Political & civils rights advocate, animal lover & state co-ordinator for the Australian Federation Party
OLD SPOT HOTEL (Salisbury heights) 1955 Main nth rd every Sat & Wed. (Wednesday starts in late June 2015)
Gawler 485 Main north road Evanston every Sunday
Our latest market is Lightsview Folland ave Northgate also on every Sunday opposite the North-gate shopping centre.
Coming soon to Marden, Blakesview & Munno Para
8.00 am until 1.00 pm
In support of Australian Farmers & Producers and “the pursuit of affordable and healthy eating.”
A genuine grass roots fresh food market by and for the community!
No need to read labels, over 80 stalls all offering Australian produce only.
· Regular savings on the food bills of around 40%.
· The largest range of fresh produce in the state.
· A relaxed and friendly environment to bring the family even your furred babies
· All the money you spend ends up in the pocket of hard-working Australian Farmers & Producers.
Live local entertainment, hot food and gifts.
Contact; Mark Aldridge "Market founder" and Media 82847482 / 0403379500
Garry Temple (Manager Parafield) 0439931241
Dave Cook (Lightsview Manager) 0409929070
· One of the largest ranges of produce in the world
· Heirloom & Organic Fruit and Veg
· Locally produced nuts & seed stock
· Fresh Riverland produce
· Olives & award winning oils
· Ethical Free Range meat & poultry
· A huge range of local Bakers
· Hot coffee and food
· Local produced giftware
· Farm fresh eggs and breads
· Fresh local and interstate flowers
· Children’s entertainment
· Local and interstate Musicians
· Locally produced pet food
· Sustainable garden products
· Honeys and preserves
· Spices, herbs and sauces
· Cakes, lollies and takeaway
· Full range of smallgoods
Something has to be done, join me in the fight!
Mark Aldridge
Australia is now a net food importer, so what are you eating, where is it from, is it safe, and where is your hard earned money ending up?
Australian produce is the best in the world, so why in the hell would we allow substandard imported rubbish to replace what we do best?
Over 35% of all producers surveyed this year believe they are facing closure, and every time we lose an Australian farmer or producer, we are forced to import substandard product to replace the loss.
What this means to you, is less jobs, less food safety, and the loss of our National security.
If we become reliant on imported food, what will happen if the nations supplying us change their minds?
Imported food comes here in cold storage, the quality is below average and the countries from which it comes do not have the safe guards we have in place here in Australia.
Genetically modified, dangerous toxins and insecticides, the risk of importing disease that could further destroy our home grown product, are not acceptable.
The only way to fix this problem is for “we the people” to simply get it done.
Farm Direct is your market, it is not a corporate entity with profits in mind it is all about we as Australians working together to ensure our children’s fresh food future.
"Farm direct markets provide top class produce at farmers markets prices in locations where
YOU shop, are set up to support local producers and the community"
Please remain aware that "Farm Direct" goes against the grain of our present corporate ideals, so we will face opposition in coming months, so the more you help us grow, the easier it will be to succeed.
Please read the information below the addresses
SALISBURY; EVERY SATURDAY AND EVERY WEDNESDAY 8.00 am till 1.00 pm Run by Mark Aldridge for our farmers and producers
GAWLER; Gawler park open air market, is now a "Farm Direct" Market 485 Main north rd. Evanston Sundays 8.00 am until 1.00 pm
BAROSSA; Sat 7.30 until 11.30 Cnr Nuriootpa and Stockwell Rds,
ANGASTON; Saturday 8am – 12noon, Mount Pleasant Showgrounds (Talunga Park)
SHOW GROUNDS; Sunday, 9AM TO 1PM Leader st, Goodwood
GEPPS CROSS DRIVE IN; Sunday from 7.30, Main north road, Gepps cross
WILLUNGA; Every Saturday from 8am - 12:30pm in Willunga Town Square.There are also farmer's markets at Mt Barker each week.
