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Political & civils rights advocate, animal lover & state co-ordinator for the Australian Federation Party


Waiting - Cameron Oates (Live in a Courtyard)

Live filmed and mixed in a courtyard, Cameron Oates shows of some of his new songs

Timed to perfection "Cameron Oates" will kick of his Australian outback tour to support our Farmers and Truckers on the same day as I "Mark Aldridge Independent" Launches the first of my national Policy's on the very same platform.

I will be helping Cameron in respect to his tour of the out back because our farmers, producers and indeed our trucking industry deserve support and the admiration of the nation.

The event will be held on the grounds of the manor as it has come to be known, the heritage property of my wife and I, in Penfield gardens from 6.00 pm on Friday the 26th of July.

It will be a relaxed event for my many supporters and those local truckers and farmers I have supported over the years and through my "Farm Direct" Markets, the entrance fee of $5 will go direct to Cameron, to help him cover the costs of his Australian "Set in Stone" tour.

I have worked with local farmers and producers now for several years, tackled labelling issues, held rallies to address the unfair contracts and shelving issues of the big Duopoly in the grocery industry as well as opening several "Farm Direct" Markets in an around Adelaide to support those producers adversely affected by dodgy grocery giant contracts.

My Major Campaign will be called "Put your money in the right pockets" and is all about the promotion of buying local.

For too long the Australian people have complained about a variety of issues relating to imported products and produce, not only their affect on our local economy, but also the lack of quality and some of the dangerous chemicals being exposed in their production.

I have had over 300 signs made and also massive trailer mounted bill boards to help spread the message around the state.

One of my trailed mounted signs on the left

"Cameron like myself and in fact all Australians have had enough of the political mediocrity, that appears to frown on protectionism, begging the question why elect representatives if they are not there to protect our nations future, let alone to ensure our food security".

If I as an unelected person, can not only improve conditions for our farmers but go on to see old farms being replanted, I am sure as an elected representative I will be able to do even more to help ensure our nations fresh food future, so every Australian should be asking every local candidate where they sit on this very important topic.

Cameron is a self taught entertainer who truly grasps the Australian spirit through his music, and to tour the outback to entertain our struggling producers and truckers should be an inspiration to all of us.

As parents and proud Australians, the one thing we must all protect, is the right of future generations to enjoy affordable fresh produce that is not covered in dangerous chemicals or genetically modified.ptions from the toolbar.

On the other side of spectrum is our trucking Industry, whom without them, the country would scream to a halt, they are being undermined by overzealous red-tape just like all of us that dare try and maintain a small business in a nation where our government have trouble seeing below the level or the corporate world.

The cost of living in Australia is balanced against the cost of transport so using the trucking industry as a cash cow to cover the governments many short comings, is just as short sighted.

Small business, our transport industry and our Farmers and producers, built this nation, and are the corner stone of putting us back on our feet, I for one will fight for their protection.

Feel free to give me a call and book in for Friday the 26th of July, and relax with good people and superb entertainment, chuck Cameron a couple of dollars and BYO chairs and drinks.

Waltzing Matilda ~ Cameron Oates0001

Cameron Oates has the unique ability to stir ones soul back to a time now that is only in our history books. Yet, as the Patron of Mt Morris Station, Charleville together with these public, and privat...

Mark Aldridge

82847482 / 0403379500

[email protected]