MARK M ALDRIDGE Independent - Community Advocate "Voice of the People"

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To vote or not to vote

Just a quicky blog, asking the question should we vote, can we vote and does our vote count?

In Australia we have no protected rights, no "Bill of rights" there fore it could be said the only input we have into the way our country is run is our vote!

The constitution says we have an entitlement to vote, wether or not that entitlement is a right is also a big question.

The fact is we should vote, as it is all we have, but if we are to ensure our vote works, it must be a free and informed one, so how free is it, and how does one become informed?

The freedom of our choice is marred by the fact electoral law is written by those with the most to gain from structural biases, so we have ended up with a 2 party system, which uses words like MUST attend to vote, MUST have a preference for every candidate, then the 2 party count ensures your vote ends up with them.......big loose

Informed vote begs the question, who is running and what do they stand for, yet some names of candidates are left of the ballot paper squares, why? Such dodgy bias also allows us to ask, "How to Vote" since even that info has been missing from several elections.

With up to 30% of votes missing during recent elections, and massive reports of dodgy practices on top of what could already be described as a dodgy process, has our right to vote, been watered down so much, we have already lost it?

Plenty of notes on my website, plenty of truths, and I have been involved in plenty of court cases, yet open debate is of the agenda, there lies your answer 

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