Some of my media release's and letters to the Editor, regarding MICHAEL ATKINSON'S ROLE AS MINISTER FOR JUSTICE IN SOUTH AUSTRALIA AND ICAC
31% of SA victims including the Regions, currently believe nothing will be achieved by reporting a crime.
Michael Atkinson latest letter to the Editor (Friday the 1st January 2010), is much the same as one he submitted a few weeks earlier, which in similar fashion tried to spin unsubstantiated figures to compliment the Rann governments “tough on crime” promise, Mark Aldridge, Independent Candidate for the Legislative Council, said on Friday.
“As the Minister for Justice, Michael Atkinson has an important role in this State’s Community Safety. In Atkinson’s most recent piece of public prose, he denies that either he or Mr. Rann has made the statement… “There is no crime or corruption within S.A., the Government or its agencies” but actions sometimes speak louder than words in their stance against and Independent Commission Against Corruption. Without doubt this statement makes it apparent that the two men believe they have all these matters under control” said Aldridge.
“The government’s own ABS figures paints a somewhat different picture, with 76% of the population feeling unsafe and only 30% of crimes now being reported. These figures do not portray confidence in either public safety or the performance of SAPOL, with 31% of victims believing nothing will be achieved by reporting crime.
By and large this has been the familiar cry coming out of Regional Towns and Remote Communities in South Australia, most apparent on radio talk back stations such as the ABC”. “Mr. Atkinson lays his election wreath on the doorstep of existing watchdogs such as the Ombudsman, the Auditor-Generals office, the Police Complaints Authority, an independent Judiciary and the Independent content of South Australia’s Upper House”.
“The Rann Government has made it clear they wish to dispense with the Upper House while Michael Atkinson chants his dogmatic mantra of the Idea of independent representatives”.
“Mr. Atkinson has attacked the Independence of the Judiciary with legislation that disrespects this vital and democratic separation of powers”.
“If Atkinson’s legislation were to be successful it would make Michael Atkinson personally both judge and juror at the expense of all South Australians basic civil rights and freedoms not forsaking equity before the law! Fortunately for the public, Atkinson’s poorly written “Serious and organised Crime Control Act” legislation has failed once already and is under the scrutiny of our Independent Judiciary and the fact he is not giving up on such narrow-minded, draconian legislation”.
“Each failure in the courts is being paid for by those whose rights he is trying to deny ie. “we the public”, making the Judiciary all we have to rely on at present; a very expensive option for those seeking justice” emphasised Aldridge. Aldridge iterated that, “The continual and well noted assaults on the Justice system make a mockery of the position of Minister for Justice and further diminish Atkinson’s arguments against an ICAC”.
“The Police complaints Authority are self-governing which is a less than satisfactory situation, having any department investigating itself! The Auditor General’s office has similar conflict of interest overtones”, said Mark. “Mr. Atkinson’s use of federal figures to brag South Australian success is again, more spin than substance.
The ABS figures clearly show that the public in South Australia have less confidence in reporting crime and less trust in community safety. To further brag that more offenders will go to prison and for longer terms, is nothing more than playing to the uneducated fear mongering that “we the public” have come to expect”.
“A truly Independent Commission Against Corruption is supported by not only the opposition but a majority of the minor parties, independents and those I have talked to in the public arena, the only opposition to its introduction is by the Labor Government. I sincerely hope it is not because they have something to hide, but considering their concrete opposition it does not paint a healthy picture”, Aldridge concluded.
Mark M Aldridge is theIndependent Candidate for the Legislative CouncilSouth Australian State Election March 2010P O Box 1073 Virginia S.A. 512008 82847482 / 0403379500