· - If you ask me a question I can answer from the
heart and from my studies, without fear of conflicting with strict party policy.
- I can oppose the sale of our land, farms, water,
minerals and infrastructure into foreign ownership, the 2 parties both back the
sale of the country.
- I can and do back up our Farmers and producers
to ensure their survival, neither Labor nor Liberal adequately back up our
primary industries.
- All my support comes from the people, so I owe
no favours to anyone but my electorate; I have no self interest other that of
our Nations future.
- I can continue to fight for our rights and
liberties, for a bill of rights for our children, the major parties continue to
undermine and water down those rights and our constitution, the very values our
forefathers fought so hard to provide.
- I can continue to demand open and honest public
debate on all topics of community interest with our fear of breaching party
policy or offending my party’s donors.
- I am self funded; the major parties accept huge
donations from multinational companies and big business interests think about
- I have fought for years for our right to a free
and informed vote; the major parties write legislation and use dodgy practices
to empower their position, with no respect to the democratic rights of the
- I can lead by example, set up markets, hold
rallies, attend speeches, expose corruption and question all legislation, from who
ever presents it.
- I can question the power of Duopoly’s and any
dominance in the nation’s food chain.
I do not fear ideals that take longer then
election cycles.
Not only do I research and write my own articles,
I can remain flexible to new ideas. If you like the direction of our nation, continue to vote as
you always have, if you want to see change, you must vote differently, in any
case you should always use your vote to reward the right actions and oppose
lies and deceit, remembering it is about your local candidate not the leader
their party chooses or deposes. PS; a vote for an independent is not a wasted vote, win or
lose it sends a message, I wonder whom spread that silly notion?
Mark Aldridge
Independent for Wakefield.
08 82847482 / 0403379500