MARK M ALDRIDGE "Community Advocate" SA - The UN's DEMANDS ON AUST.                   a.userlink { color: #253741; } a.userlink:visited { color: #6a818c; } a.userlink:hover { color: #005e85; } font[size="1"] { font-size:10px; } font[size="2"] { font-size:13px; } font[size="3"] { font-size:16px; } font[size="4"] { font-size:18px; } font[size="5"] { font-size:24px; } font[size="6"] { font-size:32px; } font[size="7"] { font-size:48px; } .GuestBookMessage { font-family: Arial; color: #000000; font-size: 13px; } .GuestBookMessageRow { font-family: Arial; color: #000000; font-size: 12px; } .GuestBookHeader { font-family: Arial; color: #000000; font-size: 12px; } .div-text-footer-color { color:#000000; } .div-text-footer-container a, .div-text-footer-container a:visited, .div-text-footer-container a:hover { color:#000000; }                                                                                                                                                       How much does Australia donate to other countries? Australia donates Billions of dollars every year in foreign Aid, even if it has to borrow to meets its obligations.The anount Australia presently donates is not in line with our UN masters, the following graph shows the massive increases we are being told to make. The following graphs are the current “AusAid” donations, these do not include massive military costs, the huge Carbon tax payments and various other costs amounting to billions exposed in my articles from last year.  5.6 AUSTRALIA’S ASSISTANCE TO SOUTH AND WEST ASIA—2011–12 Country 2011–12 ODAbudget ($m) Population (no.) HDI rankPriority areas Afghanistan 165.1 29.1m 172 of 187 Basic service delivery (health and education), rural livelihoods, governance, support for vulnerable populations Pakistan 92.8 184.8 million 145 of 187 Education and scholarships; health; humanitarian, emergency and refugee aid; economic growth; governance Bangladesh 92.0 164.4 million 146 of 187 Education and scholarships, health, economic growth, climate change and environmental sustainability, governance Sri Lanka 43.5 20.4 million 97 of 187 Humanitarian, emergency and refugee aid; education and scholarships; economic growth; climate change and environmental sustainability; governance Nepal 26.6 29.9 million 157 of 187 Health, education and scholarships India 25.0 1.2 billion 134 of 187 Climate change and environmental sustainability, health Bhutan 8.0 708 484 141 of 187 Education, justice and democracy Maldives 5.0 313 920 109 of 187 Education, justice and democracy Regional Programs 7.1 Multiple countries varied Economic growth, climate change and environmental sustainability, health Source: AusAID.   5.5 AUSTRALIA’S ASSISTANCE TO EAST ASIA—2011–12 Country 2011–12 ODAbudget ($m) Population (no.) HDI rankPriority areas Indonesia 558.1 240 million 124 of 187 Education and scholarships; economic growth; health; humanitarian, emergency and refugee aid; civil society, justice and democracy; economic and public sector reform; climate change and environmental sustainability Vietnam 137.9 89 million 128 of 187 Education and scholarships, economic growth, climate change and environmental sustainability Philippines 123.1 93.6 million 112 of 187 Education and scholarships; governance; humanitarian, emergency and refugee aid; climate change and environmental sustainability East Timor 123.7 1.2 million 147 of 187 Education and scholarships, health, economic growth, governance Cambodia 77.4 15.1 million 139 of 187 Education and scholarships; health; economic growth; governance; humanitarian, emergency and refugee aid Burma 47.6 50.5 million 149 of 187 Health, education and scholarships, economic growth Lao People’s Democratic Republic 42.1 6.4 million 138 of 187 Education and scholarships, economic growth, governance China 35.7 1.4 billion 101 of 187 Equitable development, health, climate change and environmental sustainability Mongolia 12.2 2.7 million 110 of 187 Education, water and sanitation East Asia Regional Programs 108.0 Multiple countries varied Economic growth; humanitarian, emergency and refugee aid; health; climate change and environmental sustainability Source: AusAID.   5.4 AUSTRALIA’S ASSISTANCE TO THE PACIFIC—2011–12 Country 2011–12 ODAbudget ($m) Population (no.) HDI rankPriority areas Papua New Guinea 482.3 6.9 million 153 of 187 Education, health, law and justice, transport infrastructure Solomon Islands 261.6 515 817 142 of 187 Health, education and scholarships, economic growth, equitable development and governance Vanuatu 70.1 245 786 125 of 187 Education and scholarships, health, economic growth, governance Samoa 43.7 178 943 99 of 187 Economic growth, health, education and scholarships, governance, climate change and environmental sustainability Fiji 37.5 854 098 100 of 187 Education and scholarships, health, equitable development, economic growth Tonga 32.1 104 260 90 of 187 Governance, health, education and scholarships, economic growth Kiribati 28.2 99 547 122 of 187 Education and scholarships, economic growth Nauru 26.2 10 254 unranked Governance, education and scholarships, health, economic growth Tuvalu 9.9 9 970 unranked Contribution to the Tuvalu Trust Fund, with a focus on improving health and education services Cook Islands 4.4 19 933 unranked Contributions to NZ aid program, focusing on education, infrastructure, private sector development and water and sanitation Niue 4.6 1 438 unranked Contribution to the Niue Trust Fund, support for the delivery of essential services North Pacific 10.7 Multiple countries varied Minor, targeted interventions such as in the environment, public sector strengthening, and water and sanitation areas Pacific Regional Programs 149.7 Multiple countries varied Education, climate change and environmental sustainability, economic growth, governance Source: AusAID.   5.7 AUSTRALIA’S ASSISTANCE TO AFRICA AND THE MIDDLE EAST—2011–12 Country 2011–12 ODA budget ($m) Population (no.) HDI rankPriority areas Africa Regional Program 291.3 Multiple countries Varied, but comprising many of the lowest-ranked countries Health; economic growth; governance; humanitarian, emergency and refugee aid Iraq 36.6 31.5 million 132 of 187 Governance; humanitarian, emergency and refugee aid Palestinian Territories 56.0 4.4 million 114 of 187 Governance; humanitarian, emergency and refugee aid; economic growth Arab Spring Countries 99.5 Multiple countries varied Food security and rural development, post-conflict stabilisation and recovery, humanitarian assistance Source: AusAID.   5.8 AUSTRALIA’S ASSISTANCE TO LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN—2011–12 Country 2011–12 ODA budget ($m) Population (no.) HDI rankPriority areas Latin America Regional Program 27.2 Multiple countries varied Rural development, human resource development, natural resource governance Caribbean Regional Program 20.7 Multiple countries varied Climate change and environmental sustainability, governance Source: AusAID.                   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