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Political & civils rights advocate, animal lover & state co-ordinator for the Australian Federation Party

The Work Cover Nightmare, The Liberals add insult to injury.

With the opposition industrial relations spokesman Iain Evans pledging reforms to encourage businesses to self-insure, we must all but wonder what the cost to those left on the work cover system would endure, and the effects on their already diminished capacity to support injured workers in a fair and equitable manner, says Mark Aldridge Independent for the upper house.

The Liberals' plan to cut the WorkCover levy to 2 per cent would "add insult to injury for those workers already in despair".

SA Unions secretary Janet Giles says South Australia has the costliest, least fair and most poorly managed workers compensation scheme in the nation, yet “The Opposition by way of their proposed changes seem to inadequately address the systems inherent problems”, said Mark

The impact of these bad laws is undeniable. People are struggling financially, physically and emotionally. Some have lost their homes. Some have even lost their lives," he said.

"Overall, I think that the Liberal policy offers some improvements on the current system but it doesn't go any where far enough to redress the balance and ensure that workers are treated in fair and equitable manner”.

I personally would investigate both the board it self for structural biases, ask many Questions about the over all performance including that of the $2 million dollar hand out to EML. I would also demand greater transparency regarding issues like EML’s contract re-negotiation, said Mark.

“WorkCover has become a maze of mismanagement” and their unfounded liability reaching 1.3 Billion should be of grave concerns to all South Australians. In an attempt to increase profits and reduce end users, the system attacks those it is designed to support and protect, considering we hear figures of only 1% in relation to false claims,” I feel too much money and resources are wasted trying to avoid supporting genuine suffering workers” says Mark.

Other simple issues need to be addresses while we are casting our eyes over the carnage WorkCover has become, lifting the insurable age from 65, Community centers so injured workers can have a reliable support service and the like, would be the only educated way to address the huge unfounded liability, he said.

“Empowering and supporting victims of injury, would prove the most cost effective way forward, at the same time fulfilling the promises of our consecutive State Governments” Mark Concluded.

Mark M Aldridge Independent Candidate for the Legislative Council 08 82847482 / 0403379500 Email; [email protected] Web Site;