Adelaide hills Farmers markets every Saturday
Eyre Peninsula Farmers Markets 0419295780
Limestone Coast Farmers Markets 0408088631
Mount Pleasant Saturday 8 am until 12
Murray Bridge Producers market 8 am until 12
Riverland Farmers Market Sat 7.30 until 11.30
Victor Harbour farmers markets 8 am until 12
Wirrabara Producers market every 3rd Sunday
CLEARANCE MARKET on Sunday every week at gepps x drive in from 7.00 am
Local food co-ops, where the home grown produce is shared, https://www.adelaide.foe.org.au/about/the-urban-orchard/
Write to your council for their support in bringing all the benefits of "Farm Direct" to your door
In time of political mediocracy, it is up to we the people to lead by example
“The first rallies to tackle the big duopoly were a success and the on-line social networks saw the ideal grow to over 20,000 invitees and several thousand backing the boycott of Coles and Woolworths until the people could see change in the way they both treated our local farmers and growers, and improved labelling to ensure consumers could also back Australian produce”, says Mark Aldridge the event organiser.
While the boycott continues it became apparent we needed to step in as a community and support the producers themselves, until the many issues facing our nations food bowl were addressed.
The big Duopoly riding roughshod over our family farms, using unethical methods to drive them to the wall, the importation of inferior produce, unfair if not dodgy labelling and the lack of will of our supposed representatives to protect our nation’s food bowl, is one of the most important issues facing this country’s future.
If you are buying produce picked the morning you buy it, at the lowest prices in the state, you are at a "Farm Direct" Market
The governments ineffective measures in protecting our farms themselves to foreign takeover, has made this country a laughing stock, and the people are now more than ever, very aware of the situation, which ensured the event I help on the 25 of August “The Fresh Food awareness rally” a huge success with thousands attending in support. I was gob-smacked that many producers who were booked to sell their produce on the day, endured adverse pressure to stay home, the very self interest the rally was all about exposing, luckily for the event, many producers stayed true and were rewarded with selling out all their produce.
“When hard-working local farmers and producers live in fear of the corporate giants in the grocery industry it becomes every Australians job to stand up in their support” Mark said, and furthermore “The government should hang their heads in shame, for letting it get to this stage!”
The huge success of my “Awareness Rally” has enabled me to work with all the right people, to solve this dilemma for our producers in a timely manner, the outcome being “Farm Direct” community markets all over the state, where the Farmers and growers come direct to the people, in locations and at times that suit family shopping.
The effect will be security for growers to sell their produce, easy access to the best fresh produce at huge savings for the local community, at a time when the hip pocket is being hammered by government incompetence and corporate greed, Mark went on to say.
The first and most massive of these “Farm Direct” markets will start Saturday the 15 in Enfield at 445 main north road from 9.00am, (closed by local council) other locations include Gawler (Gawler park 485 main north road Evanston), the Barossa, Hindmarsh, Salisbury, Arndale and Newton (closed by council), with the hope of further expansion all over the state and indeed the country. This event will also be sponsored and supported by various local business people, shopping centre owners, local government, social networking campaigners, The WHOot and many of my personal supporters.
These new markets will be held every week, on different days and times to suit the local communities needs, and to allow for a rotation of local producers, all produce will be South Australian where possible and only Australian made or grown produce will be welcomed.
I sincerely hope all Australians get behind this idea, and in particular our friends in the media, for while those we employ to represent us, have lost the will to do the right thing by hard working small business, it is indeed up to the rest of us to lead by example.
Mark Aldridge Independent federal candidate for Wakefield & Community advocate (08) 82847482 / 0403379500 aldridgemark@bigpond.com www.markmaldridge.com
FUTURE PROPOSED MARKETS INCLUDE; Salisbury, Newton, Arndale, Gawler & more, support of the current Farmers markets in Mount Pleasant, Gepps cross, the Barossa and others will be part of the campaign, full details on the web site www.markmaldridge.com (dedicated site up soon)
WHY PROMOTE FARM DIRECT? Over recent years there has been a sharp decline in family run farms, with grim predictions their demise in as little as 5 years from now. A variety of issues have brought this about, lack of foresight in water infrastructure, inept government intervention through the NRM, the ideal of free trade, market manipulation by the grocery giants, inferior imported produce, product labelling issues and the usual self interest of big money. The market leaders dominance in the Grocery industry enable them to make unfair demands and contracts with the family farmers and growers, with many now reliant on driving all over the state to similar markets just to make ends meet.
