The Republic of Australia by stealth
For many years there has been debate regarding Australia
becoming a republic, in the most, the Australian peoples main argument against
such a move is based solely on the Flag, and respect to the fact our
forefathers fought under it.
The issue to the educated is based around exactly what
such change would bring, what in fact would happen to our rights and liberties,
electoral reform and democracy in general, and of course the mighty Australian
I have yet to study the issue in any fine detail, so my
position has swayed over the past decade, with sound arguments on both sides of
the spectrum.
When one looks at the many issues associated with the
Republican debate, it could be said we the people have no real choice in the
issue, with what could be considered a republican supporter as our current PM,
by way of her conduct, in fact the general conduct of the Labor party movement.
The commonwealth of Australia and the constitution on
which it has been built, is already under attack from those one would expect to
uphold its values, our current Prime minister and her predecessor, both refused
to acknowledge the required constitutional oath required to take office,
(section 42) an issue which could easily be seen as treason under our current
rule of law.
The governor general as the queens representative would
and should be well aware of the oath contained in the “schedule” of the
constitution, yet knowingly ignored the fact when swearing in the Prime
If the Australian Prime minister and the Queens
representative can ignore the Constitution, one could conclude the its value
has been diminished, several years ago, and in many cases since, when I have
tried to use the constitution in the supreme court to defend out rights, the
chief justice used the words “the constitution does not apply” yet it is the
only document in our Country that implies any rights to the Australian people.
Legislative change continues to impede the protections
we have under the constitution, as if parliament can change its terms at will,
yet the only way in which we can enjoy any constitutional change is by way of a
referendum of the people.
We now see whole states registered as corporations
(Brigalow) rather than states of the commonwealth, we see government bodies
that are now corporations, and Legislation that attacks the fundamental rights
and values we would expect to be protected under our constitution.
2010” is just one of many attempts to change the constitution with out the
support of the people, most state governments now have introduced legislative
change that is ignorant of the constitution, so are we now already a quasi
Most if not all the States now have their
own “Constitution Acts”, which I can assure all Australians are very sad
reading, as they seem to have forgotten to include and protections for the
people, but rather are pieces of legislation designed solely to protect those
that introduced them, some what akin to our electoral Acts.
In total there are 5 parts and 8 chapters of
the constitution and the schedule, it is not hard to find proof that every
section is being ignored by both parliament and the judiciary, the most
alarming issue is if we are no longer protected by our constitution, do we have
any laws of any kind left to protect our rights and Liberties?
Our signatory to the United Nations
declaration of human rights, does not make such rights enforceable in any
respect, the Human Rights and Equal opportunity Act, like wise has no standing
in our courts or our parliament’s, and from all I have studied, we no longer
have any constitutional protections, well unless we have the massive dollars
needed to argue any case in the high court.
While Australia continues to remain “The
great bluff of a commonwealth” or “The Quasi republic” it appears to currently
have become, we the people not only deserve, but also must demand a bill of
rights until we can sort out exactly what our country has now become.
It is said in a democracy the people rule,
pretty hard to rule or even have a say, if we have no right’s to do so and
those that we employ to protect our best interests are only interested in their
own empowerment.
When living in a supposed democracy, the
outcome of a general election is validated regardless of the conduct, when the
parliament, the governor and the judiciary are ignorant of our written
protections and there responsibilities to we the citizens of this once fine
country, then change has past its due date.
Change may be happening every day by way of
new legislation, but by who and to benefit whom, is the big question? It is
certainly not to benefit the people of Australia, but we all know that!