MARK M ALDRIDGE "Community Advocate" SA - Home                  a.userlink { color: #253741; } a.userlink:visited { color: #6a818c; } a.userlink:hover { color: #005e85; } font[size="1"] { font-size:10px; } font[size="2"] { font-size:13px; } font[size="3"] { font-size:16px; } font[size="4"] { font-size:18px; } font[size="5"] { font-size:24px; } font[size="6"] { font-size:32px; } font[size="7"] { font-size:48px; } .GuestBookMessage { font-family: Arial; color: #000000; font-size: 13px; } .GuestBookMessageRow { font-family: Arial; color: #000000; font-size: 12px; } .GuestBookHeader { font-family: Arial; color: #000000; font-size: 12px; } .div-text-footer-color { color:#000000; } .div-text-footer-container a, .div-text-footer-container a:visited, .div-text-footer-container a:hover { color:#000000; }                                                                                                                           TweetSA's Better candidate for Ramsay Independent "Mark Aldridge", could I be the best to represent you.I am a community advocate and a civil human and animals rights campaigner  with 20 years experience in my home state of South Australiaplease join in the conversation on FacebookMARK ALDRIDGE “INDEPENDENT” FOR RAMSAY My name is Mark Aldridge and I believe I am South Australias best independent candidate for Ramsay. I am passionate about making a difference and with your support I will bring a voice back to the people of Ramsay who have been ignored for too long.I want to help make SA a better place to live for our children and for future generations – this includes increasing job opportunities, making where we live safer, reducing the cost of living and reducing the impact we’re having on the                             environment.I have been a community advocate and Independent candidate for over 20 years, I grew up in Parafield Gardens, I run your local markets to give back to my community, and my family and I have been active in the local area since I can remember.Since the electorate of Ramsay was created in 1985 it has been considered a ‘safe’ Labor seat, and because of this, the government has stopped listening to people in the Northern suburbs and the Liberals have been missing in action.I will not be representing Nick, Jay or Steven, I will not be taking orders from big business or political donors, I will be listening to you, and I will be representing you.I want to bring the Government’s focus back to the people in Ramsay whose lives are affected by the decisions made in State Parliament. I am best suited to achieve this, as I am well known for never backing down, and my resourcefulness at bringing change.I have worked in a variety of fields, from local jobs as a child, to running small business, disaster response, animal welfare & rescue, and my time protecting those in primary production.I have always been available day and night for those in need, during disasters I am on the ground and taking action before our government even debate what to do. I back our farmers on a daily basis, and if called upon to sort a local issue, I act immediately.I have studied a variety of topics over the years, from our constitution, our legal system and the application of legislative reform.  I have worked in the retail, manufacturing and automotive industries, and over the past 20 years, I have taken a deep interest in political & electoral reform. This experience has given me a valuable insight into how politics works, what needs to change and how I can best help people.I will work tirelessly to fix the problems of job losses and underemployment, the rising costs of utilities, the rise in social regulation and the sale of our nation’s strategic assets. This will reduce inequality, improve opportunities and bring back hope for our young people.Unlike the local Political party representatives, I do not fear open debate, unvetted questions and answering to you. I also am proud of what I have achieved as a community advocate and would enjoy your scrutiny of my achievements.Will I be controversial, you bet, I will not bow to political manipulation, corruption or threats of any kind, I will be your representative, and I will represent you with compassion and honour.I am asking you for the privilege of representing you in the seat of Ramsay to put the North back on the map, by resorting it to its former glory.I would like to meet as many of you as possible over the next few weeks, and I look forward to hearing your concerns and suggestions for our community. Mark Aldridge “True Independent Candidate for Ramsay”PLEASE WATCH THIS "THE PROJECT CLIP"  You need Flash Player in order to view this.jQuery(document).ready(function() {'mediaPlayer_bbc84a90_c16b_4351_a88f_a047cfaa1cb5', '', 272, 288, true);});The Project cover Mark Aldridge SA's Best IndependentThe project tag along with Mark Aldridge during the Humbug Scub fires, where the community came together to help the bush fire victims and animals.Better than Nick Xenophon's SA Best releases their f...I work with the community to provide a platform for them to address change and promote compassionate change and ethical government. I have run a variety of campaigns over the past decade on line, through flyers and lobbying parliament including;Stop the sale of AustraliaPut your money in the right pocketsBuy AustralianFarm Direct community marketsDignity for the disabledFreedom of association in AustraliaBill of rights for AustraliaStanding up for small businessProtect our Water rightsRoad safety over revenue raisingSay NO to the Super TrawlerPuppy farm reformProtect Australian shelters and sanctuary'sVoices of the animals, annual awareness daySay NO to the basics cardAnd many others, all found through searching the net.There are hundreds of other articles on line, in print, on you tube, and via TV exposes and stories. If a topic is of special interest to you, simply google my name and that topic. If you believe an older article needs updating, or that I am miss-informed, please feel free to write to me and lets debate the topic,WHY WOULD YOU REWARD “MARK ALDRIDGE” WITH YOUR PRECIOUS VOTE?My history in the political arena has changed over the years, my views change with my education and will continue to educate myself by working at the grass roots level of activism.I seek to promote Unity, Respect and a Compassionate approach to a well overdue change in direction for my electorate, my state and my nation.I first ran for the senate with my wife Helen back near 18 years ago, and a few times since, over the past decade I have tried to set a good example, getting out there and achieving the change I believe we need, rather than simple words, I have put my money and time into protecting the best interests of my community.FARMING;I believe in an Australia that enjoys self sufficiency in its food production.I have stood up for our farmers for over a 15 years, having met with most if not all sectors of primary production, I have held and led rallies for producers, grape growers and their water entitlements for over 15 years, and fought in the political arena and the courts for their best interests.I have worked to expose water issues with the media, held protests in relation to the actions of the grocery giants; I have set up numerous markets, and helped others with my own time and money to ensure avenues for producer’s to get a fair price for their product, which now feed over 20,000 South Australians. In Enfield, Parafield, Salisbury, Lights-view and Gawler.I am presently in the courts, full bench of the Supreme Court, fighting for the rights of Farmers markets and community events and fund raisers in general, so I do not back down on important issues as an individual. So I would not back down as an elected representative. Here are a few links to my markets.Parafield Market; Salisbury Market;  HELPING PEOPLE IN NEED;I believe parliament and the representatives you elect, should be protecting your best interests, so I try to set a good example.I do what I can to help the community, during fires and other disasters I am on the ground and shut my business until everything that can be done is. I help raise money for those in need, to fund critical needs of the disabled and to support for those animal carers in sanctuary's and shelters.I traveled to QLD during the floods with emergency supplies, I was on the ground during the Sampson flat fires, raising and delivering hundreds of tonnes of supplies and did the same during the Pinery fires. I also work on fund raisers for a variety of important causes all year every year, and enjoy every moment of are a few links to TV coverage of what I have achieved in recent times; WELFARE;I believe in the Australian community and believe you can judge a society on how it treats its animals.My wife and I own a native animal sanctuary “Willow wood sanctuary” where we rescue and rehabilitate native animals. I have been spokesperson for a major shelter, and have held rallies, I run special events like, “Voices of the Animals” annual awareness day, which raises awareness and moneys for a majority of local rescue organisations, and I have spoken at most animal related rallies to raise awareness and funding for grass roots animal rescue.I have traveled all over the country during natural disasters to support local carers, sanctuary’s and shelters, and have raised hundreds of tonnes of feed and delivered it immediately to those affected by local disasters, including the QLD floods, the Victorian fires, the Humbug scrub fires and the recent Pinery fires.During the Humbug scrub fires with the help of supporters I was able to send in 40 fully loaded 4x4’s with trailers every day, going door to door to ensure every affect person and animal we could reach had everything they needed.I have attended most recent animal welfare raids, animal abuse cases both here and in WA, to ensure I maintain a healthy understanding of animal welfare law, and to protect innocent carers from unfair prosecutions. I worked tirelessly and successfully to bring about a full inquiry in WA into the award of and use of awarded powers under the Act, with great success. I have spoken at rallies in several states on BSL, unwarranted culling, including the shark cull,  animal welfare law, puppy farm reform and native rescue. Here is a link to show some of my work with Moorook Shelter in the Riverland  OUR CHILDREN;Like many, I believe our children are our future, so I have worked with a variety of groups to address short falls in child protection and disability funding.A topic of major concern to all parents, I have worked with a variety of organisations regarding child welfare, held rallies to raise shortfalls in services for the disabled and worked actively on child protection issues, from the Mulligan inquiry to Family's SA and state care accountability.I am the current public officer for SCAAT (Stop Child Abuse Australia Team), and work with many stakeholders in relation to all child protection issues and I am a regular speaker at public events.I also work overseas helping raise funding and awareness regarding shortfalls in services for vulnerable children in Asia. I am also concerned at the lack of punishment for those found guilty of child abuse at any level, the need to improve mandatory reporting and the introduction of schemes like the "Safe Schools program" which overrides parental rights and genuine safe guards for vulnerable young aged children.Here is a link to one of my rallies from many years ago, so yes I have been in the fight most of my life.  AFFORDABLE JUSTICE;Legislation in recent times has been deliberately undermining our common law rights and with that the ability for the public to defend their innocence.Justice is rarely seen or heard under the current judicial system, those that can defend their innocence and succeed are usually still left out of pocket in one way or another, while the majority simply cannot afford to even defend pleas of innocence.The legislature continue to make matters worse by enforcing laws, before we even know they exist, this is exaggerated by bluff and misinformation, where those unaware of their rights or the basics of law, are manipulated by prosecutors that can so easily be drop the charges if scrutiny is applied, again leaving the innocent out of pocket.Our basic common law rights to innocent until proven guilty, the right to remain silent, the right to face ones accuser, trial by jury and even equity are constantly being removed by Parliament, which is unacceptable, I have and will continue to be a loud voice for the reforms needed to restore justice.I am not simply pointing ou problems, I fight to change them, I have fought in the courts for over 20 years for accountability, supporting those in need and finding competent representation to those being unfairly prosecuted, and will continue to do so.I have fought in the Court of disputed returns (Supreme court) for our voting rights on many occasions (self represented) I have fought in the environment and development court (district court) for community events and farmers type markets, I have fought in the courts for animal welfare issues and in the Magistrates courts on a variety of community based reform.RIGHTS AND LIBERTIES;Australians enjoy very few rights, a few implied rights, and very few people understand what rights they actually have, this needs to change.For some 20 years I have worked to expose a legislative agenda that is watering down our most basic and fundamental rights and civil liberties.I have spoken all over the country on the need for reforms and have pushed for a constitutional bill of rights, completing my own version for future debate.Each year I travel to Canberra to meet with like-minded people and the aboriginal leaders, where we have an annual rally to demand a bill of rights and restore self determinationAustralians deserve a constitutional bill of rights, written by the people for the people, and for those rights to be taught to our children. A constitutional bill of rights would over ride decades of bad laws that ought not have ever been written.  