MARK M ALDRIDGE "Community Advocate" SA - RSPCA FACTS & FIGURES 2012                   a.userlink { color: #253741; } a.userlink:visited { color: #6a818c; } a.userlink:hover { color: #005e85; } font[size="1"] { font-size:10px; } font[size="2"] { font-size:13px; } font[size="3"] { font-size:16px; } font[size="4"] { font-size:18px; } font[size="5"] { font-size:24px; } font[size="6"] { font-size:32px; } font[size="7"] { font-size:48px; } .GuestBookMessage { font-family: Arial; color: #000000; font-size: 13px; } .GuestBookMessageRow { font-family: Arial; color: #000000; font-size: 12px; } .GuestBookHeader { font-family: Arial; color: #000000; font-size: 12px; } .div-text-footer-color { color:#000000; } .div-text-footer-container a, .div-text-footer-container a:visited, .div-text-footer-container a:hover { color:#000000; }                                                                                                                                               RSPCA Facts & Figures in SA and National DOGS/Cats: The RSPCA received in 4017 dogs in 2012 going by their own public records.Whether or not we can rely on these facts and figures is open to debate, but this is what they released to the public and their members for 2012.Kill rates should be based on animals left in the RSPCA.s careDogs adopted out          740     Cats adopted       783Dogs put down               870     Cats put down    1381Dogs transferred            323     Cats transferred   105Dogs left at year’s end    26      Cats years end    119 These are the facts for animals left in the RSPCA’s care, yet they are telling parliament and the media their success rate is 85%, so if the council drop of a dog and it is then picked up by the owner they wish to have these animals considered as adopted out, and that is not the case.It is believed that councils pay a fee to drop of a dog and owners are charged upon pick up, those facts like many are hard to certify, $68 council fee to drop of and $150 plus additional charges to pick your animal up, confirmation has been sought.The RSPCA have not disclosed what a transfer is, it has been said this figure may include research, I hope and pray it is to non kill shelters, but the RSPCA have made a statment that does not occur. DOG/Cats National figures. Dogs adopted              17,975    Cats adopted        20,489 Dogs put down             14,211    Cats put down       24,651Dogs transferred            2,042    Cats transferred      1,419 These figures may also include animals returned to their owners, which is greater for dogs than cats The RSPCA SA show the reasons for putting down an animal Dogs                                                         CatsInfection          159                                    245Medical             85                                    326Behavioural    593                                    991 The RSPCA can take animals from other shelters based on behaviour, even no kill shelters, yet if they take it for a behavioural issue, in the most they put them down.Note: Behavioural issues numbers for cats?Where does the RSPCA in S.A. spend its money? For every $100 in income in SA, is raised by $14 from enforcement, $42 from fundraising, $16 from corporate and $28 from animal operations.For every $100 they spend $26 goes into enforcement, $18 to fundraising, $14 goes to the corporate sector and $42 goes to animal operations.The state government fund the RSPCA in SA to the tune of just over $700,000 per annum.  Total expenditure in 2012 was $7,702,682Total balance (accumulated excesses) is around $14 Million dollars in the bank (profit)  SA facts sheet         National facts sheetNATIONAL KILL RATES STORIES (most include reclaimed to cover kill rates of those left to the care of the RSPCA) facts SA PGF.pdf (PDF — 3 MB)                  Home | SAVING OUR FOOD INDUSTRY 2013 | FARM DIRECT MARKETS SA | DODGY ELECTIONS THE TRUTH 2013 | THE RSPCA EXPOSED 2013 | VOTING 4 ANIMAL WELFARE | DAFWA undermine justice | VOTE NO TO AUST WITH OUT FARMS | WHY VOTE FOR AN INDEPENDENT | ABOUT MARK | STANDING UP FOR LOCAL BUSINESS | MARK BRIEF IDEALS OVERVIEW | THE DEMISE OF AUSSIE RIGHTS | THE AUSTRALIAN ALLIANCE | AUSTRALIAN CONSTITUTION  | CARBON TAX WHOLE STORY UPDATE  | DEMAND SUPPORT FOR DAIRY FARMS | BILL OF RIGHTS FOR AUSTRALIA | SA ELECTION FACTS FOR 2010/14 | FLUORIDE THE SIMPLE TRUTH | HEMP / CANNABIS EXPOSED" | WATER PROOFING South Australia | MY POLITICAL HISTORY 1999/2012 | CONTACT ME | WHERE DOES OUR TAX MONEY GO? 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