WHAT ARE THE ISSUES FACING “FARM DIRECT”? Excessive local government red tape, in fact approvals are still being debated with even the Enfield council, who are still trying to close the first of the markets. Threats, intimidation and complaints from the big retailers, the use of their market dominance to ride rough shod over smaller producers, and using their billion dollars profits, political & media connections to maintain their huge slice of the grocery market.
HOW CAN YOU SUPPORT & HELP MAINTAIN AUSTRALIAN FRESH PRODUCE? If any “Farm direct” Markets are closed down, pressure your local council and your local MP for support, seek out other local markets and do the best you can to buy direct, always read labels to ensure what you buy is Australian made, oppose the sale of our prime land to foreign countries, email your council and ask for a “Farm direct Market” in your area. Coles and Woolworths have up to 87% of the market, so share your money with the smaller grocery stores and local fresh producers where ever possible, because we all know what will happen once the big two have total market dominance. Changing the direction of our fresh food future in favour of farmers, growers and consumers, will take will, the will of the people, so don’t just enjoy, share the ideals with friends and family and join in the fight for our
WHAT ARE THE MAIN BENEFITS OF “FARM DIRECT”? Farm direct is, fresher produce (no long term stored or imported produce) it is healthier, tastier and much easier on the household budget, because there is no middle man. It creates jobs in Australia, improves our income as a nation, and ensures our nation’s food security by protecting and encouraging investment in the primary production industry.
FOR UPDATES & INFORMATION SEE www.markmaldridge.com (link at the top of the page) or phone Mark Aldridge on 82847482 or 0403379500 Email; aldridgemark@bigpond.com or phone the Market manager Maria on 0438853481 or Join Farm Direct Markets on Face Book.
Farm Fresh market Parafield, Farm direct Parafield, Parafield markets, Farm direct Salisbury, Farm direct community markets, Farm Direct Gawler, Farm Direct Parafield, Farm direct Salisbury, Farm Direct Marden, Farm direct Munno Para, Farm direct Blakesview, Farm direct southern, Farm direct community market, Farmers markets in SA, south australian markets, South Australian Farmers Markets, fresh produce markets, produce markets, Gepps cross markets, Galwer markets, Evanson markets, Gawler markets, Best produce markets, Goodwood markets, Gawler council markets, Fresh food markets, Fresh Food Australia, Showground markets, Barossa markets, Gepps cross markets, fine food markets, Master chef, Jamie Oliver markets, Low price food, affordable markets, PAL:S markets, Parafield Airport markets, Adelaides premier markets, Lights view markets, Blake view markets, Elizabeth markets, Marden markets, Adelaides best markets, Chefs markets, Adelaide markets, Mark Aldridge markets
Mark Aldridge, Farm Direct, Farmers markets SA, Farm markets, Farmers markets in Adelaide, Farm direct markets, where are farmers markets, What are farmers markets, Marks farm Direct, Mark Aldridges Farm Direct, boycott coles and wollies, Woolworths in SA, Coles in SA, Woolies and Coles are fuckn assholes, Mark Aldridges buy back Australia, put your money in the right pockets, Helping farmers, Salisbury farm direct, Salisbury Markets, Parafeild markets, Parafield markets, Independents markets, Farm Direct Produce, local famers, local producers, Adelaide Farm direct, Hindmarsh farm direct, Enfield Farm Direct, Direct Farmers produce, Direct farmers markets, I