ORIGINAL AUSTRALIANS.Our soverign people, do not want your money, or your land, what they do want is the right to self determination and equity before the law.I have worked with a variety of sovereign people and aboriginal leaders for over a decade, meeting yearly in Canberra to work on the best pathway towards their self-determination as a sovereign people. I have worded a treaty based on the handover of the land held by the common wealth in the queen’s name, to help fund their future needs and services to secure self-determination of their people.With their help and education, I have a firm grasp on the reality of their past treatment which I believe can be used to heal the division created by consecutive governments and the greedy self-interest of the corporate sector.I would like to see seats created in every parliament for aboriginal leaders chosen by their people to ensure they have a say in each parliament.VOTING REFORM;Democracy is the corner stone of society, Demos-cratos, the people rule. Parliament should be made up of representatives chosen by the free will of an informed electorate.I have rallied for massive reform with in our electoral system to empower the people’s right to a genuine free and informed vote. I have argued self-represented in the courts (court of disputed returns) to expose corrupt practices which have entrenched themselves in our democratic process.In 2010 I expose massive issues with the conduct of elections, inconsistencies with the electoral rolls, and the major parties abuse of our trust, having the government put on notice by the chief justice. I believe secure and equitable democratic practice is the only thing that will lead to a united community that can secure a genuine voice of the people when any debate is held in OUR parliament.Here is a link to an expose from 2012  WATER;Access to water had always been given right, well so we thought. Over the past 20 years, our government’s refusal to ensure supply kept up with demand, forced them to try and turn water into a commodity, affecting primary production and local industry.I have worked with investigators and TV exposes to show clearly the many issues revolving around water, from illegal access, missing government sites and promises, to the deterioration of our underground supplies.  MARKETS & HEALTHY EATING;Access to fresh affordable local produce is one of the most important issues facing our future.I have set up several local produce Markets, I support many and run several of my own called “Farm Direct community markets” which show case fine Australian produce and value added goods.These markets allow access to many thousands of South Australians to fresh affordable Australian produce, and I also use them as a tool to promote investment in local farmers and producers, teach health eating and create an atmosphere that promotes community activity.  CORRUPTION;Corruption has many faces, self-interest, control & the search for power, corruption can only flourish when we remain silent through fear, and when those in power can manipulate the truth.OUR CONSTITUTIONOur constitution was created through the debate by genuine representatives of the people, it fails only because those that drafted it, could never have imagined the very people that ought to protect it, would be the ones that would undermine it.The best way to overcome this is to attach to the constitution a bill of rights, to clarify and define it and bring its protections into the 21 century, then teach those defined rights to our children as a part of the national curriculum.Every Australian deserves to know what their rights are and have them upheld.BANKING AND FINANCEREVENUE RAISINGRevenue raising is when a government use laws to raise money rather than protect our best interests, an example would be when they remove registrations labels, forget to send our registration reminders then fine thousands of people for unintentionally forgetting to pay their registration.When police are asked to achieve certain fine quota’s, rather than police, or when you are charged a levy that is not used for its intended purpose.HEMPI am well studied on the many applications of Hemp and Marijuana in a modern society and the various ways the plant can be utilized via a huge range of applications, from industrial applications to proven medical and food based uses.I have spoken at and held rallies for over a decade demanding the public’s right to open and transparent debate. South Australia should have been leading the way in the application of hemp for industrial and food applications and in the use of marijuana for medical applications.VETERANSI have always thanked our veterans; men of spirit and courage who risked live and limb to protect our freedoms and liberties. In 2007 I was honored to represent several sections of the veteran community and speak on their behalf.Since that day, I have taken up their fight to both protect and restore our freedoms, consecutive governments have made a mockery of their sacrifice, not only by way of abandoning support services for them, but even more so by undermining those very rights and freedoms our veterans sacrificed to protect.AFFORDABLE HOUSINGHaving grown up in a housing trust area, I know all too well, the benefits of secure and affordable housing, and have studied those who fought to provide for these services in the past.The State Labors party’s undermining and sell off, of our housing trust homes, and the awarding of contracts to NGO has been a step in the wrong direction in this state and has undermined the great work of people like Thomas Playford.I fully intend to work on the restoration of housing trust services and expand the concept to ensure our children have access to affordable and secure housing.ENVIRONMENTWe only have one planet and one time to act, and that time is now.Self interest in big industry deliberately undermines the initiatives needed to embrace sustainable practices, mass power storage ideals to ensure green energy can power our future are left by the way side in favor of an unbalanced financial driven agenda.Habitat restoration, deforestation, clean water initiatives and even our oceans are under attack by the self-interest. Even the hard fought protections already in place are being ignored and overridden by our current federal government, I will be a voice of reason and will expose at every opportunity future attacks on our environment while lobbying for innovation and increased investment.LAW AND ORDERI first put up my hand in the political arena, because of the demise of genuine community safety, as we move forward as a nation and state, policing has become more about entrapping the innocent rather than addressing short falls in community safety and justice.I have held rallies and spoken at many over the past 14 years in relation to the many reforms that are needed to bring back affordable justice and genuine accountability to law and order in our state, including the restoration of accountability with in our police services.THE DISABILITY SECTORHaving been the father of a child with disability, I have always had a strong voice for reforms in the sector; I have met with government and the opposition, service suppliers and the education sector to ensure I can maintain a balanced approach, to lobby for increased funding and services in an educated and equitable manner.I worked with the Late Paul Collier on the massive 2010 “Care for Kids” rally and continue to lobby for reforms. I will again be working on a follow up rally to try and convince our supposed representatives of the need for increased funding and resources for our most vulnerable.Until I can install change, I work to help the needy, fix and supply wheel chairs, walkers and help find support services.MOTORING INDUSTRYI have been involved in the motor trade most of my life, I have a strong and educated position on the many issues facing the Industry, from inequity in engineering standards, to the removal of the protections registration labels provided.I am an honest car wholesaler of over 20 years, I hand build performance, classic cars and bikes for show and performance applications, doing my own paint, panel and mechanics.SMALL BUSINESS;The very reason I started in politics, the survival of small business is reliant on fair and equitable policy, taxation and support services, having been self-employed for most of my working life.I feel there is a severe lack of government support, and the government are using the small business community as a cash cow, forgetting “we are the nation’s largest employer” and respecting that fact.FISHING AND LIFESTYLE;From working with legal professionals to rid our waters of the Super Trawler, to studying worldwide quotas and their applications for fishing in Australian waters and truth in applied quotas.I am an experienced sporting shooter and a proud member of the Para branch target shooting club, and promote responsible firearms policy.AUSTRALIAN MADEAustralians can grow, design, invent and built anything they put their minds to, yet our governments agenda is now global, rather than local.I run markets to support our farmers and address the rising cost of living, promoting investment in Australian produce and value added goods, with a strong emphasis on healthy eating.I ran as an Independent candidate for several years, my support continued to increase resulting in a 17% primary vote in Labors safest SA seat, and over 4% in the federal seat of Wakefield.I have had to now chose between running as a candidate with just words, or getting out and making an immediate difference, and I have chosen the later.I will continue my work in Animal welfare, helping people in need and fighting to support our farmers and producers through expansion of my "Farm Direct" Markets.I will be running a series of campaigns to promote buying Australian, and I will continue fighting in the courts and lobbying government for animal welfare and human rights reforms.The election process has become totally unacceptable, with missing ballots and dodgy practices becoming the norm, and my fight to expose and reform the system has failed.Even my simple campaign to use a pen, resulted in the South Australian electoral commission running a massive campaign "The power of the Pencil" so the fight for honest democracy is bigger than me as one person, and even though I had excellent support with my endeavors, it simply was not enough, so I am abandoning the political system altogether.When tens of thousands of missing votes grows to near 100,000, in SA alone, our vote has lost all its power.The only way to change and protect our nation, is genuine people power, so consider joining me in the grass roots actions that will get the job done, and leave political mediocrity to its own demise.Well counting has stopped, so who will be representing you?THE ILLUSION OF DEMOCRACY, DID YOUR VOTE COUNT? CLICK HEREIf you would like to know everything about me, watch this video by clicking here, and see what GRASS ROOTS POLITICS is all aboutSCROLL DOWN FOR A QUICK OVERVIEW JUST BELOW THIS TEXTANIMAL WELFAREI own, run and self-fund Willow Wood native animal sanctuary; I have represented several animal welfare groups and shelters over the past 5 years including Moorook Animal Shelter. I have held, spoken at and been MC at various awareness rallies and carried out animal rescue for many years. I have offered legal support and advisory services to many animal rescuers, travelling all over the country with the aim of improving services and legislation across the board. I am also currently the companion animal spokesperson for the Australian Alliance animal welfare division.FARMERS AND PRODUCERSI have traveled to most of South Australia’s country regions meeting with farmers and producers, from fruit and vegetable, livestock and dairy farmers. I started advocating for reforms to the Industry in 2002, and have spoken at and held many rallies in support of our primary production industry.I have fought hard for reforms relating to the grocery industry monopoly and product labeling issues, going as far as setting up “Farm Direct” community markets throughout the suburb’s to ensure the survival of many of our local growers and producers. These markets are now one of the largest in the state, and I donate my time and money to setting them up, handling marketing, management and expansion.I advocate for many groups including our farmers, Riverland