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Political & civils rights advocate, animal lover & state co-ordinator for the Australian Federation Party


No kill shelters are safe houses for animals, places that do not put time limits on life, they do not punish animals that have been previously abused, mistreated and or starved, all life to them is equal in value, and those that run No Kill shelters do so without government support either financially or by way of protective legislation.  

All the government support, tax payer funding and media preference is behind Kill Shelters like the RSPCA and the AWL, who all have a couple of things in common, they put time limits on an animal’s life, they judge whether they will kill animals on issues like, their ideals on how easy an animal can be re-homed, the behaviour on arrival (the result of previous human actions and abuse) and simple monitory and quantity issues.

The RSPCA prefer to hoard money than to hoard animals, with the RSPCA in South Australia alone accumulating over 15 million dollars, rather than sharing any of it amongst the many struggling shelters and sanctuaries, their kill rates are as high as 50% for dogs, and 60 to 70% for all cats, and this figures is clouded from reality by the fact that many registered animals are re-claimed by their owners. 

In South Australia “Right Now� in the Legislative Council (the states upper house) there will be moves for a select committee to address many recent issues that relate to the performance of the RSPCA, its attacks on no kill shelters, and the need for legislative change to support Non Kill shelters and sanctuaries, and we must let those involved know “We Demand Change�

Links on this site will further explain the many issues that have been left for we the people to address, click here for the latest info in MOOROOK...THE RSPCA....THE LAWS AGAINST NO KILL.

Please copy this email list and let them all know “You demand an enquiry� one that will allow the hundreds of people with complaints to put forward their views, the ex RSPCA officers with complaints a safe place to put them forward, the many professional vets a safe place to be heard. Many that have contacted me will not come forward until we have established a select committee, out of fear of legal threats to silence them by the RSPCA, I myself have received several legal threats which paint a very sorry picture of this whole situation.

It would also be ideal to send your personal complaints to the media, because the Adelaide media in the most are covering up the massive ground swell of public demand for change, whether that is from fear of legal action, self interest from advertising dollars, or the simple fact like so many, they believe the RSPCA are doing a great job?

In your emails, simply use the truth, let these Members of parliament know that you demand an open and throughout enquiry, that you want a safe platform for those that know the truth to come forward, and please do this immediately.

Read the links on my site if you are not aware of all the recent issues, and let me remind you that the hundreds of email complaints, the RSPCA ex employees and the many professionals that wish the truth to come out, cannot do that without the select committee enquiry, and without your support, we may not get that.

Mark Aldridge

[email protected],com

08 82847482 / 0403379500