MARK ALDRIDGE INDEPENDENT, CANDIDATE FOR WAKEFIELD, Mark Aldridge independent for Wakefield, The voice of the Community, 2013 FEDERAL ELECTION CANDIDATE FOR WAKEFIELD, how to vote in Wakefield, Candidate for Wakefield 2013, Tom Zorich, Independent for Wakefield, Tome Zorich Liberal, Nick Champion Labor, how to vote in Wakefield, Federal election 2013, where to vote in Wakefield, Where to vote in SA, Who is Tom Zorich, Who is Mark Aldridge Independent, farm direct markets, Northern candidates, Best candidate in SA, Best candidate for Wakefield, community advocate for the north, Ramsay by-election Ramsay By Election, Ramsay Election, Zoe Bettison, Liberal candidate Ramsay election, Mike Rann resigns, Greg Combat, Penny Wong, Wakefield electorate 2013 federal election, 2014 state election, how to vote in SA, Supporting farmers and producers, Farm Direct markets, Farmers markets in south australia, Protecting farms SA, Mark M Aldridge federal Independent, Who do I vote for in SA, GetUp, Australia selling the farm, Carbon trading, carbon trading information, who pays carbon tax, Carbon Tax, top 500 polluters exposed, Carbon ring, Independent expose's, Independent for Ramsay, Salisbury election, how to vote in Ramsay, South Australian Elections, Member of the Alliance Australian, 2010 Federal Election, Labor Party, Liberal Party, Australian Democrats, Democracy, Voting in Australia, Elections, electoral reform, Mark Aldridge, Mark M Aldridge, Julia Gillard, Nick Xenophon Independent, Murray river, Taxation, The Alliance Australia, Dodgy Elections, Freedoms and Liberties, Federal Election, Electoral , Commission, South Australian 2013 election, Mike Rann premier, How to vote in South Australia, Treason, The republican debate, Carbon Tax, climate change Australia, clean energy, solar power, mass power storage, carbon trading, carbon tax, Labor party SA, MARK ALDRIDGE, electoral reform, 2014 state election South Australia, Democracy, SAPOL, City of Salisbury, Zoe Bettison, Water proofing Adelaide, Colin Pitman, Salisbury Wetlands, Northern Invest, Electoral commission South Australia, Family First SA, Ramsay electorate, 2014 State election, South Australian 2014 election, Labor party Zoe Bettison, Dodgy elections, how to vote, Election results SA, Voting, elections, constitution, commonwealth of Australia, voice of the community, Water security, Colin Pitman, save the Murray, Power generation, Labor V Liberal, Community safety, SAPOL, Salisbury Police station, Nuclear power, Carbon Tax, Environmental protection SA, South Australian politics, Politics, 2 party politics, Helen Aldridge, Willow Wood sanctuary, Courts, Bikie laws, Constitution, Councils, Local government, LEON BYNER, 5AA, radio five aa, South Australian 2014 March election, 2014 state election, 2014 Independent candidate, UN declaration of human rights, MARK ALDRIDGE VOICE OF THE COMMUNITY, RAMSAY ELECTORATE, RAMSAY ELECTION BOUNDARIES, WHERE TO VOTE RAMSAY, Politics Australia the truth, Gillard V Rudd, Best candidates in SA, who to vote for in 2014, The 2014 South Australian state election will elect members to the 53rd Parliament of South Australia on 15 March 2014. All seats in the House of Assembly or lower house, whose current members were elected at the 2010 election, and half the seats in the Legislative Council or upper house, last filled at the 2006 election, will become vacant. The 12-year incumbent Australian Labor Party, currently led by Premier Jay Weatherill, will be challenged by the opposition Liberal Party of Australia, currently led by Opposition Leader Isobel Redmond., Dont sell Australians short, Dont sell Australia short, leon Byner, Five AA, Google, 5AA, Australian land sales, Wikipedia Politics Australia, Nick Xenophon, Selling Australia short, Clive Palmer, CATA, No Carbon tax, Carbon trading details, Labor party QLD, Australian greens, Getup, Helen Aldridge, Animal rights activist, Mike Rann, FREEDOM, DEMOCRACY, Julia Gillard, Jay Weathrill, Ramsay electorate, best candidate, Independent candidate for Ramsay, Liberal party SA, GetUp, Paul Makin, Today Tonight, Pauline Hansen, ETSA, power production, sale of assets, buying back the farm, Bill of Rights Australia, Mark Aldridge Bill of rights, South Australian 2014 State election, How to vote in SA, Labor funds GetUp, Salisbury