growers, plains producers and have stood for over a decade to stop the sale of our primary production land, power plants and water supplies which I believe are strategic assets that should be kept in Australian ownership.CIVIL AND HUMAN RIGHTSSince 1999 I have fought in the courts, held rallies and lobbied for improved and defined rights, from demanding democratic reforms to the introduction of a bill of rights for every Australian.Most recent actions include the Australia day “Bill of rights national rallies” as MC in Canberra to taking the state election of 2010 into the courts to expose and correct dodgy practices, with the intent to empower your right to a free and informed vote and a variety of law reform initiatives.I am well studied on all aspects of law, human rights declarations, our constitution and indigenous treaty’s.FISHING AND LIFESTYLEFrom working with legal professionals to rid our waters of the Super Trawler, to studying worldwide quotas and their applications for fishing in Australian waters and truth in applied quotas.I am an experienced sporting shooter and a proud member of the Para branch target shooting club, and promote responsible firearms policy.SMALL BUSINESSThe very reason I started in politics, the survival of small business is reliant on fair and equitable policy, taxation and support services, having been self-employed for most of my working life.I feel there is a severe lack of government support, and the government are using the small business community as a cash cow, forgetting “we are the nation’s largest employer” and respecting that fact.MOTORING INDUSTRYI have been involved in the motor trade most of my life, I have a strong and educated position on the many issues facing the Industry, from inequity in engineering standards, to the removal of the protections registration labels provided. I am an honest car wholesaler of over 20 years, I hand build performance, classic cars and bikes for show and performance applications, doing my own paint, panel and mechanics.THE DISABILITY SECTORHaving been the father of a child with disability, I have always had a strong voice for reforms in the sector; I have met with government and the opposition, service suppliers and the education sector to ensure I can maintain a balanced approach, to lobby for increased funding and services in an educated and equitable manner.I worked with the Late Paul Collier on the massive 2010 “Care for Kids” rally and continue to lobby for reforms. I will again be working on a follow up rally to try and convince our supposed representatives of the need for increased funding and resources for our most vulnerable.LAW AND ORDERI first put up my hand in the political arena, because of the demise of genuine community safety, as we move forward as a nation and state, policing has become more about entrapping the innocent rather than addressing short falls in community safety and justice.I have held rallies and spoken at many over the past 14 years in relation to the many reforms that are needed to bring back affordable justice and genuine accountability to law and order in our state, including the restoration of accountability with in our police services.CONSTITUTIONAL REFORMOur founding document for which I have studied for many years remained ignorant on many issues including aboriginal sovereignty and racial discrimination; the writers also took the liberty of expecting our common law rights to take up the many short falls lacking in our founding document.I can only assume the writers of our constitution never expected self-interest by government and their corporate sponsors would see our common laws rights eroded by the very people we elect to protect them, leading me to call for a constitutional “Bill of rights” to take us into the next century.BILL OF RIGHTSOur forefathers sacrificed life and limb to protect our rights and freedoms, never expecting that our government would legislate our protections away, so it is time now to refine and define exactly what our rights are, and how they will protect our children.We are the last western nation to define our rights, and protect them for future generations, so open and transparent debate must start now, we must demand a constitutional bill of rights so our liberties can then be taught to our children and theirs. ENVIRONMENTWe only have one planet and one time to act, and that time is now. Self interest in big industry deliberately undermines the initiatives needed to embrace sustainable practices, mass power storage ideals to ensure green energy can power our future are left by the way side in favor of an unbalanced financial driven agenda.Habitat restoration, deforestation, clean water initiatives and even our oceans are under attack by the self-interest. Even the hard fought protections already in place are being ignored and overridden by our current federal government, I will be a voice of reason and will expose at every opportunity future attacks on our environment while lobbying for innovation and increased investment. ABORIGINAL RIGHTSWhile Australian law continues to ignore the true fact that our original inhabitants existed before white settlement, and the ideal of a treaty that provides the ability of the aboriginal people to their own self-determination is of the agenda, we will remain a divided nation.I have met with many of the Aboriginal elders and the Canberra tent embassy, and I hope to use what I have learned during my journey to overcome these difficulties with the genuine hope of a united future between original and settled Australians. AFFORDABLE HOUSINGHaving grown up in a housing trust area, I know all too well, the benefits of secure and affordable housing, and have studied those who fought to provide for these services in the past.The State Labors party’s undermining and sell off, of our housing trust homes, and the awarding of contracts to NGO has been a step in the wrong direction in this state and has undermined the great work of people like Thomas Playford.I fully intend to work on the restoration of housing trust services and expand the concept to ensure our children have access to affordable and secure housing.VETERANSI have always thanked our veterans; men of spirit and courage who risked live and limb to protect our freedoms and liberties. In 2007 I was honored to represent several sections of the veteran community and speak on their behalf.Since that day, I have taken up their fight to both protect and restore our freedoms, consecutive governments have made a mockery of their sacrifice, not only by way of abandoning support services for them, but even more so by undermining those very rights and freedoms our veterans sacrificed to protect.PENSIONERSThe cost of living is undermining the living standards for those who deserve better, the only way forward is to regain control of our essential services and provide them at cost to all Australians, and to ensure our pensioners and veterans are receiving a fair percentage of the medium wage.EMPLOYMENTGenuine employment is achieved through innovation, hard work with the protection of our best interests by our chosen representatives.It is easy to see the approach at both state and federal level is a disaster for this country, their approach is to bail out failing companies and cover-up genuine unemployment rates, the fact is very simple, free trade is killing this country, so until we again embrace protectionism, unemployment will continue to sky-rocket.CHILDRENOur future is with our children, they need to have access to a high standard of education, adequate health services and deserve to grow up with a strong understanding of their rights and liberties.Our most vulnerable in regards to those with disabilities are cast aside and struggle to even gain access to the most important of services, not one child in this country should languish on a critical waiting list, the term itself “Critical” is unacceptable.I have held rallies and spoken at many protests, as well as lobbied the government for years demanding the abolishment of critical waiting lists and to improve services across the board, only to watch the issues increase, with your support, I will be a very strong voice for our children.THERE ARE SO MANY ISSUES FACING US AS A STATE AND NATION, I will do all in my power to educate, expose the truth and fight for your best interests, I believe the truth will set us free, and will use it to pave the way forwards beyond the term between elections to ensure we embrace the genuine issues affecting our long term future.VOTING THE SAME WAY YOU ALWAYS HAVE AND EXPECTING A DIFFERENT OUTCOME, SIMPLY DOES NOT WORK, EMBRACE CHANGE, GIVE ME A CHANCE, AND LET ME CONTINUE TO LEAD BY EXAMPLERSPCA PETITION FOR A NATIONAL INQUIRY CLICK HEREPLEASE CLICK ON LINKS TO LATEST ARTICLESI will be all over the country during January and February 2104 speaking on our rights and liberties. Representing people in need, and doing all I can to lead by example.I will be opening more "Farm Direct" markets, and going to Canberra to demand a bill of rights, my version is up for debate on this site.Up and coming rallies include the demand for a bill of rights in Canberra 26/1/14, there will be corresponding rally's at every parliament house in each state. Click here for details  "Our Care for Kids" rally will also be on in Adelaide again this year on the 22nd of February 2014 at parliament house. Please watch the video of the last rally I helped organize in 2010 by clicking here                I am an experienced candidate with over 15 years of lobbying for reforms and legislative change to empower the rights and liberties of all Australians. I seek your support not based on my promises, but on my performance, so please take the time to have a browse over my site or give me a call any-time, 82847482 / 0403379500I stand up for what I believe, I lead by example and I simply get the job done, with your support, I will be able to achieve even more. Sadly there are now many lobby groups and media organisations who use a variety of deceitful practices to coheres your vote. On top of this elections themselves have become very undemocratic, leaving the electors with a very hard task to cast a truly free and informed vote, so thank you for taking the time to do your research.Every poll, every lobby group, most of the media and the electoral system will promote 2 party preferred ie; Labor or Liberal, and the 2 party system is leading us down a path, the same path which ever party wins, if you would like to see that path change, I believe you have to abandon the 2 party system, because "Change is Necessary" for our nations long term future. DOT POINTS OF MY IDEALS BELOWFarm Direct markets; I have fought for too many years to ensure our nation can remain self sufficient in fresh food production, only to see political mediocracy and self interest in the grocery industry slowly destroy Australia's hard working producers on a daily basis. Imported produce which is substandard and unhealthy is taking up primary position in both Cole's and Woolworth's shelving and even when we promote buying Australian, dodgy labeling undermines even that approach, so I have now opened my own "Farm Direct' Markets to give our producers and small businesses a place to deal direct with the community. I work hard, donating my time every week to run, expand and promote Farm Direct, and battle the red tape that has closed so many of my first markets. My main market is at Parafield every Wednesday and Saturday, Gawler Sunday with more to come. If elected I will work with councils to expand across the state, and use my voice to call for reforms to support the creation of an export market and to improve checks and balances to cover the grocery giants, labeling issues and shelving allocation. Dont vote for Aust. with out farmsFor a full list of Markets please click here "Farm Direct" offers Australian made straight from the supplier, saving farms and lowering the cost of living for my community.LATEST ARTICLESAnimal Welfare; Community expectations in regards to animal welfare are not being met by existing legislation. Live export, low to no kill ideals in Animal Shelters, even Rescue groups and Sanctuaries are not being supported in an appropriate manner. As the owner of a Native Wildlife sanctuary, and experienced in animal rights and wildlife rescue, you can be assured I will be a strong voice for genuine animal welfare reforms and improved government funded support services. I will be working with the Australian Alliance to start a national animal welfare campaign in February 2014.“You can judge a society on how it treats its animals”  MY 2013 FEDERAL ELECTION CAMPAIGN CLICK HERE           OLDER ARTICLEHuman and Civil Rights; Our constitutional rights like our common law protections are being watered down in favour of government self preservation. It will be a long road to recovery; and this, I believe, is best achieved by the inclusion of a bill of rights within our constitution, which is retrospective on current legislation. A bill of rights must also become a part of the national curriculum to ensure our children grow up knowing their rights and liberties. I will be speaking at a national protest to demand a bill of rights in Canberra on the 26th of January 2014. “To protect, improve and define the rights of all Australians.”    