March 2010 Election cannot proceed
The South Australian Attorney General Says “Break the
Electoral Law”
“So it would appear Michael Atkinson is now above the law in
our state, some how deciding that he has the power to allow the democratic
process of our election to be ignored to suit his own agenda” Says Mark
Aldridge Independent for the upper house.
I have yet to find a law that backs his decision to ignore
electoral reform he himself wrote, and that was passed by both the major
parties, says Mark.
Now that the Government is in caretaker mode, and therefore
unable to rescind the Legislation, I would have assumed the Electoral
Commissioner would have to perform her responsibilities under the act.( 8(b) is responsible for the proper conduct of elections
in accordance with this Act).
The Attorneys Legislative
change is quite clear and is now a part of the Electoral Act.
116—Published material to identify person responsible
for political content
(1) A person must not, during an election period,
publish material consisting of, or
containing a commentary on, any candidate or political
party, or the issues being
submitted to electors, in written form, in a journal
published in electronic form on the
Internet or by radio or television or broadcast on the
Internet, unless the material or
the programme in which the material is presented
contains a statement of the name
and address (not being a post office box) of a person
who takes responsibility for the
publication of the material.
Maximum penalty:
(a) if the offender is a natural person—$1 250;
(b) if the offender is a body
corporate—$5 000
This situation clearly shows
the need to maintain independent scrutiny of Legislative change, says Mark,
seems both parties supported the change when they thought it would be biased in
their favor, but now with the expected voter back lash, they have tried to jump
ship on the changes, “so where does that leave the performance of the up and
coming election” questions Mark.
Having had the Government put
on notice after the 2006 notice by our chief justice through the Court of
Disputed returns, regarding performance issues, I would think this important
matter should have been properly addressed before we go through the huge
expense of an election process, Mark Said.
This whole matter clearly
shows justifiable cause for our Attorney to resign, and further that such an
important matter be addressed before the election takes place, any candidate or
voter, could apply to the Court of Disputed returns to have the outcome of the
election deemed void on this matter alone.
Both Parties should hang
their head’s in shame to allow this election to proceed, when the only way it
can, would be to break the laws in place for its proper conduct.
Ignorance of the law by those
employed to protect it, should never become acceptable, Mark concluded.
Mark M Aldridge
Independent Candidate for the
Legislative Council
(Time for Change)
08 82847482 / 0403379500