Are our Police allowed to flout the Law?
Motorcyclists are being not only treated like criminals by
association, but the police are ignoring the rule of law, at the cost of our
Why do we have rules and regulations if they only apply to
the public, and those that are employed by us to enforce them, need not even
consider doing the right thing?
I am sick to death of SAPOL thinking they are the law rather
than employed to enforce it, the issue of fines and defects should be done for
no other reason than the deterrent of wrong doing and for the benefit of
genuine road safety.
SAPOL disregard the rights of road users and in a vain
attempt to increase government revenue and to bully those that dare question
their motives.
I continually receive calls and emails from angry motorists
about their unfair treatment and my investigations in nearly every case show
our police to be wanting of any Idea of Justice, having personally endured
several matters this year alone, I can only conclude that SAPOL have a lot to
answer for.
Since the Rann government’s “Anti Biker” spin, it becomes
quite clear that SAPOL have been requested to up the ante. If a Police officer
issues a fine or defect with out adherence to the law, there should be some
enforced accountability full stop, but where the bloody hell is it?
One perfect example is defects for Noise, how dare any
officer guess your exhaust to be too loud let alone do so when the bike is not
running, “those pipes look loud” is nothing but bullshit, the National
Transport Commission has very clear guidelines for the issue of such defects,
which are totally ignored both by SAPOL and our Regency Park Inspection
Station, we urgently need an enquiry into this deceitful practice, if the
police break the law, who polices them?
The cost to me earlier this year was around $130 plus time
of the road and that of attendance, and I had to remind the inspection station
of the regulations, the same bike defected was passed only because I knew the
law. Where is my reimbursement Mr. Police Commissioner, and how many hundreds
or even thousands of other innocent motorists have suffered?
With no truly Independent Authority to Police SAPOL, this
disgraceful conduct will continue unchanged. Every motorist that endures this
attack on our rights needs to stand up and fight every single unwarranted fine
or defect, unfortunately this will do little more than tie up our under
resourced court system, but what other avenue do we have?
While this situation further justifies the need for an
Independent Body like that of ICAC, it also casts doubt on the ability of our
supposed minister for Justice, the Attorney General Michael Atkinson’s ability
to perform his role.
I hereby Demand an Enquire into SAPOL and our Department of
Transport Authorities over these serious allegations, which are doing nothing
to install any confidence in our police services in general, it may end up the
case that we need access to an independent
road-worthiness testing station, to allow the innocent to
prove their case.
Mark M Aldridge
Independent Candidate for the Legislative Council
P O Box 1073 Virginia S.A. 5120
08 82847482 / 0403379500