LATEST ARTICLE.  ATTACKS ON OUR RIGHTS 7/13 Our fresh food future; Sustainability in the food sector is of national importance and being able to sustain 100% of Australia’s requirements is paramount; I back either the application of government subsidies to match those enjoyed by foreign imports or restrictions on competing imports (Tariff protections). Australia grows some of the best produce in the world. I have spent many years supporting our farmers and growers, and recently set up and running “Farm Direct” markets, promoting buying local, and opposing undue influence in the retail grocery industry.   “Australia should not allow the sale of our farms and strategic assets to foreign investment”  LATEST ARTICLEAccepting responsibility; Australians are a fantastic people, but in recent years we have adopted the ideal of blaming others, Parliament indeed have let the Australian public down, but we still hold the all the power. Demanding improved labelling, supporting local produce and backing up small business can all be achieved by ensuring every cent we spend ends up in the right pockets. While we are being forced to endure political mediocracy, it is time to stand up for our nation’s best interests, and that starts with every one of us, always ask“Is it Australian?”demand local fresh produce and always question where your money ends up.  LATEST ARTICLE Article on putting your money in the right pockets hereEmpowering your vote; our right to a free and informed vote is diminished by the ideal of forced preferential voting and a lack of adequate information. Election conduct has become dodgy to say the least, our electoral rolls are inaccurate and identity and general security is lack lustre. Our ailing 2 party system is the direct result of allowing those that have the most to gain from structural biases to write electoral laws and be involved in the conduct of the electoral process.I stand for an overhaul of the entire electoral system that empowers the people’s free and informed choice and protects the integrity of the voting system, the counting of ballots and to ensure the most preferred is chosen, and that they can freely represent their electorate’s best interests. “I am the only candidate fighting for your right to a genuine free and informed vote”   LATEST ARTICLEGetUp Australia will be playing games with democracy on behalf of Labor and the Greens once again Click HereAustralia’s sovereignty; Australia has the ability to stand alone and lead, we do not need to be dictated to by any foreign body. Our forefathers risked life and limb to protect our Nation’s best interests, our freedoms, our liberty, and indeed our Australian way of life, so we must choose who we support wisely in every aspect of our lives. Where our money is spent, the level of social services and the cost of essential services are dependent on our political will.LATEST ARTICLE2013 referendum to recognize local councils; Our constitution was created by open and honest debate, by representatives that has our nations best interests at heart, the looming referendum is being sold by those who do not hold those same values let alone allowing any equitable  debate, please read my LATEST ARTICLE How to vote; website will be updated to assist "securing your vote" soon click here v                                        Electoral reforms, to empower free and informed voting, abolishment of full preferential voting, improved services, increased security and complete up to date electoral rolls.Stop the sale of our land, farms, water and vital infrastructure to foreign investment.The regulation of our grocery industry, to ensure genuine competition and                 consumer protection.Increase financial assistance to rebuild the farming industry to make Australia’s food bowl one of the world’s major food exporters.Improved product labelling and shelving allocation including place of origin.An overhaul of the animal welfare laws, and support services.Equity in taxation between local and offshore based industry.Protection of our aquifers and the increased adoption of storm water harvesting as a national recharge system.The relief of cost of living pressures through lowering staple food costs, cheaper access to potable water and energy regulation and innovation.The introduction of a national buy back scheme with government guaranteed low interest rates to restore Aussie farms and infrastructure, back into Australian ownership.Fight to reduce local red-tape by the abolishment of payroll and land tax, to stimulate the economy, as well as reigning in council bi-laws.Lobby for a “Bill of rights” which would be debated in public hearings then be attached by referendum to our constitution. The bill of rights must override all government legislation and must become a part of the national curriculum.Increased investment in the disability and mental health sector, in education, carer services and support, the abolition of all critical waiting lists. The introduction of NIDS and further investment in social inclusion programs are essential.To demand reform to our court system to bring back affordability and equity, with a strong public consultation process in regards to the family courts.WorkCover reforms with in management, board positions and contracts to improve services and the cost affects on small business.A more compassionate and equitable approach to border security and immigration, which takes in the best interests of the applicants and that of the Australian people and their way of life.Tackle the increased lack of internet security including on line gambling and social networking accountability.The restoration of registration labels.Address the shortfalls in funding to our pensioners and veterans to bring them back into line with the cost of living and ensure future increases keep up with CPI.The 2013 federal election will be one of the DODGIEST ELECTIONS in our nations history, click here to see why, and ask why the South Australian media are remaining silent on the biggest changes to electoral Law since federationHERE COMES THE 2014 SA STATE ELECTION on the 15th of MARCH, I will as usual not be favoured by most of the media, because they will be busy promoting the leaders chosen by our political parties.The 2013 election will be under new electoral laws, click here and see if you would have backed these changesSo any money or time I invest will be to lead by example, because the  words of politicians are rarely kept, so best I let my past history and my present actions speak for themselves, currently I am working on farm direct markets to support the farmers and local community's, Wildlife rescues and Moorook animal shelter along with exposes on deficient legislation and electoral conduct.I say "Put our money in the right pockets" while we wait in hope of genuine political leadership, rather than pass the buck, let we the people lead by example, by asking "Is it Australian" when ever we part with our hard earned money.(click here to see where the government spends our money)Click on here to access "FARM DIRECT MARKETS" INFORMATION I will continue this year to expose as much truth as possible, to support those in need and to lead by example, click on a topic of interest and read my current position, and please your feed back is very important, as it is you I wish to represent.2013 for me will be about uniting all my campaigns into one, on the back of the huge success of "Farm Direct", I will launch "Put your money in the right pockets" click on this text and have a read, and always ask the question "IS IT AUSTRALIAN?"Democracy is my passion, and your right to vote in a free and informed manner is of the utmost importance. I have battled in the courts for over 12 years, only to see our rights and liberties on this front diminish, and both Labor and Liberal just passed even more laws to empower themselves, at the detriment of we the people, please support me, so I can empower you! articles 1  2  3  click on a number.  My new farm direct markets across the state are to empower and protect local farmers and growers, and allow we the people access to local fresh produce at affordable pricesMARK ALDRIDGE INDEPENDENT FEDERAL CANDIDATE FOR WAKEFIELD  DEMOCRACY THE WHOLE TRUTH click HERE                                   I have tried for years to embarrass both state and federal governments to address the rising costs of living, for which they say is out of their hands, this graph begs to differ, we can buy back utility's and again supply the services at cost, and we can also demand at both state and federal levels, that they keep their hands out of our pockets. Selling everything the public owned for short term gain, is not sustainable or ethical practice.I hope sincerely that we the people can stand up in support of those in need, rather than expecting the victims to cry for help, it is past time we stood for something   VIDEO and TV EXPOSE'S ON THIS PAGEPROUD ALLIANCE SUPPORTERMy name is Mark Aldridge, If chosen by the people to represent, that is exactly what I promise to do, and I am well studied to do so, I am here to represent you, not a political party and have over a decade hands on study and community activism up my sleeve, and I know the right people to call on most issues of community concern.This site contains articles from the past few years, I have many dating back to the late 1990.’s but we have come a long way since then, most of the time on the wrong path.For the past 8 years or so, I have openly offered to debate the government on any issue of their preference; needless to say it is accepted very rarely, simply because most of our representatives read from party policy, rather than straight from their hearts and local knowledge.I recently ran for the seat of Ramsay, stepping back from the federal arena, and although I came second to Labor in their safest seat, the election offered nothing like a level playing field, and with some 30% of the votes missing from the count, it is hard to say when democracy last served us well. "After the 2010 state election my actions uncovered many thousands of missing ballot papers and even more issues including tens of thousands of names missing of the electoral rolls"A simple Google of my name and any topic close to your heart, will show you part of my journey on the education front, I am well studied on Carbon trading, Democracy & voting, common and constitutional law, Environmental protection, water, power generation, Hemp in the industrial application and a range of issues that all urgently need to be addressed in an open and transparent manner.I have held awareness rallies on a range of topics including Disability, law and order, support for our farmers and producers, Water, Equity in taxation and even to expose dodgy election conduct, yes that was me.I have been fighting for such a long time, yet in the most all I have witnessed is the continual erosion of our way of life and our future prospects, the only fear I have now, is not what bad people do, or what self interest destroys, but more so, the fear the people will never stand up and say ”that’s enough”. Divide and Conquer is still a powerful tool, for instance most of our countries most important issues are accompanied by spin and deceit, making a mockery of the ideal of open and transparent government, and allowing for misinformation to divide a nation, rather than unite us on the most important issues. More taxes, levies  excises, laws, rules, fines, duties, red tape and Attacks on our rights and Liberty’s rather than actions in their defence, is not just sloppy governance, it is out right incompetence and abuse of power, and in no way is deserving of the label of honourable. Give me a call any-time or drop me an email if you would like to know where I stand on any issue, and I am available to speak on topics I am well versed in.Please browse the site or the net, and regardless of what you think of me, cast only an informed vote, and fight for true freedom of choice, and democracy will be served in the true sense of the word.MARK ALDRIDGE Community advocate, Human and Animal rights activist for South Australia, National spokesperson for the Australian Alliance, Founder of Farm Direct community markets and the national buy Australian campaign, put your money in the right pockets,  the Australian Alliance, Working united with the community, Mark Aldridge, Civil rights, Bill of rights, Animal welfare reform, No Kill, Australian made, aussie made, Made in Australia, Made in Australia logo, how to buy local, farmers, South Australian farmers, greape growers, Riverland growers, Riverland, Moorook Shelter, oscars law, Debra tranter, Oscars Law reform, Animal welfare reform, Puppy farms, registering breeders, micro chipping, compulsary micro chipping, local councils, law reform, Aboriginal rights, treaty, Aboriginal treaty, Cat rescure, animal sanctuarys, Willow wood sanctuary, enchantingimpressions, Buy Australian, 100% Australian, Backing farmers, who backs up farmers, food security, Farm Direct, farmers markets, Markets, SA markets, South Australian farmers markets, Farm Direct community markets, Democrats,(click here for results of the latest elections and judge if they are dodgy)RESTORE REGISTRATION LABELS CAMPAIGN   "CLICK HERE"Thank you to the people of RamsayThe Ramsay bi-election was always going to be a hard slog, trying to win the support of the whole Ramsay community, when most would have not have even known I was running, the $1000 I had saved to take on the $150,000 plus spent by Labor, was always going to make it hard to ensure you all knew who I was and what I stand for, yet thousands of you supported me.I am very proud of the some 18 people from the local community who supported me on election day, we did very well, considering Labor had over 200 paid supporters, and media support all the way through, in fact most media articles covered only the Labor candidate.Many good people came into support me, and several local business people helped me fund the replacement posters, when most of mine were stolen, which was very humbling, and with the media in general only covering the Labor candidate, I found myself walking the streets in which I grew up and handing out home-made flyers, it brought back so many fond memories. My wife and I put in 18 hour days, and the reward for our hard work was fantastic, even though it appeared we had no hope of ensuring you all knew I was running, nearly 4000 of you rewarded our hard work with your precious vote! Thank you all so very much.My fight to help my community is not over, as many will know, I have been fighting for reforms and a fair go for many years, and will continue to do my very best. I will try and work with Labor to ensure the important issues that arose from speaking with you all, are addressed, and promises made are kept.Having been a lobbyist for over a decade, I have many connections, so still feel free to call me anytime, so I can either help you or point you in the right direction.  