MARK M ALDRIDGE - THE THIRD CHOICE           a.userlink { color: #000000; } a.userlink:visited { color: #25120d; } a.userlink:hover { color: #25120d; } font[size="1"] { font-size:10px; } font[size="2"] { font-size:13px; } font[size="3"] { font-size:16px; } font[size="4"] { font-size:18px; } font[size="5"] { font-size:24px; } font[size="6"] { font-size:32px; } font[size="7"] { font-size:48px; } .GuestBookMessage { font-family: Times New Roman; color: #25120d; font-size: 13px; } .GuestBookMessageRow { font-family: Times New Roman; color: #25120d; font-size: 12px; } .GuestBookHeader { font-family: Times New Roman; color: #25120d; font-size: 12px; }                                                                                         THE UNTOLD STORY OF DEMOCRACY, and the need for the THIRD CHOICE.   So the Rann Labor Government governs us in South Australia, but were they duly elected?   The simple fact is no, with many seats won by well less than 1200 votes, some as low as 140, and with tens of thousands of votes missing, who should be representing our future?   Our High Court Chief Justice once said “If change be necessary, it must be made by the free will of an informed electorate” yet here in South Australia the usual how to vote information was simply not there, the how to vote guide sent to every home, was not sent, how to vote posters in the polling booths missing and voting tickets (preferences) no where to be seen.   Those most in need of such supporting services, our sick and elderly, over a third were excluded from electoral office mobile polling, adding to the huge 17,500 missing postal ballots.   Many thousands of applications for postal ballots were found to be dodgy, as were many polling booth votes, yet some of the figures were denied even with court orders to produce them, so how bad would the full figures be?   As an experienced candidate, I am well aware the major issue facing voters was upkeep of the electoral roll, with some 15% of long term voters names missing from the roll, making matters worse, the lucky voters who had no issues with their voting entitlement, are now receiving notices they did not vote, so where did their votes go?   A poll conducted by on line company Zoomerang, was clear that the issue of how to vote information, was indeed a powerful ally to the 2 party system, with people totally unaware of their rights and obligations. The polls conducted also exposed several defects in the conduct of the election, going as far as denying entry to polling booths in some locations.   While visiting nursing homes around the state, the most appalling results were uncovered, mobile polling staff entering voters rooms, and from the end of their beds, asking the question “Labor or Liberal” marking the ballot for the voter, and leaving, with out the voter even seeing what was marked.   Over 1000 statements were provided to the court to address this issue, including 17,500 lost postal ballots, 7500 dodgy applications, copies of Labors postal applications with a return addressed envelope to their office instead of the electoral commission, over 23,000 extra informal upper house votes, and over 36,000 instantly excused non attendances out of a whopping 80,000.   The Federal election will be based on the State electoral roll, and similar conduct, so the opportunity exists for up to 100,000 votes to be in doubt, tens of thousands of votes may go missing, and our elderlys rights may be again cast aside.   The Federal election will ensure some candidates names will be left of the ballot adjacent where you vote for them, many minor parties have been recently de-registered, in favor of 2 party politics, and the vote counting is already 2 party preferred.   Any budding candidate should pledge allegiance to the electorate not their parties, yet any that run as Independents and do pledge to do the will of the people are disadvantaged by the electoral system, a direct result of those that write the electoral laws having the most to gain from structural biases.   It is undemocratic that we are forced to preference those we do not no or in fact oppose, and the electorate have for years demanded their right to freely choose by the abolishment of forced full preferential voting, yet again it is up to the 2 parties, and they gain from such provisions.   With out doubt, the worst part of party politics, is that their candidates must toe the party line, and that line is decided by some who are not even chosen by the people, so if you support a party endorsed candidate, they can be sacked or silenced, as we have just seen with Kevin Rudd, only the people can sack an Independent, think about it.   If this situation makes you sick, and so it should, do not vote for more of the same, join and support the Third Choice, and lets unite to police democracy, demand change and ensure those representing our future are chosen by the genuine free will of an informed electorate.  THE THIRD CHOICE, will not release any details, its name or the many candidates it supports until the calling of the federal election, the LOGO is on the front page, help your self to down load and distribute it with all patriotic Australians                         Website provided by Vistaprint