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Lead Senate candidate for the "GREAT AUSTRALIAN PARTY"


National launch 1/12/13


Mark Aldridge; (Independent candidate & lobbyist) on Democracy and electoral reform/ truth and what is the Australian Alliance.

Sharron Hollamby; (Communities against pokies) Gambling reform

Greg Morcom; (criminal lawyer) on Law and order reform, and restoring affordable justice

Peter Manual; (spokesperson and founder of FLAG Australia) on Farmers and Landowners/NRM

Louis Szondy; (Journalist and editor) International relations and media reform

Emma Dawson-Spenser; (animal rights activist) on Animal welfare empowerment and reform

Jenny Bell; (activist) patriotism

Teresa McDowell; (Hemp hemp hooray) Hemp and its industrial applications in Australia

Anthony Forrest; (forgotten Australians) child protection and the way forward.

Alex Hodges; (writer of over 30 years) on Sovereignty and protecting our future.

Other surprise speakers on the night to be added.

The ‘Australian Alliance’ will be based on uniting Independent candidates, advocates, lobbyists and concerned community members together under one banner. This document contains the basic core directives that will unite all Australian Alliance members.

· Explain the core directives

· Contain clear Topic headings for ease of use

· Be an educational tool for candidates, the public and our representatives

· List issues of community concern to aid debate

· Discuss necessary reforms

Help working groups unite 

We will also create our own media liaison and utilise our own Independent news services.

Our main goal is to show the solidarity of a political party/lobby group using basic policy directives without dictating to those with special interests. All other issues will be by independent choice to ensure any members with political ambitions are free to represent their electorates.

The core directives will unite people with expertise and special interests to work together to collate and publish the core issues of their topic. This will help educate the community, our candidates and our supposed representatives already in parliament. We can then work on the necessary reforms needed to bring change in line with community standards.

Between elections we also work as a grass roots support group for people in need. We will support ailing small business and our primary production industry. This could be as simple as fixing a wheelchair to more complex ideals like Farm Direct markets. We will also be lobbying for a variety of reforms and fighting to define and increase our rights and liberties.

Core directives to be debated


Appoint an independent body to oversee electoral conduct and legislative change, to ensure and empower a free and informed vote. Increased security of the ballot, up to date electoral rolls and improved identity and counting procedures.


Ensure adequate support to Australian producers and growers, honest labelling in respect to country of origin and GM content. Initiate an overhaul of the grocery industry to improve competition.


Initiate legislation to enforce a minimum 51% Australian ownership plan, becoming retrospective over 10 years.


Ensure affordable and just outcomes for every Australian with increased use of juries and reforms to the federal family courts. Guarantee that every Australian is afforded competent representation, the presumption of innocence and equitable outcomes.


The introduction of a bill of rights for all South Australians with continued lobbying for it to be adopted at a national level and its inclusion in the national curriculum.


The abolition of the National Resource Management board, to be replaced with an independent body comprised of Farmers, Producers and Environmental experts in equitable numbers. Equity in farming practices with subsidies to enable competition with all imported produce.


Put essential services back into the tax payers’ hands by cutting out the middle man to lower the direct cost to the consumer.


Ensure welfare services keep up with the cost of living through the adoption of an adequate percentage of Australian Weekly Ordinary Times Earnings (AWOT) with increases to be kept in line with CPI.


Increased investment in education at all levels, including improved resources for the disadvantaged and equitable placement for Australian citizens.


Provide a healthcare model that offers effective collaboration between all services, to provide for the essential primary healthcare needs of the community. Arrange for supervision and allocation of funds to both secondary and tertiary healthcare services, ensuring that all essential healthcare services are available to the community. This would be maintained in a multidisciplinary approach incorporating quality and quantity of service.


Abolish by funding all critical waiting lists, and improve resources for stigma reduction, education and employment services.


Set up a proper, independent board to oversee animal welfare and legislative reforms. This would be done through transparent community consultation processes hosted by experts in animal welfare.


The freedom of choice, association, and freedom of our person, must be legislated and protected.


Our transport services need major overhauls and this would be done in consultation with the public on community needs and expectations.


There needs to be equity in all laws associated with motor registration and engineering standards Australia wide. The Laws of prosecution should uphold the premise of innocent until proven guilty.


All moneys raised for environmental and habitat restoration to be spent onshore to ensure clean safe water, food and air with government incentives for innovation and improvements.


To debate the introduction of the United Nations’ directives on monitory policy, animal welfare, the environment and immigration and the effect this would have on Australian sovereignty.


Fight for increased and defined services to restore accountability and public confidence.


Work to ensure equality for all Australians and visitors to our fine nation, regardless of sex, colour or creed.

Each topic to be refined in one paragraph and a dot point expansion of each topic will be by the debate of all members on equal footing. These are not policy but more so an educational tool. Members with political aspirations MUST adhere to the core directives, if they wish to use the logo during their independent campaigns.