If ever you are in trouble I will do my best to help.I have specialised in federal and state legislation for around 15 years now, and although I have never run as a representative for my local community in the past, this experience has helped me find my niche, so expect me to be competing for your support over the next few years, I enjoy helping people, so would love to have the added resources of a member of parliament, as I could do so much more for the community who gave so much to me as a child.  I will continue to work with the local community and my mother(Gillian Aldridge) the mayor to improve local services and try and attract further investment to the area, as job security will become an increasing concern to us all.I am still appalled that as one of the largest cities in the state, we do not even have a 24 hour police station, let alone adequate police services, so I will spend my spare time lobbying for the change needed to bring back community safety to the level I enjoyed as a child.  I have made a habit of holding our politicians to account for many years now, as many would already know, and exposing short falls in many government organisations, like the Family Court, Family’s SA, Work cover, disability & aged care services, mental health funding to name only a few, has not earned me many Labor friends in parliament, that said, I do have many people from a variety of organisations who respect my hard work, so I do have the right contacts to be able to support my community.  The media’s obsession with the two party system has resulted in very little coverage of what they describe as minor players in the political arena, and community based candidates like myself fall into that category, so if you would like to know what I am up to, keep an eye on my website or Face book pages. Unlike your representatives of the past, I run to represent my community not a political party.   The advice given to me over the past few weeks, is to dress up, change my appearance, and stop pissing of the media and the government, sorry one and all, I have no intention of changing who I am, I only want your future vote if you support what I do, not how I look, if you chose who you vote for on performance, I am worthy, if you chose based on spin, I am not your man, in any event, I will support you regardless.  I love helping people, I love animals and my Native wildlife sanctuary, I have the best wife in the world, and great parents, I am a Motoring enthusiast both cars and bikes, I am a successful business man, and use my profits to help those in need, my wife and I are staunch environmentalist’s, I have an educated position on most aspects of our governance, but if you can present a case to change my mind, I am open to change.For the Animal lovers here is a link to my QLD flood run to help the devastated sanctuaries and the RSPCA photos "COWARDICE asks the question : " Is it safe ?" EXPEDIENCY asks the question : "Is it politic?" VANITY asks the question : " Is it popular?" But, CONSCIENCE asks the question : "Is it right?" An there comes a time when someone must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular, but one must take it because one's conscience tells one that it is RIGHT." ~Martin Luther King Jr.   I live by such statements of great men, and prove that by my actions, and I swear to continue to put every thing on the line, to ensure my children enjoy all the freedoms and liberties, my Country provided me, I do rather than spin.  I am not a one topic candidate as my past clearly exposes, but MY PRIMARY GOAL is to ensure the people of this fine state and country, have the rights and resources to cast a free and informed vote, with out structural biases and out right deceit and electoral fraud. see my detailed site on How to vote and ideals for electoral reform  WHEN YOU VOTE, DO SO BASED ON PERFORMANCE, HONESTY AND PAST ACTIONS, NOT FALSE PROMISE AND RHETORIC  You need Flash Player in order to view this.jQuery(document).ready(function() {'mediaPlayer_214a0e40_5422_4d78_9ef2_711550dbcd6f', '', 250, 387, false);});Independent uncovers massive water theft in SALabor amended legislation to allow favoured corporations get water free from any source, while SA people are asked to go with out, water theft backed by our own representativesOne of my expose's  last year regarding our precious water supplies, working with great people like Colin Pitman from the Salisbury Council        “If you know I am running as a candidate, what I stand for, and have the free choice, as to weather or not you reward me with your vote, the fight is over and democracy will have been restored.”   REMEBER WHAT LABOR DID DURING THE 2010 ELECTION, and read my final report, link at the bottom right of this page.You need Flash Player in order to view this.jQuery(document).ready(function() {'mediaPlayer_928b5394_ed81_44df_ab11_ba789980d62b', '', 264, 428, false);});Today Tonight Adelaide Story of Alleged Election Faults and FraudToday Tonight Adelaide story of Labor's use of fraudulent Family First how-to-vote cards, as well as Mark Aldridge's intention to take errors by the Electoral Commission, which allegedly denied people...In 2010 the State election resulted in many thousands of South Australians missing out on a vote, and very little had the opportunity to cast an informed vote, THIS NEEDS TO CHANGE. Over 77,000 missed out on casting a vote, over 16,500 ballot papers are missing, dodgy practices ran rife, dodgy postal applications exceeded 6,500, Labor even dressed up as another party, do you remember that? they even registered the liberal leaders name as a reply paid address to intercept others mail and numerous issues to be found in several articles on this site.     You need Flash Player in order to view this.jQuery(document).ready(function() {'mediaPlayer_8bb41a6b_9c4a_438f_af4e_301b727d9424', '', 266, 338, false);});Independent Mark Aldridge takes dodgy election to the courts in SATens of thousands of missing votes, near 80,000 names missing of the electoral roll, dodgy practices across the board, including "Labor dressing up as another party" and handing out dodgy how to vote ...     My wife and I first ran for federal politics in 2000/01 since then my wife has taken over running 50% of the businesses and the Sanctuary, and I do the other 50% of the work and study, write and speak on a variety of rights based and political matters.     I have written and spoken on a variety of social issues including Disability and mental health funding, Democracy and electoral reform, freedom of speech and access to information, Multiculturalism, Carbon Tax, Country Australia, Water and alternate power, Taxation, Small business and a variety of children based issues and of course environmental issues just to name a few.  In 2010 I tried to raise awareness of funding and service short falls for the disability and mental health sector, in particular “Children in Need” with the Help of the late Dr. Paul Collier, and for all the hard work and the importance of the message, “NO MEDIA ATTENDED” [please watch]  You need Flash Player in order to view this.jQuery(document).ready(function() {'mediaPlayer_e1f3b4c5_f8a5_4fea_8999_4c06c609efd0', '', 230, 343, false);});Care For Kids! Rally in Adelaide South Australia for the kids and the communityPlease comment just as good as being there ! The Idea Man, Independent Mark Aldridge. FAP Ki Meekins, Sconey,Freda Briggs, Independent Ann Bressington, David Winderlich, Ryan Hidden, Patty, Matila B...I will remain a candidate if for no more reason to find a way to ensure the best candidates are the winners at elections, not the 2 party chosen people, whose allegiance is already sworn to their party, rather than their electorate, well until at the very least, the choice is solely by way of an informed electorate    I have studied current and passed legislation, and battled in the courts for reform, self represented, including the dodgy 2010 SA State election, and supporting local people and common law issues where possible.     If any of my articles were outdated or incorrect in their content, I would appreciate feedback and correction or continued education on any political or social topic. Please!    I am a proud member and founder of the Alliance Australia a grass roots movement to address democracy and Unity between all the Independent and minor party candidates.    My catch phrases “Freedom, Democracy and Justice” are not negotiable, (click to see me speak on the topic) You need Flash Player in order to view this.jQuery(document).ready(function() {'mediaPlayer_275db169_b171_448b_bb9d_c64aa955ec96', '', 230, 200, false);});Mark Aldridge Independent Speakin at Wikileaks Rally Adelaide The Advertiser and several other media sources have me somewhat banned over the past decade from exposure, but the net shows many Independent media reportsGoogle Mark M Aldridge Independent or GETUP Australia the truth MARK ALDRIDGE INDEPENDENT for Wakefield,  Mark Aldridge SAs Better candidate, Voting in Ramsay SA 2018 state election, Guide to voting 2018, Guide to Ramsay candidates, Voting in Ramsay,MARK ALDRIDGE “INDEPENDENT” FOR RAMSAY, Labor party SA, Liberal Party SA, SA BEST Party, Nick Xenophon, Latest news SA election, Latest news Nick Xenophon, Mark Aldridge SA Best Independent candidate, Electoral Commission SA, ECSA, ABC elections, Mr X, NXT, SA Best candidates, Best independent candidates, Ramsay electorate, Ramsay how to vote, Voting in Ramsay, Polling booths in Ramsay, State election guide, Voting for SA best.Sipporting our farmers and producers, standing for improved and defined civil rights, Animal welfare, Environmental and Habitat restoration, the retention of all Australian land into australian ownership, the restoration of our Common and Constitutional rights, Democratic reforms,  CANDIDATE FOR WAKEFIELD, September 7th election, federal election 2013, Where to vote in SA, who to vote for, do I have to vote, can I vote, do I have to prefernce, where do I vote, voting in Wakefield, voting Labor in Wakefield, Wakefield candidates, Advertiser candidates, voice of the election, SA Independents, Voting Independent, Wakefield best candidates, animal rights candidates, motorsports candidates, Hemp candidates, environmental candidates, Gay Marriage candidates, Where to vote in sa, AEC, Australian electoral commission, Labor in SA, Federal Labor, voting Labor, voting Liberal, Tom Zorich, Gawler voting, northern voting, polling booth locations, dodgy voting, how to vote, how to vote slips, dodgy proactices at elections, Clare voting, who to vote for in clare, who to vote for in Elizabeth, voting in Elizabeth, Voting in Salisbury, 5AA voting, Animals Australia where to vote, GetUp where to vote, who to vote for Getup, who to vote for Animals Australia, animal welfare candidates, Wakefield animal rights, Mark aldridge Wakefield win, Voting Liberal in SA, voting Labor in SA, Where to vote for Mark Aldridge, why vote for mark Aldridge, Wakefield, Democracy, empowering voting rights, supporting local small business and our farmers and producers, standing up for my local community, WHERE TO VOTE IN WAKEFIELD, Mark Aldridge, Mark M Aldridge, voting in Australia, electoral commission of SA, electoral law, court of disputed returns, Independent Nick Xenophon, Independent Ann Bressington, Famil First, Famils first for Wakefield, Mark Independent, how to vote for mark, How to vote for council, Salisbury