Disabilities in despair or disrepair?
A recent Story in the Advertiser brought to my attention the plight of our children with disabilities, a quick investigation has brought to light the true and sad picture of what could be only described as abuse of our most needy by an uncompassionate government.
Most States of Australia ensure a very transparent funding program is available to all that seek the information, yet South Australia seems to find reason to make the quest some what difficult, understandably so, when one uncovers the sad truth.
Novita’s annual reports clearly indicate not only a drop in allotted funding but as expected a rise in costs of services provided, add to this a sharp rise in the assistance required on top of an average 9.5% yearly increase in demand for services in general, and the picture paints a sorry tail.
With inflation at some 3.5% and demand rising 9.5% per annum, wouldn’t we expect a similar raise in State Government funding of say 13%, the sad fact is not only are our most needy being left to fend for themselves, which in most case’s they can not, but even if we were to have a 50% rise in funding tomorrow, South Australia’s disabled Children would still be receiving less than the National average.
With over 3000 languishing on waiting lists and over 1000 of them at a critical rating, what the hell is our Government waiting for? This situation can no longer be tolerated and urgent action is past its cut of date, Novita have asked for a measly couple of million, to try and address their more urgent cases, I feel they are selling themselves well short, if I were Novita I would be demanding an immediate injection of at least 4 million, and then annual increases over the next 5 years of at least 12% pa starting in 2010 at 10.5 million (8.8 mill recurrent grant at present)
Kevin Rudd in May 2008 announced an increase in federal funding of 100 million for disability services, which is nowhere near enough, and just where was our percentage spent?
Mike Rann and his minister Rankine have a lot to answer for, I bet the scenario would be different if either had to care for a disabled child. South Australia is the highest taxed state in Australia at the same time receiving the least in regards to infrastructure, services and income.
It just so happens we spend the most on spin doctors and government self promotion and this story show’s at just what expensive to the community in general, we have many genuine needs in our beloved state, but first and foremost we should provide adequate services for those most in need, and that is not your self promotion Mr. Rann or increased jobs for your mates.
A Fundraiser and protest rally will be held in the new year, to demand a fair go for our children with disability, in fact all those with similar needs in our community, with the hope of also raising some quick funds to provide urgent equipment for those in critical need, and as usual the overtaxed people and business’s of this fine state will have to again step up to the mark and do the job that our government just don’t seem to care enough to get right.
Our 2 party political regimes need an urgent injection of genuine compassion, and I sincerely hope they find it sooner than later, and with an election looming, I hope the electorate force it down their throats
Mark M Aldridge Independent Candidate P O Box 1073 Virginia S.A. 5120 08 82847482 / 0403379500 aldridgemark@bigpond.com www.markmaldridge.com www.howtovoteinsa.net
MARK ALDRIDGE INDEPENDENT, CANDIDATE FOR RAMSAY, The voice of the Community" community advocate for the north, Ramsay by-election Ramsay By Election, Ramsay Election, Zoe Bettison, Liberal candidate Ramsay election, Mike Rann resigns, Independent for Ramsay, Salisbury election, how to vote in Ramsay, South Australian Elections, Member of the Alliance Australian, 2010 Federal Election, Labor Party, Liberal Party, Australian Democrats, Democracy, Voting in Australia, Elections, electoral reform, Mark Aldridge, Mark M Aldridge, Julia Gillard, Nick Xenophon Independent, Murray river, Taxation, The Alliance Australia, Dodgy Elections, Freedoms and Liberties, Federal Election, Electoral , Commission, South Australian 2013 election, Mike Rann premier, How to vote in South Australia, Treason, The republican debate, Carbon Tax, climate change Australia, clean energy, solar power, mass power storage, carbon trading, carbon tax, Labor party SA, MARK ALDRIDGE, electoral reform, 2014 state election South Australia, Democracy, SAPOL, City of Salisbury, Zoe Bettison, Water proofing Adelaide, Colin Pitman, Salisbury Wetlands, Northern Invest, Electoral commission South Australia, Family First SA, Ramsay electorate, 2014 State election, South Australian 2014 election, Labor party Zoe Bettison, Dodgy elections, how to vote, Election results SA, Voting, elections, constitution, commonwealth of Australia, voice