By the Australian
It takes time to get the true results
of an election, well for the people, and even then it is never made public,
seems it is best we don’t know what happens in our
On top of what you are about to read, the South Australian Labor government with the support of the Liberal party and the greens, just passed new laws in December 2013 that further undermine the peoples right to a free and informed vote.
These new laws are to ensure the major players rid the ballot papers of the minor voices, the minor players and the Independents. click here to read
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Mark Aldridge exposes massive electoral fraud at the SA Public launch of the Australian Alliance |
The day after this speech it was revealed the state government amended electoral law once again to ensure they face NO opposition in the upper house, with leaks exposing they intend to introduce assoc... |
The last SA state election was in March
2010, some of the true facts were uncovered in the court
of disputed returns a few months later, but there was little to no reporting of
the facts.
Only a year later, facts on the
huge multiple voting that occurred were published in a back room article,
but the tens of thousands of missing ballot papers and the fact over 77,000
missed out on their vote, because their names went missing of the electoral
roll, uncovered within a couple of months of the election is seemingly not
The electoral commission would have
been well aware of such a huge mistake, but chose not it appears to make this
fact public.
It is also not worthy of exposure
that the court confirmed “regardless of the conduct or count of a general
election, the results cannot be invalidated, something I find atrocious, let
alone the many other hidden facts, like the governments own crown solicitors
arguing that our common law rights of elections no longer apply to have my case
struck out, even though they bloody well do and parliament had confirmed that!
So let’s get down to the facts and
1,093,316 people were enrolled to
vote in South Australia by the latest reports, yet during the election the
figure was 1,015,386. The AEC confirming that over 77,000 names went missing
of the rolls, and many who did vote received fines for not voting,
was this the result of the introduction of the new I-rolls or simply total
“I believe the new I rolls being used
for the first time, resulted in these 77,000 long term voters missing out on
their vote, either way, the amount of people who missed out is unacceptable, and
the results of the election should therefore be invalid”. Will 2014 be even worse?
Multiple voting ran rife, but the figures have not been published, just as the
many dead people who voted, or the many registered at addresses that no longer
For me it was the lack of information on how to vote
and who was running, my how to vote website went from 50 hits a month to over
30,000 in a couple of days, the Electoral commissions web services went from
70,000 at the 2006 election to near 250,000 in 2010, coincidentally the same year
the how to vote booklet was no longer sent out, even though the Act itself
demands the electoral commissioner ensures you are well informed.
“No Person, government department or
the media are expected in any way to inform people of their choices, not even
the electoral act ensures that”
Declared institutions were reduced,
resulting in many of our most vulnerable missing out on their vote, let
alone the many reports of undue influence. Some voters in Hospitals and nursing
homes, reported they were asked the question “Labor or Liberal” from their room
door, and the ballot filled in for them?
Postal voting had a major increase
due to the major parties sending out hundreds of thousands of postal vote
applications, up near 40,000, of which over 6,500 applications were dismissed as
dodgy, and over 16,500 ballot papers that were sent out simply went
missing, a number far in excess of the winning margins. (25,000
applications failed or ballots went missing, enough to change the results of
many seats) Proof here
I note here the state Labor party had
registered the name of the opposition leader “Isobel Redman” as a reply paid
address, so as to intercept voter information, prior to the election, this it
seems is acceptable practice to the Labor party officials, in the same way as
dressing up as another party and deceiving voters at the polling booths.
The 2 party preferred counting, a
system resulting from the structural biases of letting the 2 major parties
control electoral law, resulted in 48% to Labor and 51% to Liberal, despite that
fact Labor were elected, against the preference of the South Australian people.
(1250 votes the winning margin)
44,100 people failed to vote, 22,807 were excused and 21,293 were fined, add these
figures to the missing ballot papers, the invalid votes, the 77,000 missing
names and the any other abnormalities, then consider the result votes wise now
matches the electors, and something sinister has occurred. (Over 10,000 people
were send enforcement orders)
“Consider these figures when we take
in the fact, many attended to vote and found their names missing of the rolls,
the new I-rolls, and the many reports of those who did vote, receiving letters
from the electoral commission saying they did not”?
“Just a note here, the recent
bi-election for Ramsay was decided on 70% of the vote, because around 30% of
people entitled to vote, either did not show up, their vote was informal or more
likely conduct issues arose, the media in this case again ignored the outcome
and indeed any other candidates besides the Labor candidate” google and see for
yourself, articles in the Ramsay election only covered the Labor
The political parties themselves handled over
58,632 postal vote applications, remembering the Labor party
had the name Isobel Redmond registered as a reply paid address, so information
sent to Isobel, actually ended up with in the Labor party offices, so they knew
the preference of tens of thousands of voters.
There was also a 71% increase in
complaints received by the commission, plus a vast amount of complaints of
an ethical nature, a clear indication, and the election strayed from what we
believe to be a democratic process.
In the legislative council ballot,
near 6% of votes were informal, a massive figure even though the
Electoral commission made it clear many of these people had tried to cast a
valid vote, again in excess of winning margins, and many voters simply didn’t
even try to cast a vote.