Council,.FARM DIRECT, MARK ALDRIDGE, INDEPENDENT, WAKEFLIED ELECTORATE, NOTRHERN CANDIDATES, Family First Wakefiled, Moorook Shelter, Animal rights, Animal rights australiaa, live export, wildlife sanctuarys, RSPCA, SAPOL, electoral change, immigration, democarcy,  Securing your vote, pens not pencils, Family court reforms, Famil court, Voting Independent, How to vote for Nick, Asylum seekers, Kevin Rudd, Voting in SA, voring in Wakefield, Where to vote in Wakefield, How to vote in Wakefiled, Australian electoral commission, how to vote, where to vote, South Australia,  Salisbiry Markets, Farmers direct, Farmers support, local producers, local farmers, save Australia, Don't see Australia short, Leon Bynor, five AA, Sean perry, Today Tonight, Leon bynor five aa, Bob Francis 5AA, Animal rescue, Willow wood sacntuary, Electoral law, enrolling to vote, Federal election 2013 voting, electoral commissioner SA, electoral commission, Google farm direct, Aussies farmers, farmers markets in the norht, farmers markets Salisbury, Votong in Wakefield, Channel 2 election coverage, election coverage, voting below the line, Gillard 2013, voting in the 2013 federal election, Independent candidate, 2013 federal election, 2013 referendum, Referendum 2013, Local council referendum, local government referendum, local government 2013 referendum, how to vote at referendum, Federal 2013 federal referendum, Councils and referendum, Referendums in Australia, 2013 LGA referrendum, Referendum for local government, local councils, Salisbury council, Government referendum,whould we back loval government, Local Government referendums, information on the 2013 federal referendum, 1988 referendum, local government validity, Wakefield, Federal election 2013, How to vote, Voting Independent, Supporting farmers, MARK M ALDRIDGE Independent, Aldridge Independent, Who to vote for,canberra voting, how to vote in Australia, voting for Mark Aldridge, who is mark Aldridge, voting Independent, Wakefield Federal electorate, Voting in Australia, Voting Indpendent, Voting for change, Farmers direct, Aussie Farmers direct, direct Farmers market, Aussie Farm Direct, Famers direct, Farmers direct local, Farmers market direct, Aussie food direct, fresh aussie produce, politicans supporting Farm direct, politician farmers direct support, Mark Aldridge Farmers Direct, Changing Australia, Voting for Mark Aldridge, Independent voting, Electoral reform, Democratic elections, Voting in Wakefield, ABC voting info, Supporting Farmers in Australia, Best Indpendents in Australia, Federal election 2013, How to vote, How to vote in Wakefield, where to vote in Australia, where to vote in Wakefield, Liberal candidate for Wakefield, labor candidate for Wakefield, Family First candidate for Wakefield, Greens candidate for Wakefiled, best candidate for the environment,  New electoral laws, DARE TO DREAM Imagine another election, same candidates, no blank boxes on the ballot papers, every house hold receives a booklet which explains how to vote, who the local candidates are, and what they stand for, we only attend to vote if we are inspired to do so, and only have to vote for those we prefer.  Now that is the free will of an informed electorate!   The people demand honest information, so the media start to cover the local candidates in both houses, the electoral commission decides to enforce electoral law, supplying how to vote information and voting tickets in the polling booths as prescribed.   Election posters, and those giving out how to vote cards, do so honestly, adhering to the law, and we are finally given better security than "Paper and pencil", polls became honest allowing every candidates inclusion, and only the electoral commission issues postal vote applications and ballots.   This is Democracy, is it really that hard?   [google79ca20ad666b3a49.html] Says it all, please read and shareTHE 2010 MARCH ELECTION EXPOSED OVER 77,000 NAMES MISSING OF THE ELECTORAL ROLL 17,500 MISSING POSTAL VOTES, 6,500 POSTAL APPLICATIONS WERE DODGY, SOME DECLARED INSTITUTIONS LIKE NURSING HOMES AND HOSPITALS WERE DENIED SERVICE, PEOPLE DENIED BALLOT PAPERS, ISSUES WITH THE MULTIPLE VOTING, AND EVEN UNDERHANDED TACTICS FROM THE CURRENT LABOR PARTY, IMPERSONATING ANOTHER PARTY, SENDING POSTAL VOTE APPLICATIONS WITH RETURN ADDRESS TO THEIR OFFICE RATHER THAN THE COMMISSION, EVEN GOING AS FAR AS REGISTERING THE LEADER OF THE OPPOSITIONS NAME ISOBEL REDMOND UNDER THEIR REPLY PAID ADDRESS TO INTERCEPT ELECTORS INFORMATION, DEMOCRACY DESERVES MORE, AND THOSE RESPONSIBLE MUST BE HELD TO ACCOUNT  MY IDEALS IN BRIEF  Water and the Murray River, the major parties have it all wrong, our water comes from a variety of sources, the river is over allocated, but buying back water entitlements will only have an adverse affect on produce, so we must take action to improve flows via ideals like those of Professor Endersbee (search and see) piping excess water to the river, our Aquifers are in even worse condition, but out of sight out of mind, and storm water recycling could water proof our state on its own, (have a chat with Colin Pitman) in every case we need representatives whose ideal of long term future, is a greater vision than the term between elections. See more  Do any of us truly believe that great infrastructure projects like the Snowy river scheme would have become reality with either of political parties we have endured over the past 20 years?    Human and Civil rights, we in Australia have no enforceable rights, so a bill of rights is essential, and all recent legislation must be changed to comply.      ICAC, essential to every state in Australia, presently parliament and our police services do not face any independent scrutiny, we regularly hear of corruption where the perpetrators face little or no punishment, with police officers suspended with full pay, no where near an adequate deterrent, the Mulligan report found over 100 child deaths of a suspicious nature in government care, yet no action has been taken, not good enough. see more   Climate Change, the climate has always changed, and clearing land, pursuing huge population growth and the emission of pollutants does not help in terms of our long term environmental future, but to blame Co2 or introduce a huge new tax, is not the answer, rewarding self reliance and initiatives in green power production would be a more educated approach.   While big Oil and the motor industry have such power over our Government, the advances we could already be enjoying, will be slow in coming, taking power away from the 2 party system, would give back more control of our environmental future to we the people.    Democracy, “If change be necessary it must be by the free will of an informed electorate” we can not continue to be forced to preference all the candidates while at the same time being denied access to whom they are, either we are provided with equitable details of all our choices, or we are awarded optional preferential voting, we need an independent body to both create electoral reform and police the election process.  Dodgy how to vote slips, misleading advertising and Identity theft of candidates is a disgrace, missing postal ballots, fraudulent counting, false promise and a raft of undemocratic actions, must be stopped and those responsible brought to account.    Disability and Mental Health,   funding is in some cases more than 50% behind the needs of those we can easily call our most vulnerable, our very own children languish on critical waiting lists, while unessential infrastructure receives all the election pledges, proven advances in early intervention and stigma reduction, all very successful overseas, can not be seen by out political parties whose vision is blurred by self interest (winning elections) I have stood up and spoken on many occasions, holding awareness rallies and the like, and yet nothing has changed.  This situation is nothing but appalling and a Number 1 priority compared to the need for improved stadiums and broadband speeds.       Taxation, our complicated 500 page plus tax system is both archaic and lacks any concept of equity, my views are to abolish the whole thing and start again, leaving payroll out of the equation, the concept of an electronic debits tax, from my research seems to hold all the answers. Until such vision can be achieved, I would lower the tax-free threshold as found in my Taxation pages, so as to help support lower income families and small business. Funding of this simple but effective change would be by way of the abolishment of government subsidies, which are nothing more than telling us how to spend our over paid tax dollars, any change must ensure equity for all Businesses operating in Australia, while we are at it, we should abolish the Menzies double tax Act. if you make money here, bloody pay your tax here.       Immigration, time to sit back and reflect here, population growth is not the answer to all our woes, in fact it is the exact opposite, the world must have a limit, as to what that is I do not know, while we are stifling food production, avoiding an increase in potable water supplies, health care services and the like, best we play catch up with our essential infrastructure as our number one priority.  I am a compassionate man, and believe we have the ability to help those in need, but not at the expense of every Australians futures, with over 100,000 Aussies living on the streets, and our elderly having trouble making ends meet, we must lower immigration, and in doing so consider only those based on their honest needs and with a history of being capable and willing to integrate into our Australian way of life.       Power Production, “use less and pay more” not the catch cry of leaders with vision, if we increase population, we must increase base load power, as much as I crave green energy as base load power production, it has yet to become a reality, which ever party wins the 2010 Federal election, they will go down the path of Nuclear, I would like to ensure if this has to occur, we embrace the safest and most advanced designs, but again that will take vision, so the latest and safest high temp pebble bed reactors and spent fuel recycling like Alvis and Simplex will not be on the agenda.  I propose our own nuclear Industry, to ensure if Nuclear is on the agenda, we lead the way rather than follow    Community safety, now on this matter I am a dreamer, as a child I felt safe on the streets, erecting a tent in the front yard, for sleep overs, and I demand my children and theirs the same safe community, our police services are being used for state revenue raising rather than servicing local communities, an ever increasing range of new laws are doing nothing more than invading our personal lives, and this problem is increasing also because we the people are not pulling our weight, it is our job to ensure our children are safe. Police numbers need to be increased to keep up with community expectations, revenue raising must be separated from police services, and we in the community must take some bloody responsibility for our children’s safety.      Equality, Gay, Greek, Australian, Aboriginal, Male, Female, even Aliens, division is caused by inequality, each and every person in our country regardless of colour or creed, the same laws and support services should apply, very simple.      Investment, Australia is not for sale, our water, farms, land, railways, ports and mining, none of it, it belongs to the people and the country, and any that has been sold, should be brought back into Australian ownership      Education, The education system is becoming overwhelmed by both political correctness and government intervention, those most in need of extra support services are falling between the cracks, becoming a long term financial liability to the country, our education system is under resourced, under staffed and under prioritised.  It is past time our teachers were employed to teacher rather than given the job of bringing up our children, they must be given the freedom to pursue appropriate punishments with out fear of reprisal, to ensure adequate education and have the resources to educate those with special needs     Infrastructure, Underground water infrastructure in many cities is over 120 years old, power stations are ageing and in need of replacement, with their boilers running on desalinated water to extend their use by dates, storm water and sewerage is antiquated and in need of up grading, yet not even false promise for our future, grand ideals of underground access tunnels to cover future storm water harvesting, broad band up grades and shared resources are not even on the agenda.     Live Music V’s Pokies, phase them out by the lowering of the maximum bet until it is that low, no more good people are loosing their lively hood, I will fight for the re-introduction of local live entertainment as an avenue to entice people back into pubs, outside smoking areas will be retained as a freedom of choice, and the price of a glass of beer, should be capped for the next 5 years as should cigarettes, as they have endured inequitable tax increases.    