts rather than what we the people want and deserve, so what is the bigger picture, the long term consequences?Many links (CLICK HERE) and information sources disputes the science relating to the quotas, but this simply diverts our eyes from the more pressing issues.A primary question certainly relates to "what spin are the polly’s being fed" to back part of a fleet that has been not only banned from many sovereign nations but exposed on many occasions damaging local fisheries and killing protected species? As a political activist of many years, I say follow the money, it always paints an honest picture, usually in the colour of self interest, and always contact those in the Industry in the search of the truth. My initial response to this issue several weeks ago, was to check over the legislation, which clearly showed many avenues to restrict the ability of this ship to be registered in Australia, yet the government act as if they had no choice, which equates to nothing more than lazy governance, and considering Wayne swan had the last word, they must accept the decision was entirely theirs. The first of the Dutch trawlers came all this way to reap 18,000 tonnes of bait fish, yet makes very little if any profit on the deal, making its way on EU subsidies and discounted fuel, why? Seafish Tasmania supplies the usually lucrative fishing licence quota, which should I remind you were just doubled by the board, which the owner of Seafish Tasmania Gerry Green sits, a matter that stinks of self interest.  "The Commonwealth Ombudsman is investigating the Australian Fisheries management Authorities approval process as a result".Seafish Tasmania’s as a company get a disturbingly low $1 a kilo, yet pay the huge overheads of fuelling and staffing the trawler, while it flies under the dodgy name “Abel Tasman” so even 15,000 tonnes of fish, is only a break even, so why the risk, when the usual methods of fishing such quotas are financially rewarding and create bigger employment opportunities? Another important matter is the word “By Catch” which is a gentle term for the mass murder of protected species like, Sea lions, sea birds and Dolphins is an environmental issue not to be over looked, when we consider the fact our present fishing methods are much easier able to ensure the safety of these gentle creatures. When one considers the issue of “By Catch” we are confronted with figures that are very misleading, for instance even a low figure of 5% would equate to 900 tonnes of destruction”  which is simply not good enough!This expose also demands we also cast our eyes over the Australian federal government subsidies; yes, they are paying companies like Seafish to export our food stocks, so it appears even if the trawler is a failure on the financial front, Gerry Green and his Seafish Company set to profit regardless, by our own taxes, why? So far we have a huge trawler with a history of fishery devastation, coming all this way to do what for them is a few months work catching fish in Australian waters, which is not for Aussie consumers but rather for overseas export, all those involved in the deal, profit more from government subsidies than commercial interest, so what exactly is going on here? Could it be that the profits will be kept of shore and out of site by those who receive the final processed catch, considering it is the one question that cannot be answered by any searches or the many enquirys I have made? So many questions with very little answers, until we look at the big picture, that of the precedent this whole process sets, this game is all about a manipulation, getting past the protesters and enquiries, painting a picture of super trawlers as the future of fishing, because leaks direct to me, show the original plan remains unchanged, they want the whole damn fleet of these “Super Trawlers” fishing in Australian waters. The why is very simple, Australian has one of the best fisheries in the world, and they want the fish,  we are one of the few country's that have acted in a sustainable way, in fact after speaking to many in the professional fishing industry, it appears for many years we have fished the seas under what many call an acceptable quota. While writing and investigating this sad issue, my memory is often taken back to fishing as a child with my grandfather, and the lessons he taught me back then, throwing back undersized before such limits applied, avoiding breeding grounds and the like, such great people that built this fine country must be rolling in their graves at the present path of our society and our supposed representatives, when it comes to sustainability and our nations long term future. On line petitions reaching near 100,000 signatures (SIGN HERE) shows the peoples position, and I am sure these numbers will continue to grow as the truth filters into the public arena, I am also pleased to see many of our elected officials start to stand and question the many issues that are being dragged up by the many media reports and protests being held all over the country.The biggest issue is that of political expediency, as the federal Labor party appear by recent performance, to be ignorant of the will of the people. The Tasmanian parliament are standing up as are the South Australian members of parliament, one would hope that with the support of the public, democracy will prevail, I for one will stand alongside any who oppose this rape and pillage of our country’s future, even the South Australian Labor party, wouldn’t that make an interesting photo. For me this issue is like most I have investigated over the past decade, Australian farmers and producers, manufacturing, primary land holdings and now fishing is all headed the way of water and power generation, owned and operated by the largest corporations, who are out to line their own pockets, rather than do what is best for the country or the economy, coincidentally these are the same big corporations that fund our 2 party political system. Stopping this Trawler can and must be achieved or the next fight will be a fleet of them, by a voice that will have been further diminished, so act now, get your family and friends to support this very important issue, send emails, write to your local representative and find time to support future rallies, for the cost of inaction will indeed be a price too high for future generations to pay.     Mark Aldridge "Independent federal candidate for Wakefield SA"  08 82847482 / 0403379500                  Home | SAVING OUR FOOD INDUSTRY 2013 | FARM DIRECT MARKETS SA | DODGY ELECTIONS THE TRUTH 2013 | THE RSPCA EXPOSED 2013 | VOTING 4 ANIMAL WELFARE | DAFWA undermine justice | VOTE NO TO AUST WITH OUT FARMS | WHY VOTE FOR AN INDEPENDENT | ABOUT MARK | STANDING UP FOR LOCAL BUSINESS | MARK BRIEF IDEALS OVERVIEW | THE DEMISE OF AUSSIE RIGHTS | THE AUSTRALIAN ALLIANCE | AUSTRALIAN CONSTITUTION  | CARBON TAX WHOLE STORY UPDATE  | DEMAND SUPPORT FOR DAIRY FARMS | BILL OF RIGHTS FOR AUSTRALIA | SA ELECTION FACTS FOR 2010/14 | FLUORIDE THE SIMPLE TRUTH | HEMP / CANNABIS EXPOSED" | WATER PROOFING South Australia | MY POLITICAL HISTORY 1999/2012 | CONTACT ME | WHERE DOES OUR TAX MONEY GO? | DIGNITY FOR THE DISABLED | The Muddied Water Debate | 2013 REWRITE OF ELECTORAL LAW | MY RALLY FOR THE CHILDREN | WORKCOVER....NO THANKYOU | REFERENDUM 2013 VOTE NO DEBATE | 2013 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