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Political & civils rights advocate, animal lover & state co-ordinator for the Australian Federation Party

“Failure is not an option”

Salisbury high school's "Students with disability Basketball carnival"

How can it fail, when compassionate students with disabilities, work together to support fellow students with disabilities! This year’s motto “Failure is not an option” is very fitting indeed. 

With over 350 participants expected for the event, the Salisbury High Schools, “Students with disabilities Basket ball Carnival” will have a huge impact on the lives of many, and deserves the support of the local people and indeed the local business community.

The carnival is held over two days, with the second day being the finals (trophies are given to first place, medals to second place and each participant receives a show bag). The carnival is one of the only disability competition’s that provides a competitive program and a ‘real’ finals experience for people with a disability. 

“It is also a very notable achievement, Salisbury High School has achieved the remarkable feat of becoming a finalist in four of the 10 categories,” in the sports shining stars awards for their carnivals, making our support very worthy indeed. 

The great work that these students achieve in my eyes is legendary, even more so that they achieve such superb results, without the benefit of adequate funding to do so, says Mark Aldridge local independent candidate.

I would like to see some hands in the hip pockets to ensure this Carnival continues to survive and grow over the coming years, if you can help support the carnival in any way, you should contact either myself or the school as soon as practice.

Donations are tax deductable, and those who support will be privileged to attend a dinner with the supporters, players and organizers, I am pledging my support, and hope to see other local business leaders do the same. 

On the 23 and 24 of August show your support for the hard work of compassionate people.   

Mark Aldridge Community advocate and Independent candidate (08) 82847482 or Email; [email protected]

Emma Ramke at Salisbury High school on (08) 81820200 or Email; [email protected]