Animal Rights, Every sentient being has the same right to quality of life, including our livestock, as the owner of a Native Sanctuary I will demand no less than increased accountability and associated penalties for animal abuse of any form.    Country representation, Regional areas of Australia are not receiving their share of the infrastructure or health care funding, yet many regional areas are responsible for a greater share of the countries productivity, equity in funding for regional areas is there fore paramount.    Please check the media article located on the left of this page, and see more about each subject and many more      Universal Declaration of Human Rights The "will of the people" shall be the basis of the authority of government; this will shall be expressed in periodic and genuine elections which shall be by universal and equal suffrage and shall be held by secret vote or by equivalent free voting procedures.Article 21(3) IT DOES NOT SAY THE WILL OF A POLITICAL PARTY EXECUTIVE'S OR THEIR FINANCIAL BACKERS DOES IT! The ALLIANCE AUSTRALIA, will protect Democracy. Please have a listen to the truth on Adelaide Radio, starting at number 1 through 7  Forget the one policy Independents, I stand for increased disability and mental health funding, ICAC, equity before the law, your freedoms, rights and liberty’s in general, taxation reform, increases in heath care and hospital staffing levels, on-line gambling reform, reduction of Pokies in favor of live entertainment, increased animal protections, environmental and native animal habitat restoration, WorkCover reform and overhaul of Families SA, Adequate redress for Forgotten Australians, equity in regional infrastructure funding, increased support for carers of SA,  increased education grants and support services for children with disabilities, electoral reform to ensure the FREE will of an informed electorate is paramount, Accountability in government, increased protections of our natural water supplies, long term vision in regards to our underground infrastructure, enforce public scrutiny of any future proposed legislation, investigate sovereignty issues, scrutinize mining leases and foreign ownership, new and used vehicle sales licensing and consumer protection reform, the support of Adelaide Motorplex, improved road safety over revenue raising, renovation of our roads and public transport services, I have studied all of the above and some, and will continue to improve my understanding of all aspects of our long term governance.Mark M Aldridge  DISCLAIMER; All figures and facts on this site are taken from either government information sites and/or media publications, the writer does not accept responsibility for any facts of figures provided by out side sources that may have been wrongly provided, this is a blog site for electors to access the candidate Mark Aldridge's Ideals on the political agenda of the dayNick Xenophon, tom Zorich Liberal, Nick Chanpion Labor, how to vote in sa, how to vote Labor in sa, how to vote Liberal in SA family first in SA, Wakefield electoralteMARK ALDRIDGE INDEPENDENT, CANDIDATE FOR WAKEFIELD, Mark Aldridge independent for Wakefield,  The voice of the Community, 2013 FEDERAL ELECTION CANDIDATE FOR WAKEFIELD, how to vote in Wakefield, Candidate for Wakefield 2013, Tom Zorich, Independent for Wakefield, Tome Zorich Liberal, Nick Champion Labor, how to vote in Wakefield, Federal election 2013, where to vote in Wakefield, Where to vote in SA, Who is Tom Zorich, Who is Mark Aldridge Independent, farm direct markets, Northern candidates, Best candidate in SA, Best candidate for Wakefield, community advocate for the north, Ramsay by-election Ramsay By Election, Ramsay Election, Zoe Bettison, Liberal candidate Ramsay election, Mike Rann resigns, Greg Combat, Penny Wong, Wakefield electorate 2013 federal election, 2014 state election, how to vote in SA, Supporting farmers and producers, Farm Direct markets, Farmers markets in south australia, Protecting farms SA, Mark M Aldridge federal Independent, Who do I vote for in SA, GetUp, Australia selling the farm, Carbon trading, carbon trading information, who pays carbon tax, Carbon Tax, top 500 polluters exposed, Carbon ring, Independent expose's, Independent for Ramsay, Salisbury election, how to vote in Ramsay, South Australian Elections, Member of the Alliance Australian, 2010 Federal Election, Labor Party, Liberal Party, Australian Democrats, Democracy, Voting in Australia, Elections, electoral reform, Mark Aldridge, Mark M Aldridge, Julia Gillard, Nick Xenophon Independent, Murray river, Taxation, The Alliance Australia, Dodgy Elections, Freedoms and Liberties, Federal Election, Electoral , Commission, South Australian 2013 election, Mike Rann premier, How to vote in South Australia, Treason, The republican debate, Carbon Tax, climate change Australia, clean energy, solar power, mass power storage, carbon trading, carbon tax, Labor party SA, MARK ALDRIDGE, electoral reform, 2014 state election South Australia, Democracy, SAPOL, City of Salisbury, Zoe Bettison, Water proofing Adelaide, Colin Pitman, Salisbury Wetlands, Northern Invest, Electoral commission South Australia, Family First SA, Ramsay electorate,  2014 State election, South Australian 2014 election, Labor party Zoe Bettison, Dodgy elections, how to vote, Election results SA, Voting, elections, constitution, commonwealth of Australia, voice of the community,  Water security, Colin Pitman, save the Murray, Power generation, Labor V Liberal, Community safety, SAPOL, Salisbury Police station, Nuclear power, Carbon Tax, Environmental protection SA, South Australian politics, Politics, 2 party politics, Helen Aldridge, Willow Wood sanctuary, Courts, Bikie laws, Constitution, Councils, Local government, LEON BYNER, 5AA, radio five aa, South Australian 2014 March election, 2014 state election, 2014 Independent candidate, UN declaration of human rights, MARK ALDRIDGE VOICE OF THE COMMUNITY, RAMSAY ELECTORATE, RAMSAY ELECTION BOUNDARIES, WHERE TO VOTE RAMSAY, Politics Australia the truth, Gillard V Rudd, Best candidates in SA, who to vote for in 2014, The 2014 South Australian state election will elect members to the 53rd Parliament of South Australia on 15 March 2014. All seats in the House of Assembly or lower house, whose current members were elected at the 2010 election, and half the seats in the Legislative Council or upper house, last filled at the 2006 election, will become vacant. The 12-year incumbent Australian Labor Party, currently led by Premier Jay Weatherill, will be challenged by the opposition Liberal Party of Australia, currently led by Opposition Leader Isobel Redmond., Dont sell Australians short, Dont sell Australia short, leon Byner, Five AA, Google, 5AA, Australian land sales, Wikipedia Politics Australia, Nick Xenophon, Selling Australia short, Clive Palmer, CATA, No Carbon tax, Carbon trading details, Labor party QLD, Australian greens, Getup, Helen Aldridge, Animal rights activist, Mike Rann, FREEDOM, DEMOCRACY, Julia Gillard, Jay Weathrill, Ramsay electorate, best candidate, Independent candidate for Ramsay, Liberal party SA, GetUp, Paul Makin, Today Tonight, Pauline Hansen, ETSA, power production, sale of assets, buying back the farm, Bill of Rights Australia, Mark Aldridge Bill of rights, South Australian 2014 State election, How to vote in SA, Labor funds GetUp, Salisbury elections, Salisbury community activists, Gillian Aldridge, employment, SAPOL, Salisbury police station, Voting in Australia, Taxation, used cars, LPG prices, ZOE BETTISON, Holdens, GMH, infrastructure. Bill of rights Australia, Buddhism activists, hemp, Cannabis, Today Tonight, Leon Byner, Sean Perry, FiveAA radio, WorkCover SA, GetUp, LDP, Liberal Democratic part, FREE Australia Party, Democrats, 2014 SA Election, Federal Election 2013, Candidates SA, M Aldridge Independent, Bob Francis, Nick Xenophon, Senate candidates SA, News for SA, South Australian candidate, Independent Australia, Australian Alliance, The Alliance, how to vote in SA, Elections Australia, YouTube Candidates, Animal Sanctuaries, Native Wildlife Sanctuarys, Cambodian candidates, Vietnamese Candidates SA, Carbon trading explained, carbon tax explained, simple understanding of carbon trading, Carbon tax Australia, Climate change, carbon trading in australia, carbon credits Australia, How Much is carbon credit worth, Climate change explained, Gillards carbon tax, Tony Abbott has to have carbon trading, Liberal and carbon credits, Trading carbon credits australia, Independent for Wakefield, Farm Direct markets Australia, Wakefield electorate, Voice of the people, Farmers markets, protecting farms in australia, Cubbie station updates, Farmer markets, Farmers market South Australia, Leon Byner, Pooraka Markets, Adelaide produce markets, Gawler markets, Barossa markets, country farmers markets, Fresh food, grocerys, Woolworths, Coles, IGA, Julian Carbone, Adelaide Airport, Roulettes tavern, Farm Direct, Virginia markets, South Australian producers,  country markets, supporting farmers in Australia, Mark Aldridge Independent, don't sell Australia short, Farmers Markets, Australia is not for sale, Riverland producers, Independent for Federal politics, Top candidates, best candidates, , Supporting farmers and growers in Australia, Sean perry, Country candidate mark Aldridge, Federal Candidate Mark Aldridge, candidates in Port Wakefield, Constitution Australia, Constitutional rights Australia, Bill of rights Australia, FiveAA, leon Bynor, Political history, gun ownership, Woolworths boycott, Pokies Australia, revolution Australia, protest rallys, protests in SA, where to protest, Community advocate in SA, leading candidate Wakefield, preferences 2013, preferences wakefield, Vote one, MARK ALDRIDGE INDEPENDENT, CANDIDATE FOR WAKEFIELD, Mark Aldridge independent for Wakefield,  The voice of the Community, 2013 FEDERAL ELECTION 14/9/13, CANDIDATE FOR WAKEFIELD, how to vote in Wakefield, Candidate for Wakefield 2013, Tom Zorich, Independent for Wakefield, Tome Zorich Liberal, Nick Champion Labor, how to vote in Wakefield, Federal election 2013, where to vote in Wakefield, Where to vote in SA, Who is Tom Zorich, Who is Mark Aldridge Independent, farm direct markets, Northern candidates, Best candidate in SA, Best candidate for Wakefield, community advocate for the north, Ramsay by-election Ramsay By Election, Ramsay Election, Zoe Bettison, Liberal candidate Ramsay election, Mike Rann resigns, Greg Combat, Penny Wong, Wakefield electorate 2013 federal election, 2014 state election, how to vote in SA, Supporting farmers and producers, Farm Direct markets, Farmers markets in south australia, Protecting farms SA, Mark M Aldridge federal Independent, Who do I vote for in SA, GetUp, Australia selling the farm, Carbon trading, carbon trading information, who pays carbon tax, Carbon Tax, top 500 polluters exposed, Carbon ring, Independent expose's, Independent for Ramsay, Salisbury election, how to vote in Ramsay, South Australian Elections, Member of the Alliance Australian, 2010 Federal Election, Labor Party, Liberal Party, Australian Democrats, Democracy, Voting in Australia, Elections, electoral reform, Mark Aldridge, Mark M Aldridge, Julia Gillard, Nick Xenophon Independent, Murray river, Taxation, The Alliance Australia, Dodgy Elections, Freedoms and Liberties, Federal Election, Electoral , Commission, South Australian 2013 election, Mike Rann premier, How to vote in South Australia, Treason, The republican debate, Carbon Tax, climate change Australia, clean energy, solar power, mass power storage, carbon trading, carbon tax, Labor party SA, MARK ALDRIDGE, electoral reform, 2014 state election South Australia, Democracy, SAPOL, City of Salisbury, Zoe Bettison, Water proofing Adelaide, Colin Pitman, Salisbury Wetlands, Northern Invest, Electoral commission South Australia, Family First SA, Ramsay electorate,  2014 State election, South Australian 2014 election, Labor party Zoe Bettison, Dodgy elections, how to vote, Election results SA, Voting, elections, constitution, commonwealth of Australia, voice of the community,  Water security, Colin Pitman, save the Murray, Power generation, Labor V Liberal, Community safety, SAPOL, Salisbury Police station, Nuclear power, Carbon Tax, Environmental protection SA, South Australian politics, Politics, 2 party politics, Helen Aldridge, Willow Wood sanctuary, Courts, Bikie laws, Constitution, Councils, Local government, LEON BYNER, 5AA, radio five aa, South Australian 2014 March election, 2014 state election, 2014 Independent candidate, UN declaration of human rights, MARK ALDRIDGE VOICE OF THE COMMUNITY, RAMSAY ELECTORATE, RAMSAY ELECTION BOUNDARIES, WHERE TO VOTE RAMSAY, Politics Australia the truth, Gillard V Rudd, Best candidates in SA, who to vote for in 2014, The 2014 South Australian state election will elect members to the 53rd Parliament of South Australia on 15 March 2014. All seats in the House of Assembly or lower house, whose current members were elected at the 2010 election, and half the seats in the Legislative Council or upper house, last filled at the 2006 election, will become vacant. The 12-year incumbent Australian Labor Party, currently led by Premier Jay Weatherill, will be challenged by the opposition Liberal Party of Australia, currently led by Opposition Leader Isobel Redmond., Dont sell Australians short, Dont