All tattoo shop owners and their
staff under new legislation now must apply for a three-year licence from NSW
Police and Fair Trading, another added cost and increased red taps for small
business seems to be flavour of the day.
Police Minister Michael Gallacher said anyone with criminal
associations would be denied a licence, and would be fined if they continued to
One wonders if such draconian
legislation is all about pushing reformed criminals back into crime, because it
is not a crime to perform the art of tattooing, says Mark Aldridge.
The sell that "It is about cleaning up that industry” is abhorrent,
because this new law accounts for association, not just the artists or shop
owners past, so should tattoo parlours be forced to perform back ground checks
on any prospective customer?
Licences will cost $700 for tattooists and more than $2000 for
operators of a tattoo parlour. Any tattoo parlour found without a licence will
be fined a massive $11,000 a day. Individual owners face fines of $5500 a day,
and tattoo artists will receive a one-off fine of $5000.
All workers in tattoo shops will be
fingerprinted and any past associations scrutinised by police, somewhat akin to
the actions of Nazi Germany, “where will this stupidity end “Says Mark.
One must wonder what will happen from
here, is a person has already paid the price for ones indiscretions, and choose
to run an honest business, and then they are shut down, how will they be
expected to pay their mortgage?
It appears new laws in this country
continue to attack an innocent person after they have already been punished,
seemingly out of frustration by police who are unable to lock up people they believe might commit a
crime at some time in the future.
“Since when was it an offence to operate
a legitimate business activity in this country, simply because you once committed
or know a person who once committed a crime?”
Why not just go all the way and make
it a crime to conduct an honest business if you have at any time in your life
buggered up, that will surely give the police plenty of crime to fight.
Mark Aldridge. Independent and Civil rights campaigner