![]() When bad law must be opposed. All around Australia, every week of the year, new laws are introduced and old laws are amended, and I have yet to see any new laws in the last decade that have the people’s best interests at heart. The legislative agenda for the next South Australian parliament to be chosen in March will mimic those of the past decade, with leaks showing strong support of the Campbell Newman's VLAD laws, says Mark Aldridge spokesperson for the Australian Alliance a new civil rights based lobby group. THE man who moved Jarrod Bleijie’s QLD’s new attorney generals admission as a solicitor has likened new anti-biker laws to the Nazi era and says the Attorney-General has forgotten the basics of the law. Kyle Kimball, a senior director of Sajen Legal where Mr Bleijie worked from 2006 until his election to Parliament in 2009, said new laws eroded civil liberties. The QLD Government’s new Vicious Lawless Associations Disestablishment Bill and the Criminal Gang Destruction Bill have been criticised by civil libertarians and legal experts who say they give the government the power to declare groups and people to be criminals without the right to a trial. The Attorney-General will also have the power to keep people in jail indefinitely under other self-serving legislative changes. These new laws being adopted around Australia beg an important question “Are the police so woefully inefficient that they are unable to prove a case and secure a conviction without a coerced confession by some throwback process from the middle ages?” When the police can only operate by making the innocent criminals, our system of justice at every level has failed. “What’s on the agenda after bikers? Will the government’s political opposition be next on the hit list?” The Newman governments new laws show a total disregard for our common law protections developed over hundreds of years to protect we the people from persecution. When our forefathers wrote our constitution with limited human and civil rights, they did so in the belief that our common-law system of adjudication would fill in the gaps, I doubt they would have expected government themselves would be the ones undermining all their hard work. “When any government believes itself to be above the law, let alone dare publicly attack justice, it is they that should be declared a criminal organisation, and dealt with accordingly.” Says Mark History clearly shows us fascist governments have been empowered by similar abhorrent laws in the past. “The Nazis came to power with the same legislative agenda,” said Aldridge “It may seem melodramatic but it is a fact.” Latest legislative changes also disregarded principles of sentencing which required consideration of the circumstances of the case to ensure a just consistency of sentencing. Governments were not elected nor empowered to dictate every aspect of our lives, their only mandate is to protect our nation and its people, and I have not seen a step in that direction for over 20 years. While the government continue to follow this self-empowering legislative agenda, our only defense is to empower the people with a “Bill of rights” to take over the protection of our liberties in the absence of a government of the people. Demanding a bill or rights will indeed show who is for or against our rights and liberties, and any who stand against the introduction of refined rights, need not be a part of its introduction or more so its final wording. Community consultation to word its contents, and a referendum to ensure its acceptability would be needed before it becomes a part of our constitution, and then it must become retrospective on every law in this nation. While the legislators continue to erode our civil liberties, it is up to every Australian to open their eyes, and stand up for our nations and our children’s future. On the 26th of January, rallies all over this nation are being held on a number of fronts, and each one will be best served with a “Bill of rights” whether the attendees are against QLD’s new VLAD laws, SOCCA legislation or Dodgy electoral practice, the united theme is that we all want our voices heard and our rights and liberties protected. While our supposed leaders and representatives continue to frown upon the word protectionism at every level, it is our job as proud Australians to change their mind, because it is our country and the majority rule, and that is “we the people”. Mark Aldridge Independent National spokesperson for the Australian Alliance.