Small business
support is the answer to 2012 employment success in Ramsay
job-seekers are vying for each job vacancy in SA, Australian Bureau of
Statistics figures show” says Mark Aldridge Independent for Ramsay.
Even with the
governments ability to spin the figures in their favour by the inclusion of the
under employed (those working a couple of hours a week) the future for the
state and indeed the unemployed people of Ramsay is indeed bleak.
Recent headlines
like that of the $200 million dollar bail out of Holden’s Elizabeth plant, are
a clear indication that manufacturing is suffering the very same hardships of
the self employed and small business sectors, says mark.
A $200 million
bail out for Holden’s works out at around $30,000 per employee over the next
couple of years, with no promise GMH will even last that time, a similar
situation to Mitsubishi not so long ago, so the government are not addressing
the root of the problem.
If the people in
general are being stifled financially by increased costs of living and the
small business and self employed sectors are doing it hard, who is going to buy
Holden’s produce?
In the absence
of tariff protections, the only avenue left is added support to the small
business sector, who have for far too long been a cash cow for the government,
and with the looming green tape accompanying the extra overheads associated for
us all with the introduction of the carbon tax this July, urgent action must be
We in the small
business sector are now working twice as hard for half the income, and the
added work hours alone are taking their toll, many simply can no longer
continue, and do I know how that feels says Mark.
There are simple
ideas in our past that would help, if Holden’s can receive over $60,000 per
employee in one lump sum, then why not at least subsidise small business to
take on more employees, it would create jobs, allow employers time to perform
on the job training, lower their work load and improve productivity.
Holden’s $200
million at say a subside of $15,000 per new employee on the books for small
business and the self employed, especially our trades people, would be a huge
incentive to create jobs, creating over well 13,000 subsidies in south Australia alone
for the same dollar value, says Mark
I do not
advocate to in any way see the back of Holden’s in South Australia, but the
whole Mitsubishi debacle is still fresh in my mind says Mark, but if Holden’s
are worth $200 million, why are the biggest employers, we in the small business
sector left without support, let alone those unemployed without the skills for
the dwindling positions left available?
There are many
grass roots issues that need to be addressed for all employers of South
Australia, none the least being draconian taxes like stamp duty and payroll tax,
but when we see the Labor government award bonuses like the 50 million paid to
the desalination plant, which had a less than satisfactory performance record,
it makes one wonder where we are heading.
Creating secure
jobs, increases spending and productivity, of which the flow on benefits are
huge for the state as a whole, as an Independent I believe we must think outside
the box, and look back over our history for Ideals, rather than let the state
slip further of track, I suppose that decision will be left to the Ramsay
electorate, more of the same, or to risk change hmmmmm.
Mark M Aldridge
candidate for Ramsay
08 82847482 /