Is the parliamentary pension enough??
It would seem not to be the case, many Labor government
retiree’s have been given cushy jobs sitting on boards and committees, in some
cases even thought they know bugger all about those they are appointed to
Making matters worse in some cases over the past year they
have received pay rises of over 200%, Oh how nice it would be to have such
Labor connections.
I would personally only dream of receiving some $105,000 for
5 appointments on top of a very generous retirement pension, even the lower end
of the scale, say like Nick Bulkos’s $82, 383 for a mere 6 appointments, even
if the boards and committees in which they are sitting loose money, their pay
is guaranteed.
Former government employees and other Labor connections are
basking in the glory of excessive incomes, while issues like water, power and
teachers pays are put on the back burner.
I find it incredible that these issues rarely receive the
public scrutiny they deserve, when our beloved Mr. Rann regularly tells us he
relies on the reports of experts, and I doubt he means this huge list of chair
While those of us that work hard and contribute to the State
Government coffers argue for a meager increase in our wages to stave of those
to which we are indebted, the Rann government is rewarding those who are all
ready on a good wicket.
Shame Shame Shame…. But what have come to expect, the March
election will come and go, and the talk is Mr. Rann will win by a landslide, so
what reason would he have to change anything he does.
Vote independent, and receive the checks and balances we all
deserve.I will demand all these details are released for public scrutiny, would you like to read the list in the Advertiser?
Mark M Aldridge
Independent Candidate for the Legislative Council
P O Box 1073 Virginia S.A. 5120
0403379500 / 82847482