If councils due to road safety concerns ban Posters and
signs on our roadways due to safety concerns, how dare our representatives
disrespect road safety for nothing but self-promotion?
Local Councils are employed to serve the community, yet they
also join in this disgusting practice, allowing permits to political parties to
flout laws put in place to protect the community and road safety in general.
Making matters worse is the fact so many of these Vote 1
posters, will be erected in direct defile of the rules and regulations put in
place for their safe erection.
Each and Every Year hundreds of these posters are
confiscated by our local councils for illegal erection, I would love to see how
many of the parties involved receive a fine under the local guidelines, if a
local business operator was to ignore such laws, I am sure the fine would be
issued with in hours.
With Road safety a supposed major concern to our State and
Federal Government’s, how dare they ignore their own findings when it benefits
I will personally not erect any of these annoying signs
myself, and I would much prefer that our government took the initiative and
banned this outrageous practice all together, if it was about the creation of
an informed electorate, which I doubt, I am sure the media could take up that
cause, or the electoral commissioner could fulfill his role of informing the
electorate by the production of a how and who to vote for guide.
During my campaigning I will NOT erect posters, which have
the ability to distract drivers and interfere with road safety initiatives, and
it is about time our many candidates put the community’s safety first as well.
Mark M Aldridge
Independent Senate Candidate
Grouped Candidates in Blank Box “Bee”
08 82847482 / 0403379500