Well the media are well aware of my story, I sent some info
to the main reporters letting them know I can make available both Videos/photos
and witnesses.
The story covers all aspects of the new Northern Expressway,
reports of shoddy work, bonus’s by the State Government to complete as much as
possible prior to the March 20 election, huge theft of water, non payment of
local workers, huge preference to employ Vic workers, in fact what little work
they gave SA workers was via a dodgy 2 year contract, which makes it impossible
for them to receive center link support, even though they are not being paid.
The Water theft has left local growers facing restrictions,
many having to pay thousands to sink deeper bores and long-term damage to the
aquifers. Colin Pitman of Salisbury Council’s Water recycling scheme offered
them water to help fund increased recycling, they never got back to him, easier
to steal our water.
We have all seen the consequences of our river running dry,
huge cracks in the land, banks falling into the river, so what do you all think
happens if the Aquifers run dry?
The State government had a site in 2002 that addressed this
issue, saying that the resource was already over allocated, this site was shut
down, but lucky for us is still floating around in cyber space, all others have
had the aquifer resource removed.
The once great artesian basin is being destroyed, just like
our mighty river.
Many regional areas are also feeling the brunt of poor water
management, with their water supplies both drying up and in many cases out
rightly unsafe in quality.
Other than the support of Paul Makin of today tonight, the
rest of the media seem to have been told to remain silent on the issue, out of
sight out of mind.
Today Tonight will run the story on Monday night,(8/2/10) unfortunately they can not expose the full extent of the damage, as the
bastards are putting up a fight, I have photos of them frantically covering up,
luckily we got there first and filmed a few weeks ago.
One of the employees has lost everything, I am working with
her land agent to keep a roof over her head, and if I have to I will find the
money, until we sue these bastards.
She can not get unemployment because she is under a 2 year
full time work agreement, even though she is presently receiving bugger all,
just so the Rann government can say South Australian workers benefited, damn
well disgraceful, I hate to think how many more are out there.
Many other issues from this one investigation include,
damage to the aquifer, hundred of years old trees and local crops dying, and
possible sink holes that could swallow up whole areas if this problem is not
urgently addressed.
All this and the media are not interested? Well they were
not interested when the government was put on notice for a (shall we say)
“rigged election” in 2006.
I will keep fighting and have many other investigations
under way, and many others that have also received the silent treatment, in
fact I held a rally that addressed the Attorneys attacks on our rights in
November 2009, not much media then either, but as we have seen it is now
headline news.