elections, Salisbury community activists, Gillian Aldridge, employment, SAPOL, Salisbury police station, Voting in Australia, Taxation, used cars, LPG prices, ZOE BETTISON, Holdens, GMH, infrastructure. Bill of rights Australia, Buddhism activists, hemp, Cannabis, Today Tonight, Leon Byner, Sean Perry, FiveAA radio, WorkCover SA, GetUp, LDP, Liberal Democratic part, FREE Australia Party, Democrats, 2014 SA Election, Federal Election 2013, Candidates SA, M Aldridge Independent, Bob Francis, Nick Xenophon, Senate candidates SA, News for SA, South Australian candidate, Independent Australia, Australian Alliance, The Alliance, how to vote in SA, Elections Australia, YouTube Candidates, Animal Sanctuaries, Native Wildlife Sanctuarys, Cambodian candidates, Vietnamese Candidates SA, Carbon trading explained, carbon tax explained, simple understanding of carbon trading, Carbon tax Australia, Climate change, carbon trading in australia, carbon credits Australia, How Much is carbon credit worth, Climate change explained, Gillards carbon tax, Tony Abbott has to have carbon trading, Liberal and carbon credits, Trading carbon credits australia, Independent for Wakefield, Farm Direct markets Australia, Wakefield electorate, Voice of the people, Farmers markets, protecting farms in australia, Cubbie station updates, Farmer markets, Farmers market South Australia, Leon Byner, Pooraka Markets, Adelaide produce markets, Gawler markets, Barossa markets, country farmers markets, Fresh food, grocerys, Woolworths, Coles, IGA, Julian Carbone, Adelaide Airport, Roulettes tavern, Farm Direct, Virginia markets, South Australian producers, country markets, supporting farmers in Australia, Mark Aldridge Independent, don't sell Australia short, Farmers Markets, Australia is not for sale, Riverland producers, Independent for Federal politics, Top candidates, best candidates, , Supporting farmers and growers in Australia, Sean perry, Country candidate mark Aldridge, Federal Candidate Mark Aldridge, candidates in Port Wakefield, Constitution Australia, Constitutional rights Australia, Bill of rights Australia, FiveAA, leon Bynor, Political history, gun ownership, Woolworths boycott, Pokies Australia, revolution Australia, protest rallys, protests in SA, where to protest, Community advocate in SA, leading candidate Wakefield, preferences 2013, preferences wakefield, Vote one,
MARK ALDRIDGE INDEPENDENT for Wakefield, Sipporting our farmers and producers, standing for improved and defined civil rights, Animal welfare, Environmental and Habitat restoration, the retention of all Australian land into australian ownership, the restoration of our Common and Constitutional rights, Democratic reforms, CANDIDATE FOR WAKEFIELD, September 7th election, federal election 2013, Where to vote in SA, who to vote for, do I have to vote, can I vote, do I have to prefernce, where do I vote, voting in Wakefield, voting Labor in Wakefield, Wakefield candidates, Advertiser candidates, voice of the election, SA Independents, Voting Independent, Wakefield best candidates, animal rights candidates, motorsports candidates, Hemp candidates, environmental candidates, Gay Marriage candidates, Where to vote in sa, AEC, Australian electoral commission, Labor in SA, Federal Labor, voting Labor, voting Liberal, Tom Zorich, Gawler voting, northern voting, polling booth locations, dodgy voting, how to vote, how to vote slips, dodgy proactices at elections, Clare voting, who to vote for in clare, who to vote for in Elizabeth, voting in Elizabeth, Voting in Salisbury, 5AA voting, Animals Australia where to vote, GetUp where to vote, who to vote for Getup, who to vote for Animals Australia, animal welfare candidates, Wakefield animal rights, Mark aldridge Wakefield win, Voting Liberal in SA, voting Labor in SA, Where to vote for Mark Aldridge, why vote for mark Aldridge, Wakefield, Democracy, empowering voting rights, supporting local small business and our farmers and producers, standing up for my