of the community, Water security, Colin Pitman, save the Murray, Power generation, Labor V Liberal, Community safety, SAPOL, Salisbury Police station, Nuclear power, Carbon Tax, Environmental protection SA, South Australian politics, Politics, 2 party politics, Helen Aldridge, Willow Wood sanctuary, Courts, Bikie laws, Constitution, Councils, Local government, LEON BYNER, 5AA, radio five aa, South Australian 2014 March election, 2014 state election, 2014 Independent candidate, UN declaration of human rights, MARK ALDRIDGE VOICE OF THE COMMUNITY, RAMSAY ELECTORATE, RAMSAY ELECTION BOUNDARIES, WHERE TO VOTE RAMSAY, Politics Australia the truth, Gillard V Rudd, Best candidates in SA, who to vote for in 2014, MARK ALDRIDGE INDEPENDENT, CANDIDATE FOR RAMSAY, The voice of the Community" community advocate for the north, Ramsay by-election Ramsay By Election, Ramsay Election, Zoe Bettison, Liberal candidate Ramsay election, Mike Rann resigns, Independent for Ramsay, Salisbury election, how to vote in Ramsay, South Australian Elections, Member of the Alliance Australian, 2010 Federal Election, Labor Party, Liberal Party, Australian Democrats, Democracy, Voting in Australia, Elections, electoral reform, Mark Aldridge, Mark M Aldridge, Julia Gillard, Nick Xenophon Independent, Murray river, Taxation, The Alliance Australia, Dodgy Elections, Freedoms and Liberties, Federal Election, Electoral , Commission, South Australian 2013 election, Mike Rann premier, How to vote in South Australia, Treason, The republican debate, Carbon Tax, climate change Australia, clean energy, solar power, mass power storage, carbon trading, carbon tax, Labor party SA, MARK ALDRIDGE, electoral reform, 2014 state election South Australia, Democracy, SAPOL, City of Salisbury, Zoe Bettison, Water proofing Adelaide, Colin Pitman, Salisbury Wetlands, Northern Invest, Electoral commission South Australia, Family First SA, Ramsay electorate, 2014 State election, South Australian 2014 election, Labor party Zoe Bettison, Dodgy elections, how to vote, Election results SA, Voting, elections, constitution, commonwealth of Australia, voice of the community, Water security, Colin Pitman, save the Murray, Power generation, Labor V Liberal, Community safety, SAPOL, Salisbury Police station, Nuclear power, Carbon Tax, Environmental protection SA, South Australian politics, Politics, 2 party politics, Helen Aldridge, Willow Wood sanctuary, Courts, Bikie laws, Constitution, Councils, Local government, LEON BYNER, 5AA, radio five aa, South Australian 2014 March election, 2014 state election, 2014 Independent candidate, UN declaration of human rights, MARK ALDRIDGE VOICE OF THE COMMUNITY, RAMSAY ELECTORATE, RAMSAY ELECTION BOUNDARIES, WHERE TO VOTE RAMSAY, Politics Australia the truth, Gillard V Rudd, Best candidates in SA, who to vote for in 2014, The 2014 South Australian state election will elect members to the 53rd Parliament of South Australia on 15 March 2014. All seats in the House of Assembly or lower house, whose current members were elected at the 2010 election, and half the seats in the Legislative Council or upper house, last filled at the 2006 election, will become vacant. The 12-year incumbent Australian Labor Party, currently led by Premier Jay Weatherill, will be challenged by the opposition Liberal Party of Australia, currently led by Opposition Leader Isobel Redmond., Dont sell Australians short, Dont sell Australia short, leon Byner, Five AA, Google, 5AA, Australian land sales, Wikipedia Politics Australia, Nick Xenophon, Selling Australia short, Clive Palmer, CATA, No Carbon tax, Carbon trading details, Labor party QLD, Australian greens, Getup, Helen Aldridge, Animal rights activist, Mike Rann, FREEDOM, DEMOCRACY, Julia Gillard, Jay Weathrill, Ramsay electorate, best candidate, Independent candidate for Ramsay, Liberal party SA, GetUp, Paul Makin, Today Tonight, Pauline Hansen, ETSA, power production, sale of assets, buying back the farm, Bill of Rights Australia, Mark Aldridge Bill of rights, South Australian 2014 State election, How to vote in SA, Labor funds GetUp, Salisbury elections, Salisbury community activists, Gillian Aldridge, employment, SAPOL, Salisbury police station, Voting in Australia, Taxation, used cars, LPG prices, ZOE BETTISON, Holdens, GMH, infrastructure. Bill of rights Australia, Buddhism activists, hemp, Cannabis, Today Tonight, Leon Byner, Sean Perry, FiveAA radio, WorkCover SA, GetUp, LDP, Liberal Democratic part, FREE Australia Party, Democrats, 2014 SA Election, Federal Election 2013, Candidates SA, M Aldridge Independent, Bob Francis, Nick Xenophon, Senate candidates SA, News for SA, South Australian candidate, Independent Australia, Australian Alliance, The Alliance, how to vote in SA, Elections Australia, YouTube Candidates, Animal Sanctuaries, Native Wildlife Sanctuarys, Cambodian candidates, Vietnamese Candidates SA,