MARK M ALDRIDGE Independent - Petition down load Rego                 a.userlink { color: #253741; } a.userlink:visited { color: #6a818c; } a.userlink:hover { color: #005e85; } font[size="1"] { font-size:10px; } font[size="2"] { font-size:13px; } font[size="3"] { font-size:16px; } font[size="4"] { font-size:18px; } font[size="5"] { font-size:24px; } font[size="6"] { font-size:32px; } font[size="7"] { font-size:48px; } .GuestBookMessage { font-family: Arial; color: #000000; font-size: 13px; } .GuestBookMessageRow { font-family: Arial; color: #000000; font-size: 12px; } .GuestBookHeader { font-family: Arial; color: #000000; font-size: 12px; }                                                                                                                 CLICK ON EITHER OF THE ATTACHED LINKS AND DOWN LOAD A COPY OF THE PETITION, GET AS MANY SIGNATURES AS YOU CAR FROM YOUR WORK PLACE FAMILY OF FRIENDS, EVEN HIT SERVICE SA BRANCHES.....adn post back to me by the 20th March, to ensure they are included in the a huge win for the people to claew back some common sense.LINK TO THE ON-LINE PETITION IS ON THE HOME PAGE OR CLICK HERERestore Labels - Legislative Council Petition.pdf (PDF — 135 KB)Restore Labels - Legislative Council Petition.docx (DOCX — 15 KB)                      Website Builder provided by Vistaprint