local community, WHERE TO VOTE IN WAKEFIELD, Mark Aldridge, Mark M Aldridge, voting in Australia, electoral commission of SA, electoral law, court of disputed returns, Independent Nick Xenophon, Independent Ann Bressington, Famil First, Famils first for Wakefield, Mark Independent, how to vote for mark, How to vote for council, Salisbury Council,.FARM DIRECT, MARK ALDRIDGE, INDEPENDENT, WAKEFLIED ELECTORATE, NOTRHERN CANDIDATES, Family First Wakefiled, Moorook Shelter, Animal rights, Animal rights australiaa, live export, wildlife sanctuarys, RSPCA, SAPOL, electoral change, immigration, democarcy, Securing your vote, pens not pencils, Family court reforms, Famil court, Voting Independent, How to vote for Nick, Asylum seekers, Kevin Rudd, Voting in SA, voring in Wakefield, Where to vote in Wakefield, How to vote in Wakefiled, Australian electoral commission, how to vote, where to vote, South Australia, Salisbiry Markets, Farmers direct, Farmers support, local producers, local farmers, save Australia, Don't see Australia short, Leon Bynor, five AA, Sean perry, Today Tonight, Leon bynor five aa, Bob Francis 5AA, Animal rescue, Willow wood sacntuary, Electoral law, enrolling to vote, Federal election 2013 voting, electoral commissioner SA, electoral commission, Google farm direct, Aussies farmers, farmers markets in the norht, farmers markets Salisbury, Votong in Wakefield, Channel 2 election coverage, election coverage, voting below the line, Gillard 2013, voting in the 2013 federal election, Independent candidate, 2013 federal election, 2013 referendum, Referendum 2013, Local council referendum, local government referendum, local government 2013 referendum, how to vote at referendum, Federal 2013 federal referendum, Councils and referendum, Referendums in Australia, 2013 LGA referrendum, Referendum for local government, local councils, Salisbury council, Government referendum,whould we back loval government, Local Government referendums, information on the 2013 federal referendum, 1988 referendum, local government validity, Wakefield, Federal election 2013, How to vote, Voting Independent, Supporting farmers, MARK M ALDRIDGE Independent, Aldridge Independent, Who to vote for,canberra voting, how to vote in Australia, voting for Mark Aldridge, who is mark Aldridge, voting Independent, Wakefield Federal electorate, Voting in Australia, Voting Indpendent, Voting for change, Farmers direct, Aussie Farmers direct, direct Farmers market, Aussie Farm Direct, Famers direct, Farmers direct local, Farmers market direct, Aussie food direct, fresh aussie produce, politicans supporting Farm direct, politician farmers direct support, Mark Aldridge Farmers Direct, Changing Australia, Voting for Mark Aldridge, Independent voting, Electoral reform, Democratic elections, Voting in Wakefield, ABC voting info, Supporting Farmers in Australia, Best Indpendents in Australia, Federal election 2013, How to vote, How to vote in Wakefield, where to vote in Australia, where to vote in Wakefield, Liberal candidate for Wakefield, labor candidate for Wakefield, Family First candidate for Wakefield, Greens candidate for Wakefiled, best candidate for the environment, New electoral laws,
Farmer markets, Farmers market South Australia, Leon Byner, Pooraka Markets, Adelaide produce markets, Gawler markets, Barossa markets, country farmers markets, Fresh food, grocerys, Woolworths, Coles, IGA, Julian Carbone, Adelaide Airport, Roulettes tavern, Farm Direct, Virginia markets, South Australian producers, country markets, supporting farmers in Australia, Mark Aldridge Independent, nick xenophon, buying back the farm, Farm Direct markets, Supporting local producers, boycott Coles & Woolworths, Grocery chains in Australia, Coles supermarket, Woolworths super market, Cubbie station, Barnaby joyce, Wakefield electorate, 2013 federal election, 2013 federal election candidates, South australian state election, Federal election 2013, where to vote in SA, how to vote in SA