The Australian Alliance SA
Being all about grass roots action, here are our up and coming events
Due to self-serving anti-democratic changes to the state
electoral Act hastily written in late December just before the sudden close of
Parliament in South Australia, the Australian Alliance will not have the
funding and resources to support candidates in as many seats as first expected.
We have had 2 nominations for support in the upper house and
4 lower house applications so far, in any event the new costs hike, will ensure
we will be limited in resources.
In light of that fact, we have chosen to do as much grass
roots lobbying as we can during the lead up to the state election in March 2014
through street corner meetings and several awareness campaigns.
Our legal team has taken on several cases which will also be reported
on our website.
The Australian Alliance animal welfare section is also
putting together a rescue management team which will work hand in hand with
many of SA’s leading shelters, foster carers and sanctuary owners.
The Alliance is holding and or speaking at the following
rallies around Australia:
Rally 26.1.14; to demand a bill of rights for all Australians, every
parliament and overseas embassies on the 26 of January, Mark
Aldridge will be speaking in Canberra and Scott Nichols will be covering
Adelaide with David Cook supporting logistics. Other interstate supporters will
be speaking in Melbourne and NSW.
Aldridge the collator of the Bill of rights will be at the National
Press Club Canberra on Friday and Saturday on the lead up to what is expected
to be one of the largest protests in history.
Care for
Kids rally 2014 (A follow on from the massive 2010 rally) 22
of February 2014, Parliament house Adelaide from 12.00 pm
2014 Voice
of the animals rally (a follow on from 2013) 18 May at 9.00
am Rymill Park
Say no to
the culling of Sharks (By Emma our animal welfare spokesperson) 1
February 2014 Mosley square Glenelg.
“Taking the
right steps” in animal welfare, state campaign launch in late February
2014 Adelaide, and the national launch will take place at Melbourne fashion
week in March.
Our State
campaign; Putting your money in the right pockets started by Mark in
2013 will continue throughout the state election campaign.
development, our template is able to be viewed.
Peter Manual our advisor on Farmers and land owners (FLAG
Mark Aldridge, National spokesperson on Democracy in SA
Sharon Hollumby (community’s against pokies) on gambling
Emma Dawson Spenser our animal welfare spokesperson on our
taking the rights steps in animal welfare, for our national campaign in March
Teresa McDowell (Hemp Hemp Hooray) on industrial Hemp in SA
Jenny Bell on patriotism
Alex Hodges on the UN and trade deals
Sconey Forest on Forgotten Australians
Louis Szondy (Journalist and editor) on International relations
Our team in Adelaide will be opening more “Farm Direct” community markets over
the next few months, in grass roots support of our farmers and growers, with
the aim of addressing the rising cost of living in SA.
releases; will be available for down load from the website from the beginning
of February 2014, those members applying for our support during the SA state
election are urged to contact Mark Aldridge or Dave Cook.
The rest of the video collection is being edited for our
campaign advertising.
Mark Aldridge “National spokesperson” 0403379500
Dave Cook “Campaign director” 0409929070