MARK M ALDRIDGE - Multiculturalism the demise           a.userlink { color: #000000; } a.userlink:visited { color: #25120d; } a.userlink:hover { color: #25120d; } font[size="1"] { font-size:10px; } font[size="2"] { font-size:13px; } font[size="3"] { font-size:16px; } font[size="4"] { font-size:18px; } font[size="5"] { font-size:24px; } font[size="6"] { font-size:32px; } font[size="7"] { font-size:48px; } .GuestBookMessage { font-family: Times New Roman; color: #25120d; font-size: 13px; } .GuestBookMessageRow { font-family: Times New Roman; color: #25120d; font-size: 12px; } .GuestBookHeader { font-family: Times New Roman; color: #25120d; font-size: 12px; }                                                                                         The Demise of Multiculturalism  The Ideal of modern multiculturalism is quickly becoming accepted as a policy gone wrong. All over Europe and Australia, not just the people, but also the leaders, are beginning to see what a failed experiment multiculturalism has become. Many leaders speaking primarily of the refusal of many Muslim immigrants to assimilate and integrate, leader after leader, are now saying the whole issue needs to go back to the drawing board. The arguments may well be long overdue – that those immigrating to host nations need to accept the values and practices of their chosen destination, not resist them and seek to impose their own. No nation can survive if it is ripped apart by fundamentally opposing ideologies, values and/or belief systems, says Mark Aldridge. Foreign groups unable or seemingly unwilling to embrace the beliefs and values of their host nations are now causing all sorts of difficulties, and creating separatism, says Mark, (over 750 no go zones in France confirming the fact) The rights of groups should never over ride the rights of the individuals, especially those who have put in the hard yards building a fine country like ours. Many well-versed political figures have voiced their concern over the years, former Australian Prime Minister John Howard warned about these dangers some years ago and late last year German Chancellor Angela Merkel spoke out about the fragmentation and destabilization, and many more have since voiced their concerns.  More recently the former Spanish Prime Minister Jose Maria warned about the growing dangers of immigrants refusing to integrate into the rest of society, and just recently French President Nicolas Sarkozy stated that multiculturalism had failed.In a you-tube clip I recently viewed, he stated, “We have been too concerned about the identity of the person who was arriving and not enough about the identity of the country that was receiving him.” The least expected criticism came just recently from the new British conservative leader David Cameron. He made it clear that in Britain multiculturalism has been a colossal failure, and it needs to be quickly and decisively remedied. Research of polls around Europe showed some 37% of those of the Muslim faith would support the introduction of Shiria law, and we have heard on numerous occasions the same sentiments from Muslim leaders here in Australia. Says Mark, in direct conflict with our democratic society.  Can we here in Australia afford to wait until the problem escalates before we open the floor to fair and open debate, asks Mark? The issue here is not just about, extremists or jihadists that we need to have concern, there are also many Muslims who may reject violence, but who accept various parts of the extremist world-view including real hostility towards western democracy and liberal values, with many Australians asking “why move to a democracy if one is offended by it?”  Democracy in Australia from my point of view is “Not Negotiable” says Mark, neither is equality of the sexes, equity of law, and our system of Justice. Australia is built upon very distinct and hard fought values, and for any person who wishes to enjoy all that we have become through the sacrifices and hard work of our forefathers, must also embrace these values, says Mark The result of the demise of Multiculturalism is more than apparent, with the rise of right wing groups around the world, the huge rise of support for aspiring political leaders like Marine Le Pen of France, Dutch politician Geert Wilders and German politicians Thilo Sarrazin’s book about these same issues selling nearly 2 million copies. In Australia many different cultures have united over time, some easier than others, but in every case it was all about culture, with Islam, we are dealing with religion, rather than culture, says Mark, it is no longer about the difference in looks, diets, language or culture, but about a religion that dictates not only a way of life but also value of life, politics and law, making Muslim integration so much harder in democratic western societies.  The issue confronting Australia is very much mimicked in the many other countries blaming multiculturalism for such failings, it is easier to label the host countries populace as racists rather than confront the fact that Muslims themselves need to put in some of the hard yards and consider their role in the integration needed to live in harmony. In the absence of a strong national identity to claim their allegiance, we find widespread throughout Europe and Australia today, but rare in the past, that the children of Muslim immigrants are more hostile to the host society than their parents were, they feel themselves more alien to its values, in contrast to the many other cultures that have succeeded in the past. “Without shared values, a sense of collective identity and genuine patriotism with in the host country, separatism has run rife, with it destroying any chance of a untied future, something that must be addressed earlier rather than later, Mark said. “Our governments’ most fundamental duty is not to keep our community divided with tribalism, but to defend the shared values and national identity which makes Australia the “Lucky Country”, no more labeling of Australians who stand up in defense of their way of life, but by sharing the burden of assimilation with those that wish to share all that we have to offer. The Western world as a whole, not just the masses but the leadership as well, are beginning to realize that multiculturalism, even though it began with sincere and honest intentions, is failing, whether as the result of religion or a lack of a strong National Identity, It has resulted in more division, more tensions and more hatred and distrust, so it is time to rethink and remodel, not a time to stick our heads in the sand. The word Racist offends me and many Australians, when all we are asking is that those who wish to share in all we have to offer, also share in our national identity, pride and the patriotism that comes with it, the truth is Democracy, equity and natural justice are not negotiable in Australia, and those who can not live with that fact, best not. Mark M Aldridge Independent 08 82847482 /                         Website provided by Vistaprint