way forward for the Environment deserves honest debate
things first when addressing the planets future is that of the environment,
lets push aside global warming debate and the associated decade old argument as
to the true driver of climate, and get on with the real concerns, planning for
future disasters, increasing renewable energy, reducing pollution and ensuring
adequate supplies of potable water, power and food stocks.
say sunshine and sea breezes can not power an industrial economy, I know I have
voiced my concerns for many years, the only reason for this idealism, is lack
of government funded research into mass power and water storage.
considering the way forward, population, available resources, and future
investment are of the utmost concern, interconnected national high speed mono
rail, water and power transmission have always been of the table, as have major
infrastructure plans akin to the Snowy river scheme.
under ground compressed air, pre-pumped hydro, Ultra capacitors and mass
storage batteries like, Sodium Sulfur or “NAS” batteries, Lithium-ion Batteries and flow batteries as mass storage
for existing green energy generation like solar and wind, would be the ideal
step in the reduction of fossil fuel generation of base load power, even better
is the fact, it would appease those who do and do not believe in Co2 caused
I wonder if any
scientists have considered mass water storage at high altitudes, water being
pumped their by excess green energy, and using it supply water and hydro
electricity when the sunshine or wind are not around, the water itself could
add to much needed environmental flows, but such Ideals have become a thing of
the past.
The diversion of
vital crop production is nothing short of genocide while population growth is
on the agenda of western capitalism, looking to the past of our societies we in
the most overlook ideal crops for the many industrial gaps that would appear if
we wish to address our long term environmental issues.
Hemp has long been
taboo since the 1950’s and 60’s cannabis prohibition propaganda, yet in itself
holds a lot of our answers, for those who hold Co2 emissions as our primary
concern, hemp is renowned for its consumption of Co2 and other airborne
pollution, grows quickly and consumes very little.
Bio fuels like
ethanol or bio diesel, bio degradable plastics, textile and paper
manufacturing, food stocks of the highest caliber and Omega 3 content, and
latest break through in hemp building products and vehicle manufacturing, the
applications are mind boggling.
“Why use up the forests
which were centuries in the making and the mines which required ages to lay
down, if we can get the equivalent of forest and mineral products in the annual
growth of the hemp fields?" - Henry
Nuclear power will now remain
of the agenda due to catastrophes in recent times, but even prior, modern break
through’s in High temperature pebble bed reactors, Alvis and simplex spent fuel
recycling and isotope recovery, I wrote about a decade ago, have been in the
most shelved for the past decade.
While people in my own state
of South Australia drive around with hydrogen complimented vehicles, electric
and bio=diesel powered transport, they do so in silence as not one of their
ideas or the many issues I have raised so far are on the agenda, yet tens of
thousands of people will blindly follow a huge billion dollar tax of which even
the name is dodgy (carbon pollution tax) to describe Co2 the life blood of the
planet, in which the government promise will change the weather.
Do we want to protect and
save the environment or change the weather, or do some of, or all of the
aforementioned Ideals do both? And ask your self; will any of these issues be
part of the carbon tax agenda?
The sad fact is the 113
million the federal government will spend on promoting the carbon tax before
the legislation is even on the table would cover research into all the ideals
With the government itself
making it clear the 11 billion plus new “Carbon Pollution” tax will be passed
onto we the people, and the regular proposed increases, the incentives for such
innovations just wont be there, neither will any urgency for big polluters to
curb their ways, it is far more likely that we will see fingers in the billion
dollar pie, just as Europe recently uncovered.
If sea levels are to rise and
cause hundreds of billions of dollars damage, why not take action to secure our
low lying areas, and increasing investment in hospitals and emergency service,
rather than plan to change the climate in which we live, because Australia has
no hope of doing that alone as even if we closed down tomorrow, the IPCC them
selves point to man made Co2 emissions of 3% and Australia at less than 1% of
that, 20% of 1% of 3% of 0.28% make up of man made green house gas.
To be honest it is not about
the weather, but about the environment, because they work hand in hand, it is
all about the way forward for us as a global community, and to me it seems the
biggest victim is the truth and honest and open debate.
The Carbon tax is a done deal
in Australia even though polls show a majority of the people are against it,
the Government are pulling all their resources, spending tens of millions of
our money promoting their tax, using their lobby group GetUp with Union
backing, and their media clout to ensure their promise is supported, with out
even having to let us know the details, and our children are being taught the
very same position in our schools, so the debate is already over, not even the
mighty pen was heralded.
The sudden urgency of a tax
on carbon, against such public opposition reeks of interference from an outside
source, the words “Carbon Pollution” to describe Co2 belittles the truth, in
the same way the argument that we can “change the weather”, divides the
community, everyone debates the science, while those employed to sell the
ideals like GetUP (Sorros/Unions) Labor (Garnaut) and the UN’s IPCC (Al Gore)
are not climate scientists, and it is commonly known that any scientific opponents
of the debate are chastised and find themselves out of work.
Al gores the “convenient
truth” was torn to pieces in the high court for its use of misleading
information, Australia’s advertising promotions, have been found wanting of the
truth, using images of smoke stacks, billowing black smoke are of an English
plant closed almost 30 years ago, 146 of the 150
people in our House of Representatives were elected at the last election on the
specific promise that they'd say "no" to a carbon tax, yet still the
supporters of the tax, seem to have no understanding as to why any would oppose
it, maybe if truth was on the agenda, and it was called the “Save the
Environment Tax” just maybe it would be swallowed easier.
It helps not that the Liberal opposition
have nothing sensible on the table, which only empowers Labor’s new found
supporters as if any action is better than none, which has become the catch cry
of the new tax believers, leaving the rest of us with no choice but to oppose
tax, with no just environmental plan to support, something we should have
become accustomed in out ailing 2 party system.
The only way forward is to abandon the
climate debate, and embrace the environmental needs of the planet, allow open
and honest debate and start immediately to initiate rewards for innovation, and
funding for mass power storage and alternate energy and crop production, and to
come up with ideals to force big polluters to become accountable with out being
able to pass the buck onto the end user.
Here’s to unity and open and honest
Mark M Aldridge
Independent Candidate
Proud member of the Alliance