Those with political aspirations work together like a political party, affordable membership to all those who back our core directives, each candidate supported by the Alliance puts in $1000 and pays their own nomination. The $1000 and any moneys raised or donated by our supporters for this purpose, will be used for an advertising campaign starting no less than ten days before each election in each state that the nominations and funding are so raised.

All candidate posters are to be in the Australian Alliance colour scheme and include the Australian alliance Logo; otherwise the contents are up to the individual candidate. The idea of this group is to ensure that any elected member can freely represent their electorates with the backing of an informed, educated and genuine grass roots lobby organisation.

A board meeting will be held every three months except during election cycles when they will be held monthly. The board is to consist of the spokesperson, four aspiring candidates, and five members that speak on behalf of their divisions of the Alliance.

Media releases from each division (based on core directives) will go out using the logo in the heading. Any other talk back or media related comment by members, must only use the word supporter and confirm it is their personal view, unless it is a core directive.

As a group we unite to help people in need, support the concept of out Farm Direct Markets, work on opening markets in our respective areas, and helping existing markets to ensure our food security.

If any division of the Australian Alliance holds a rally or intervention, they can do so with our support, ensuring as a group we can become a credible force as a lobbying organisation.

T shirts, polo tops, stickers, signs and flyers can be produced in bulk to keep the costs down, but they must include the logo. The Australian Alliance has a dark green, yellow and gold theme but the option of black and white varieties will be allowed.

Each supporter will be able to download and copy flyers and information to share with their friends, family and community. Any money collected by fundraising for support services will be used for education or for those in need, by way of a vote of the members.

We start now, and also work towards contesting the looming State election in March, please forward me your ideals, feedback and personal interest.

‘So far initial response is very good with people from a variety of back grounds interested in becoming a part of the Alliance either as candidates, professional advisors or community advocates. We have farmers, grocery industry experts, IT people, lawyers and barristers, pokie reform experts, Legislators, rights based experts, specialists in international politics, child protection and health care workers, animal welfare experts, immigration, and many more and of course the varied studies of the experienced political team......and the interest is Australia wide.’

Mark Aldridge ‘Founder’

Our first meet & greet held on the 20 October at the Anzano club, was a huge success.

Thanks go to the following speakers

Mark Aldridge (Independent) - Politics, Democracy, what is the Alliance?

Maria Yfantidis (Farmer) - Primary production, Fruit and vegetable

Peter Manual (Farmer) - F.L.A.G Australia spokesperson; on, farmers rights and the NRM

Greg Morcom (lawyer) - Law and order

Sharon Hollamby (lobbyist) - Gambling reform

Jenny Bell (lobbyist) - Patriotism & the current direction of Australia

Sconey Forest (lobbyist) - Forgotten Australians; on Wards of state and child protection

Louis Szondy (journalist) - international politics and media

Scott Witu (political candidate) - On unity

Emma Dawson (Activist) - Animal welfare

Alec Krickie (lobbyist) - Veteran affairs

Alex (Activist) - Intervention in Australia’s governance by overseas interests

Many budding experienced candidates, sitting and past members of parliament and lobbyists also came along in support, but time ran out to let them all speak, they included experts on; Politics, Water, Fluoride, Hemp, Aboriginal affairs, Health care, Local councils, Agenda 21, etc.

The public launch is to be held on the 1 of December at the ‘Adelaide convention centre’ from 4.00 pm.

Entertainment will be provided by:

Welcome to Country


Willy Didji on didgeridoo

You will hear the expertise of twelve speakers who will be happy to answer any questions

Professional filming of the night is arranged and uploaded to YouTube in sections and the media will be invited to attend

Cost is: $15 per head which includes afternoon tea/nibbles

‘The alliance is all about a platform to help educate the people and their representatives’, so we will utilise; You Tube, Social networks, Independent media, letter boxes and word of mouth, using the Logo as promotional tool.’

The web address for the main site will be

Media sites will be Adelaidex and Mathaba Australia, with more to come, we are negotiating inclusion in many other sites and blogs, so our message can get to the people.

Some groups are now joining and will take over running divisions of the Alliance in which they already specialise, if you are part of a smaller lobby group, please feel free to apply.

Topics to be covered at the launch include

· Farmers and Land owners & the National resource management.

· Animal welfare

· Democratic reform

· Health care

· Law and order

· Sovereignty

· What is the Australian Alliance?

· International relations and journalism

· Agenda 21

· Veteran affairs

· WorkCover reform

· The constitution of Australia

· Gambling reform

· And many more

The speakers list will be finalised by around the 12 November 2013, as will the topics to be covered.

The Alliance is not just about the problems, but the answers and how we can all make a difference, by working together as a community organisation.

We are not just after experts, we need people that want to help others, and that can work united to ensure our nations and our children’s future at every level of society.

The Australian Alliance in respect to information in this document is not yet set in stone.


Contacts; Mark Aldridge 08 82847482 / 0403379500 Dave Cook 0409929070