sell Australia short, leon Byner, Five AA, Google, 5AA, Australian land sales, Wikipedia Politics Australia, Nick Xenophon, Selling Australia short, Clive Palmer, CATA, No Carbon tax, Carbon trading details, Labor party QLD, Australian greens, Getup, Helen Aldridge, Animal rights activist, Mike Rann, FREEDOM, DEMOCRACY, Julia Gillard, Jay Weathrill, Ramsay electorate, best candidate, Independent candidate for Ramsay, Liberal party SA, GetUp, Paul Makin, Today Tonight, Pauline Hansen, ETSA, power production, sale of assets, buying back the farm, Bill of Rights Australia, Mark Aldridge Bill of rights, South Australian 2014 State election, How to vote in SA, Labor funds GetUp, Salisbury elections, Salisbury community activists, Gillian Aldridge, employment, SAPOL, Salisbury police station, Voting in Australia, Taxation, used cars, LPG prices, ZOE BETTISON, Holdens, GMH, infrastructure. Bill of rights Australia, Buddhism activists, hemp, Cannabis, Today Tonight, Leon Byner, Sean Perry, FiveAA radio, WorkCover SA, GetUp, LDP, Liberal Democratic part, FREE Australia Party, Democrats, 2014 SA Election, Federal Election 2013, Candidates SA, M Aldridge Independent, Bob Francis, Nick Xenophon, Senate candidates SA, News for SA, South Australian candidate, Independent Australia, Australian Alliance, The Alliance, how to vote in SA, Elections Australia, YouTube Candidates, Animal Sanctuaries, Native Wildlife Sanctuarys, Cambodian candidates, Vietnamese Candidates SA, Carbon trading explained, carbon tax explained, simple understanding of carbon trading, Carbon tax Australia, Climate change, carbon trading in australia, carbon credits Australia, How Much is carbon credit worth, Climate change explained, Gillards carbon tax, Tony Abbott has to have carbon trading, Liberal and carbon credits, Trading carbon credits australia, Independent for Wakefield, Farm Direct markets Australia, Wakefield electorate, Voice of the people, Farmers markets, protecting farms in australia, Cubbie station updates, Farmer markets, Farmers market South Australia, Leon Byner, Pooraka Markets, Adelaide produce markets, Gawler markets, Barossa markets, country farmers markets, Fresh food, grocerys, Woolworths, Coles, IGA, Julian Carbone, Adelaide Airport, Roulettes tavern, Farm Direct, Virginia markets, South Australian producers,  country markets, supporting farmers in Australia, Mark Aldridge Independent, don't sell Australia short, Farmers Markets, Australia is not for sale, Riverland producers, Independent for Federal politics, Top candidates, best candidates, , Supporting farmers and growers in Australia, Sean perry, Country candidate mark Aldridge, Federal Candidate Mark Aldridge, candidates in Port Wakefield, Constitution Australia, Constitutional rights Australia, Bill of rights Australia, FiveAA, leon Bynor, Political history, gun ownership, Woolworths boycott, Pokies Australia, revolution Australia, protest rallys, protests in SA, where to protest, Community advocate in SA, leading candidate Wakefield, preferences 2013, preferences wakefield, Vote one, David Madden, a co-founderJeremy Heimans, a co-founder, ABC Adelaide election updates, Channel ten election coverage, Advertiser newspapers, Council bi-laws, 2013 referendum, federal election 2013, Julia Gillard 2013, Labor party funding, Labor party federal election 2013, Age Newspapers, Face Book politics, today Tonight South Australia, Greens political party, voting in Australia, Mark Aldridge MP, Gillian Aldridge, Robyn Aldridge, Nick Xenophon for the senate, Nick Xenophon 2013, Leon Bynor SA, Radio Five AA, Carbon trading, Agenda 21 Australia, the UN Agenda 21, Solar power Australia, 2013 federal election contacts, where to vote in 2013, Australian federal election 2013 who is running, Independent candidates 2013 federal election, FEDERAL ELECTION 2013, SEPT 14 FEDERAL ELECTION, MARK ALDRIDGE 2013 FEDERAL CANDIDATE, UNITED AUSTRALIA PARTY, KATTERS AUSTRALIA PARTY, how to vote in 2013, MARK ALDRIDGE INDEPENDENT, CANDIDATE FOR RAMSAY, The voice of the Community" community advocate for the north, Ramsay by-election Ramsay By Election, Ramsay Election, Zoe Bettison, Liberal candidate Ramsay election, Mike Rann resigns, Independent for Ramsay, Salisbury election, how to vote in Ramsay, South Australian Elections, Member of the Alliance Australian, 2010 Federal Election, Labor Party, Liberal Party, Australian Democrats, Democracy, Voting in Australia, Elections, electoral reform, Mark Aldridge, Mark M Aldridge, Julia Gillard, Nick Xenophon Independent, Murray river, Taxation, The Alliance Australia, Dodgy Elections, Freedoms and Liberties, Federal Election, Electoral , Commission, South Australian 2013 election, Mike Rann premier, How to vote in South Australia, Treason, The republican debate, Carbon Tax, climate change Australia, clean energy, solar power, mass power storage, carbon trading, carbon tax, Labor party SA, MARK ALDRIDGE, electoral reform, 2014 state election South Australia, Democracy, SAPOL, City of Salisbury, Zoe Bettison, Water proofing Adelaide, Colin Pitman, Salisbury Wetlands, Northern Invest, Electoral commission South Australia, Family First SA, Ramsay electorate, The 2014 South Australian state election will elect members to the 53rd Parliament of South Australia on 15 March 2014. All seats in the House of Assembly or lower house, whose current members were elected at the 2010 election, and half the seats in the Legislative Council or upper house, last filled at the 2006 election, will become vacant. The 12-year incumbent Australian Labor Party, currently led by Premier Jay Weatherill, will be challenged by the opposition Liberal Party of Australia, currently led by Opposition Leader Isobel Redmond. The ramsay electorates main contender will be Mark Aldridge Independent son of the local councils mayor Gillian AldridgeMARK ALDRIDGE INDEPENDENT, CANDIDATE FOR RAMSAY, The voice of the Community" community advocate for the north, Ramsay by-election Ramsay By Election, Ramsay Election, Zoe Bettison, Liberal candidate Ramsay election, Mike Rann resigns, Independent for Ramsay, Salisbury election, how to vote in Ramsay, South Australian Elections, Member of the Alliance Australian, 2010 Federal Election, Labor Party, Liberal Party, Australian Democrats, Democracy, Voting in Australia, Elections, electoral reform, Mark Aldridge, Mark M Aldridge, Julia Gillard, Nick Xenophon Independent, Murray river, Taxation, The Alliance Australia, Dodgy Elections, Freedoms and Liberties, Federal Election, Electoral , Commission, South Australian 2013 election, Mike Rann premier, How to vote in South Australia, Treason, The republican debate, Carbon Tax, climate change Australia, clean energy, solar power, mass power storage, carbon trading, carbon tax, Labor party SA, MARK ALDRIDGE, electoral reform, 2014 state election South Australia, Democracy, SAPOL, City of Salisbury, Zoe Bettison, Water proofing Adelaide, Colin Pitman, Salisbury Wetlands, Northern Invest, Electoral commission South Australia, Family First SA, Ramsay electorate,  2014 State election, South Australian 2014 election, Labor party Zoe Bettison, Dodgy elections, how to vote, Election results SA, Voting, elections, constitution, commonwealth of Australia, voice of the community,  Water security, Colin Pitman, save the Murray, Power generation, Labor V Liberal, Community safety, SAPOL, Salisbury Police station, Nuclear power, Carbon Tax, Environmental protection SA, South Australian politics, Politics, 2 party politics, Helen Aldridge, Willow Wood sanctuary, Courts, Bikie laws, Constitution, Councils, Local government, LEON BYNER, 5AA, radio five aa, South Australian 2014 March election, 2014 state election, 2014 Independent candidate, UN declaration of human rights, MARK ALDRIDGE VOICE OF THE COMMUNITY, RAMSAY ELECTORATE, RAMSAY ELECTION BOUNDARIES, WHERE TO VOTE RAMSAY, Politics Australia the truth, Gillard V Rudd, Best candidates in SA, who to vote for in 2014, The 2014 South Australian state election will elect members to the 53rd Parliament of South Australia on 15 March 2014. All seats in the House of Assembly or lower house, whose current members were elected at the 2010 election, and half the seats in the Legislative Council or upper house, last filled at the 2006 election, will become vacant. The 12-year incumbent Australian Labor Party, currently led by Premier Jay Weatherill, will be challenged by the opposition Liberal Party of Australia, currently led by Opposition Leader Isobel Redmond., Dont sell Australians short, Dont sell Australia short, leon Byner, Five AA, Google, 5AA, Australian land sales, Wikipedia Politics Australia, Nick Xenophon, Selling Australia short, Clive Palmer, CATA, No Carbon tax, Carbon trading details, Labor party QLD, Australian greens, Getup, Helen Aldridge, Animal rights activist, Mike Rann, FREEDOM, DEMOCRACY, Julia Gillard, Jay Weathrill, Ramsay electorate, best candidate, Independent candidate for Ramsay, Liberal party SA, GetUp, Paul Makin, Today Tonight, Pauline Hansen, ETSA, power production, sale of assets, buying back the farm, Bill of Rights Australia, Mark Aldridge Bill of rights, South Australian 2014 State election, How to vote in SA, Labor funds GetUp, Salisbury elections, Salisbury community activists, Gillian Aldridge, employment, SAPOL, Salisbury police station, Voting in Australia, Taxation, used cars, LPG prices, ZOE BETTISON, Holdens, GMH, infrastructure. Bill of rights Australia, Buddhism activists, hemp, Cannabis, Today Tonight, Leon Byner, Sean Perry, FiveAA radio, WorkCover SA, GetUp, LDP, Liberal Democratic part, FREE Australia Party, Democrats, 2014 SA Election, Federal Election 2013, Candidates SA, M Aldridge Independent, Bob Francis, Nick Xenophon, Senate candidates SA, News for SA, South Australian candidate, Independent Australia, Australian Alliance, The Alliance, how to vote in SA, Elections Australia, YouTube Candidates, Animal Sanctuaries, Native Wildlife Sanctuarys, Cambodian candidates, Vietnamese Candidates SA,                   Home | FARM DIRECT MARKETS SA | GRANTING RAMSAY'S WISHES | SAVING OUR FOOD INDUSTRY 2013 | VOTING 4 ANIMAL WELFARE | VOTE NO TO AUST WITH OUT FARMS | DODGY ELECTIONS THE TRUTH | ABOUT MARK | WHY VOTE FOR AN INDEPENDENT | BILL OF RIGHTS FOR AUSTRALIA | AUSTRALIAN CONSTITUTION  | STANDING UP FOR LOCAL BUSINESS | MARK BRIEF IDEALS OVERVIEW | DAFWA undermine justice | THE DEMISE OF AUSSIE RIGHTS | DIGNITY FOR THE DISABLED | THE RSPCA EXPOSED | CARBON TAX WHOLE STORY UPDATE  | DEMAND SUPPORT FOR DAIRY FARMS | SA ELECTION FACTS FOR 2010/14 | FLUORIDE THE SIMPLE TRUTH | HEMP / CANNABIS EXPOSED" | WATER PROOFING South Australia | WHERE DOES OUR TAX MONEY GO? | MY POLITICAL HISTORY 1999/2012 | CONTACT ME | The Muddied Water Debate | 2013 REWRITE OF ELECTORAL LAW | MY RALLY FOR THE CHILDREN | 24 POLICE STATION IN SALISBURY | WORKCOVER....NO THANKYOU | Federal Tax reform figures | 2013 REFERENDUM ON COUNCILS | REFERENDUM 2013 VOTE NO DEBATE | On line Gambling | On line security | Aboriginal Soverignty in SA | Regional Aust missing out! | The water story part 2 | DODGY ELECTORAL LAWS | GETUP THE FULL EXPOSE 2011 | Nuclear Power & the future | FACTS Vs THE LAW | COUNTRY PEOPLE DESERVE MORE | Family Law reform please | 11/5 election dispute update | Intellectual Prostitutes | SMALL BUSINESS DESERVE MORE | GETUP "DODGY OR LABOR?" | Electoral commission affidavit | BILL OF RIGHTS V COMMON LAW | MULTICULTURALISM OR NOT? | Climate Debate the Way Forward | ROAD SAFETY FOR SA | The Carbon Tax explained | JULIAR LEGAL OR NOT? | AUSTRALIAS DEBT "TOO FAR?" | ROAD SAFETY AND TRAFFIC LAWS | How Labor won Ramsay | RESTORE REGO LABELS? | LABOR ABANDONS INNOVATION  | AUSTRALIA... NOT FOR SALE! | GOVERNMENT SELLING OUR FUTURE | Julian Assange Rally speech | HERE COMES THE BASIC CARD? | LABOR ATTACK MOTORCYCLE RIDERS | ON-LINE TAX & INFO SHARING ? | BUY BACK AUSTRALIA CAMPAIGN | CARBON TRADING THE TRUTH 27/6 | WILDLIFE KILL PERMITS DISGRACE | Cubbie Station goes Chinese | SUPER-TRAWLER TO DEVASTATE | FOOD SECURITY BY THE PEOPLE | SUPER TRAWLER EXPOSE UPDATE  | SUPER TRAWLER THE LAW? | Stop the Sale of Australia | SELLING OUR NATIONS FUTURE | BALI GUIDE 2014 | 2012 CHILD ABUSE ENQUIRY | I.C.A.C MEANS WHAT? | WHAT IS WRONG WITH AUSTRALIA? | FLUORIDE BY COUNTRY UPDATE | AUSTRALIA & THE UNITED NATIONS | The DEATH OF DEMOCRACY | RSPCA ....SOME TRUTH | CLIMATE DEBATE THE WAY FORWARD | The RSPCA V MOOROOK DEBACLE | MOOROOK V RSPCA update | RSPCA FACTS & FIGURES 2012 | DEMAND CALLS FOR ONLINE SAFETY | DEMISE OF HEALTH CARE 2013  | BREED SPECIFIC LEGISLATION  | ANIMAL WELFARE REFORMS 2013 | BEWARE DODGY ELECTION PRACTICE | Seniors deserve a FREE RIDE | OVERHAUL OF POLICE SERVICES 13 | DEBRA TRANTER THE TRUTH | OPPOSING BAD LAW | RSPCA V May | PROTECTING YOUR VOTE | ABORIGINAL SOVEREIGNTY/TREATY  | HOW TO VOTE IN SA | THE POSTAL BALLOT SCAM | PUPPY FARM REFORM | THE DEMISE OF JUSTICE | No Rights in Australia? | Chris Johnston The Age | RSPCA, HOW ARE DONATIONS SPENT | VOICES OF THE ANIMALS 2015 | SA LABOR DESTROY AQUIFERS | VOICES OF THE ANIMALS 2016 | ARE POLITICAL PARTIES LEGAL? | SENATE VOTING LAWS AUST. 2016 | TURNBUL EXPOSED IN TAX EVASION | HAS YOUR VOTE BEEN STOLEN 2016 | FIXING FREE TRADE 2016         Website Builder provided by Vistaprint