Over 20.5 % of informal votes, would
have been formal under optional preferential voting, consider; our chief justice
Murray Gleeson, confirmed our entitlement “if change be necessary, must be made
by the Freewill of an Informed electorate”
interesting enough, the Act actually says such votes should be counted, but that
would offend the 2 party systems? (38% in the Adelaide district alone)
The Electoral Act clearly states “if
a ballot paper is not filled in a manner required by this act, but the voters
intention is clear, then the vote will count” yet the voters intention is able
to be guessed by the commissioner, who the hell can guess a person’s intent
beyond what they have marked?
“And yes this guess favours the 2
party system”
58,714 upper house ballot papers were
informal; with get this a 2.2% Administration error? 34.6% informal votes again
were confirmed as attempts to vote formally, enough votes in doubt to change the
government is SA in many ways on its own.
Total costs to us of this debacle 8.9
Million Labor dressed up as another party, and gave out dodgy information on
the day of the election to dupe voters, and this is the party leading our state,
I took all this to court self
represented to try and restore democracy, not only was my hard work ignored by
our media, after I lost on a technical issue, which was later found wanting,
some of the media labelled me a nut job.
This raises and question of ethics, if
a journo lives in SA, one would think that such abhorrent practices would affect
themselves and their family?
For the next 2 years, I received
letters from the court offering me money, even though I supposedly lost, raising
another question also ignored by the media.
The Outcome is simple the Labor Party
won by a hand full of votes, yet informal votes massively exceeded their winning
totals, dodgy postal ballot applications also far exceeded their win, missing
ballot papers could have well changed the outcome, let alone a host of other
major issues, even the multiple voting standing alone could have changed the
I was contacted by Electoral staff on
a variety of issues, yet they are signed to confidential clauses, so could not
come forward in public, one of those was the checking of the rolls where they
found massive issues during spot checks, again this was
The Labor party were caught red
handed impersonating another party to dupe voters, and their registering of the
opposition leaders name as a reply paid, also allowed them to intercept voters
information, statutory declarations in the hundreds described a mired of other
dodgy practices, which never made court scrutiny, therefore remaining un proven,
including undue influence, misleading advertising and many other issues.
The Electoral Commission is well
aware of all these issues, and I can only assume dozens more, the list of
departures from ideal and legislated conduct are huge
- People being turned away from the
polling booths based on the dress standards.
- Polling booths running out of ballot
- People being denied their right to
both replacement ballot papers and absentee ballots.
- Dodgy practices outside the polling
- How to vote information and
preferencing information absent from the booths.
- The How to vote guide which used to
be posted to every home was dropped.
- Candidate access to other candidates
information for Preferencing unavailable in time.
- Previously declared institutions
missed out on mobile polling.
- People were asked to vote under
others names.
- The list is endless and I mean
Under Common law the people have
certain voting rights, yet this election was not one that was comfortable at
law, it strayed so far from the legislated requirements it was not in fact a
legal election, so the results should have been invalidated and a new and honest
election ought to have been held, while we are at it, let’s debate reforms, so
future elections are democratic.
1. 77,000 long term voters missed out on
their vote (ask your friends)
2. 16,500 postal ballot papers went
3. 6,500 postal ballot applications were
4. An unknown quantity of people were
turned away for various reasons and many did not receive a ballot
5. Many made mistakes and were refused
replacement ballot papers
6. People who did vote were fined for
not voting (what happened to their votes?)
7. 58,714 upper house voters ballot
papers were deemed invalid and not counted, even though most tried to cast a
vote (if the information was available to assist them what would have happened
to their votes and the outcome in general?)
8. Nearly 200,000 extra on line hits
seeking how to vote information, proves the electoral commissions lack of
information expected under the Act, had an influence on the
“So much for our entitlement to a
free and informed vote”
Compare the results of the election
with the above figures:
1. In the upper house count candidates
were excluded by votes as low as 17 in total
2. In the lower house seats were won by
votes of around 2000 in most cases, from 167, many under 1000 votes, so the
swing created by a legal and fair election, could change the whole political
3. There are well over 120,000 votes in
The state election was not a valid
election by way of either the dodgy legislation or our common law right to a
vote, even our constitutional entitlement was ignored well in excess of the
winning margins, the State Labor party have NO right to lead this state, and the
tens of thousands of voters who missed out or had their ballot papers go
missing, deserve their right to a free vote!
We now see issues with missing ballot
papers finally in the news, albeit minor cases, the 2013 federal election
appears to have endured similar diversions from democratic practice, but I note
facts and figures for most seats are now NOT BEING RELEASED to the public or the
This ensures applications to the court of disputed returns cannot be
lodged in event of irregularities.
This goes to prove, media finally
have enough competition due to social networking and the rise in Independent
news services, that the truth is finally coming out, a good thing for those who
seek the truth.
The sad fact is this; if this conduct
explained here is to remain covered up, what conduct will we expect to see
during the South Australian 2014 state election?
Mark M Aldridge
Independent candidate and
spokesperson for the Australian Alliance (electoral reform
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