producers and growers are the best at what they do, and their produce is without
doubt some of the safest in the world, because if any herbicide, fungicide is
known to cause possible harm, it is banned in Australia, going further, most of
our farmers, in particular the smaller family owned farms take pride in what
they grow and produce.
This campaign is all about one question "Is it Australian?" this question should be asked every time we part with our hard earned money, at the fish shop, restaurant, grocery store, everywhere, retailers do listen, if they here it enough, they will start to do the same when they stock their stores.
It is all about Healthy, healthy produce, employment opportunity's and a Healthy future.
Don't struggle to read the fine print, let the staff do that, ask them "Is it Australian" and keep asking them, every time you shop, watch it catch on, and reap the rewards, "Farm Direct" markets are a prime example of success.
When you forget to ask "Is it Australian?" you risk more than jobs and your children's future.
When shop keepers keep hearing the question "Is it Australian?" so will they, when they stock up, and the effects on labelling in the big grocery stores will be addressed is we keep asking "Is it Australian?"
many imported products, vaccines and even our water supply is being laced with
a variety of dangerous chemicals, Vinclozen, Fluoride, formaldehyde, arsenic, Methylcyclopropene, artificial colours and
flavouring, aspartame, astaxanthin, fructalose, benzoic acid, MSG,
canthaxanthin, chlorine, lead, the list is huge, and even chemicals banned by
our health authorities and the FDA, are finding their way to Australia, because
our supposed representatives are bowing to the United Nations?
of these chemicals are here for life, they enter our body’s, our unborn children,
the water ways, aquifers our oceans and even the air we breathe, it is time to
demand change, to be that change to care for our planet by simply voting with
our hip pockets.
Vinclozen is one of many nasty items being
sprayed on imported produce, one study demonstrated that vinclozolin impaired male
fertility not only in the first generation that was exposed in utero, but in
males born for three generations and beyond, the EPA have exposed it as
a possible carcinogen, which is known to cause cancer.
Hidden in our soft
drinks and many other products are all sorts of nasty chemicals, now being
exposed as health hazards, aspartame, fructalose, Benzene, Brominated vegetable
oil and many other dangerous chemicals?
"It is highly probable such chemicals are on your current shopping list or ending up in your shopping basket at both of the big super market chains"
Many of these nasty
chemicals stay in our systems, and are passed on to future generations, so
unless we act now, our legacy will not be remembered well.
Free trade and our
many promises and signatories to the UN’s many agenda’s, insist we import
produce and items that contain such dangerous chemicals, therefore both the
major political parties back the ideal, and the increase in an increasing
number of insidious issues brought about by agenda 21.
Add to this many
issues like;
The mighty power of
the big duopoly of Coles and Woolworths to run rough shod over local producers
and their ability to manipulate both shelving space and labelling to favour
their hip pocket rather than the best interests of their customers & Foreign
government subsidies of competing imported produce and people power becomes the
very last option.
Our government have all but lost control of our nations
destiny, yet what do we as a sovereign nation, if we have no say in the
running of the UN, who now appear to be in control of our children’s destiny?
Until we can overcome political mediocrity, best we stop
passing the blame and take up the fight ourselves, because we as consumers have
all the power, do not buy any food produce that is imported, ask every time you
buy food stuffs, where it comes from, do the same in restaurants, takeaways and
the supermarkets, and say no to imports.
The new Campaign starts in February 2013 “PUT YOUR MONEY IN
THE RIGHT POCKETS” and unites all the past campaigns into one, the launch will
take place at one of my new “Farm Direct” Markets, which are all about ensuring
we maintain our ability to become self reliant with all essential services, in
particular our ability to safely feed our nation’s future.
Right now we are at war, not the traditional wars of the past,
as the enemy are already within, we are in a war we can only win if we unite
and support each other, and ensure every cent we spend ends up in the right
pockets, and any food or water that enters our bodies is clean, fresh and
beyond all else safe.
Spread the word, like the FaceBook site, emails your friends,
and share your experiences, expose dodgy companies and produce, and lets work
united to ensure our nation’s future, you never know, our actions may just rub off on our politicians.
Mark Aldridge
Independent Candidate and community advocate
08 82847482 / 0403379500