Planting the seeds
Over the past 4 or 5 years their has been a raft of new
Legislation that has received very little public examination, in fact most has
been passed in silence, others with big time spin to ensure their acceptance
but in most cases little if any public debate.
One thing most of this Legislation has in common, is the
huge increase in Governmental and SAPOL powers, while simultaneously attacking
want little rights and Liberties we have left to lay claim.
We have the “Serious and Organized Crime Control Act.”, the
new “Public Health Bill”, the” Mental Health Act”. Calls for increased search
and seizure powers for Police, even Forced Fluoridation laws.
In every case the
government are impeding on your hard earned rights and liberties, freedom of
association, natural justice, legal equality, forced medicines and trial
treatments and many sections that allow detention with out charge.
I am sure there are many other pieces of draconian
legislation I have yet to find, the big Question here is why the need to
urgently gain so much control over what we do in our every day lives, do they
simply think they know better, or is their an ulterior motive?
Taking away our right to defend our innocence through the
use of secret evidence, or issues like enforced medications and their right to
incarcerate, trial drugs and electro therapies on our children seem more like a
bad movie plot then modern day South Australia.
Any attack on our separation of powers alone should raise an
eyebrow, let alone un-vetted powers being sought by the executive, such a
deliberate authoritarian approach threatens to change every aspect of our
lives, so the question is why and what is next?
There could be many reasons from the hunger for Power, the
fear of a future need to stem dissent or that they humbly believe they know
what we want more than that of our free will. We dare not consider that they
need the power to force an even worse future than the legislation itself
clearly paints.
Either way they can get stuffed, I will be responsible for
my Childs medical regime, and that of my own, I will associate with whom I
choose, as well as choosing whom I will not, I will choose what I wear and my
choice of transport, and I will demand Equality before the law for all
Australians, I will not have any South Australian being detained with out due
cause or charge, because those that provided me with this great place to grow
up, did the same for me.
Many a Patriotic Australian have given life and limb for our
rights and Liberties, and I am damned if I will sit back and see their
sacrifice be in vain and it is passed time that all Australians did the same.
Keeping your head in the sand, making excuses and apathy in general have sent
us down this path, patriotism and the love of a safe and free future for our
children will get us back on the right one.