By Elections in SA.....Ramsay by-election information
After some 14 years now in the political arena, one would
have thought I would have a firm grip on how elections are run, the pro’s and
con’s, and at this stage of my life, be able to put up a capable campaign.
The first lesson I learnt back when the wife and ran as
Independents for the Senate, is once in a good position to win, that is when a
truth about the process becomes evident, junior journo’s making us aware that
with such good preferences, we would receive no media whatsoever, our names
being left of the ballot paper, and our vote on posters being torn down faster
than we could put them up, part of the supposed democratic process in my state
at least.
Over the next decade, the inadequacy’s of the electoral
system, the structural biases of the electoral system due to the self interest
of those writing the legislation and the media’s preference for the leaders of
the two major parties ensured our nominations were more about a voice to help
those in need, rather than any hope of being elected.
The Advertiser have the power still to make and break any
candidates dreams in SA, and no longer by the publishing of detrimental articles
but more so ensuing the silencing of their voices, even the major party
candidates themselves, need do very little, as in the most it is all about
their party’s leaders, further disenfranchising their electorates, and
empowering the medias own agenda.
It becomes very evident when I travel outside my state and
country, with people knowing who I am and having read my articles, which never
occurs in my home state, speaking in Canberra recently on Democracy, more
people in the audience knew of me, than I could ever hope to be the case in my
home town.
So when I heard there was to be a by-election in my own
community and the Liberals had chosen not to run a candidate, I couldn’t help
but put my hand up, I am well known in the area, my family name is well known,
and with my mother as the mayor, just this once I might get a fair go, and the
decision would be that of an informed electorate, something I had dreamed about
and had fought to see for many years.
I have the ground support I need, the ability to debate any
candidate on their choice of topic, the ability to cover the area with
information and vote one posters, and many friends in the political arena, also
not running, so the support would be enough to create an informed electorate.
I well know dodgy practices of the Labor party and the
electoral bias, would hand them around 10% of the vote, and that they would
have massive resources to combat my every move, including the support of their
powerful media machine, but just this once my name would at least rate a
mention, and those I have helped over the years would be reminded and jump in
to support me.
Well was I wrong, the Advertised journalists articles in the
most, were Labor only, as if the election had already been won, the Labor
candidate so far is just a face on a poster, and the information provided to
the public by the media, had so much spin on it, my eyes had trouble reading
My posters were torn down the same night they went up,
something I was ready for, putting up cheap cardboard ones and keeping the best
till last, even finding and photographing the offenders, was of no use, the
Labor party sent out thousands of postal vote applications addressed back to
them, again something I was expecting, but not to such a huge degree.
I have at every local event, the Salisbury soap box, the
candidate photo shoot, the ballot draw, the Northern Adelaide Investment launch
with the premier, to name only a few,
yet Zoe Bettison the Labor candidate, simply nowhere to be seen, and in her
absence, no media coverage of the events.
My many supporters did everything they could to help, radio
talk back with Bob Francis and Leon Byner was not to cover the election, on
line comment on media articles was not allowed or published, and the TV
stations have ignored the election as if it wasn’t even happening.
We waited until this last week to hit the power poles with
our vote one posters, and had them made up with slogans in their hundreds, so
we have more to put up than they can pull down, and hundreds in the area,
keeping an eye on them, not that the police had any interest in following up
reports of their theft and destruction.
We have hand delivered thousands of information pamphlets,
and will continue every night until the election date, we have left a little up
our sleeve for the last week, as it is apparent their will be no media
coverage, and we already know Labor will start with their false promises and
vote buying starting this same week.
The LDP have put their hat in the ring, and are there to preference
Labor, and they already have dodgy how to vote cards, that are in the Liberals colours
with the word LIBERAL in large, to dupe a few uneducated Liberal voters, and
have secured preferences from the minors using similar deceit, so as to ensure
Labor win, leaving little old me to try and secure over 50% of the primary
vote, in Labors safest seat, a very exciting thought.
Not even the Liberals themself dare speak up, on even that
point, in fact they remain as silent as the Labor candidate on all matters to
do with the election, and even the Labors letterbox pamphlets are full of
misleading information, so the odds are truly stacked against me and my many
The Liberals promised to support me, Family First, D4D and
the Democrats I have worked with and supported for many years, refuse to speak
up, as they are well aware of the campaign against me, as if standing behind a
mate is less important than wearing a dig at them by Labors media machine.
This insulting attack on democracy is one thing, but it
proves to me and my many supporters how self interest is destroying any chance
of our vote having any meaning, let alone the ability for we the people to use
it to send a clear message to those who take it for granted.
The end result for me at the very least, is that there are
even fewer budding candidates and political representatives that deserve to
wear the title of honourable, meaning the future for my wife and I will be one
of supporting only the electorate and the people in need, in the absence of
political aspirants of any virtue.
No polls, no media, no talk back and no comments allowed,
must mean we are doing very well, so I intent to up the ante for this last 6
days, my supporters and I will be everywhere, to ensure we bypass the media, we
will use the truth to empower change, and ensure the people know they have an
alternate and credible choice.
Should I ever again
enter into an election race, I will be even more prepared in the future, the
message out of all of this is a sad one indeed, there is no honest democracy
within our electoral system, none in fact at any level, and genuine grass roots
has all but lost its place where it deserves to be as the true voice of the
people, or can we prove it has a place? We find out next Saturday.
Mark Aldridge “Independent for Ramsay”
The voice of the community
My article regarding the outcome of the 2010 election should be
read with this note to provide an over view of our electoral process and
providing even more reason to back me into parliament, as without our vote, we
are left with.....................