MARK M ALDRIDGE Independent - FRESH FOOD AWARENESS DAY 25/8                   a.userlink { color: #253741; } a.userlink:visited { color: #6a818c; } a.userlink:hover { color: #005e85; } font[size="1"] { font-size:10px; } font[size="2"] { font-size:13px; } font[size="3"] { font-size:16px; } font[size="4"] { font-size:18px; } font[size="5"] { font-size:24px; } font[size="6"] { font-size:32px; } font[size="7"] { font-size:48px; } .GuestBookMessage { font-family: Arial; color: #000000; font-size: 13px; } .GuestBookMessageRow { font-family: Arial; color: #000000; font-size: 12px; } .GuestBookHeader { font-family: Arial; color: #000000; font-size: 12px; } .div-text-footer-color { color:#000000; } .div-text-footer-container a, .div-text-footer-container a:visited, .div-text-footer-container a:hover { color:#000000; }                                                                                                        click here for info about the new FARM DIRECT MARKETS   “Fresh Food Awareness Rally” 25 August 2012 THE RALLY WENT WELL WITH THOUSANDS ATTENDING, MORE SUPPORT FOR FARMERS AND GROWERS IS ON THE WAY, KEEP AN EYE ON THIS SITE, WE WILL BE BRINGING THE FARM TO YOU....MarkThere are many issues facing the future of Australia. One of the most important and topical issues is our fresh food future, the future of jobs on our farms, the quality and price of our food and most importantly the quality and freshness of the produce available into our future. Our producers face many issues that do not ensure equitable or fair trading practices.  Australian consumers are short changed by dodgy labelling which makes supporting home grown produce a task in itself. Foreign governments subsidise their producers to increase their export potential, while our government do little to nothing to support our hard working farmers and growers.(Feel free to click on and download the flyers for distribution, right click on any and save)In fact while the government impose strict guidelines on our growers, they don’t even do the justice of ensuring imported goods meet the same criteria. In the US and most countries, competition and fair play in the grocery market is protected. The largest grocery stores rarely exceed 10% of the market share. In England the big 2 control some 48% of the total sales resulting in many reports of market manipulation, which has seen many local producers being forced off the land. In Australia the federal government have had their head in the sand. With Coles and Woolworths now holding well over 80% of the market, and using that domination to ride rough shod over our local hardworking farms and producers.I doubt the people of this fine country would be privy to the fact that in less than 5 years at the current rate of resulting farm closures we will be totally reliant on imported goods with no primary grocery production left. Leaving future generations at the mercy of the self interest of big business and without the quality of produce we have all enjoyed as a nation. The “awareness day” in the most is about reminding people about the importance of buying local which has so many benefits. Employment, our nation’s food security, quality of produce, our heritage and most importantly a fair go for all. With many produce markets on board, hundreds of producers showing their support and some big names attending on the day, it is sure to bring public awareness to the many issues at hand. The rally will be a family friendly day, where farmers and growers can show case their fresh produce. Families can pick up some great bargains, our children can taste test local produce against inferior imported goods, while the political message will be all about a fair go and our long term future. The message to our representatives and the corporate sector will be all about our future, our food security, accountability and fair play. Messages relating to dodgy trading practices and labelling issues, shelving allocation, the percentage of Aussie made produce being sold in the nations grocery stores, possible tariff protections, the sale of prime farming land into foreign ownership and market domination, will not over power the atmosphere of this important day. Those attending with such messages will locate further down Main North Road outside the Woolworths head office. Placards and truck mounted signs will also be part of the larger message for passing motorists on the western side of the road. Invites have been sent to many well known Australian politicians, celebrities and supporters, as well as many in the industry. Further information will be made available by phoning Mark Aldridge the event organiser on 08 82847482/ 0403379500. *The event will be held on Main North Road at Pooraka adjacent “Unity Park” from 12.00pm on the eastern side of the road. Lane 3 will be restricted for parking and extra parking is available in Unity Park.* Email:                  Home | AUSTRALIAN CONSTITUTION  | ABOUT MARK | MY POLITICAL HISTORY 1999/2012 | MONEY IN THE RIGHT POCKET'S | DEMOCRACY THE WHOLE TRUTH | WHY VOTE FOR AN INDEPENDENT SA | MARK BRIEF IDEALS OVERVIEW | CARBON TAX the full STORY | THE DEMISE OF AUSSIE RIGHTS | SA ELECTION FACTS FOR 2010/14 | SUPPORTING MARK FOR WAKEFIELD | WATER PROOFING South Australia | 24 POLICE STATION IN SALISBURY | MY BILL OF RIGHTS IDEAL | CONTACT ME | FARM DIRECT MARKETS SA | FLUORIDE THE SIMPLE TRUTH | WHERE DOES OUR TAX MONEY GO? | DIGNITY FOR THE DISABLED | MY RALLY FOR THE CHILDREN | WORKCOVER....NO THANKYOU | The Muddied Water Debate | SALISBURY "SMALL BUSINESS" | Climate V's Change of habits | SA 2010 ELECTION DEBACLE | On line Gambling | The future of Taxation | On line security | Aboriginal Soverignty in SA | Regional Aust missing out! | The water story part 2 | DODGY ELECTORAL LAWS | GETUP THE FULL EXPOSE | MOTORPLEX, now please! | ANIMAL RIGHTS PLEASE | COUNTRY PEOPLE DESERVE MORE | Family Law reform please | 2013 RECOGNITION OF COUNCILS | FACTS Vs THE LAW | SMALL BUSINESS DESERVE MORE | Federal Tax reform figures | Fluoride "POISONED WATER ? | Carbon Tax "The Truth"  | MULTICULTURALISM OR NOT? | Climate Debate the Way Forward | Carbon Tax lies lies and lies | ROAD SAFETY FOR SA | The Carbon Tax explained | HEMP / CANNABIS EXPOSED" | JULIAR LEGAL OR NOT? | AUSTRALIAS DEBT "TOO FAR?" | ROAD SAFETY AND TRAFFIC LAWS | BILL OF RIGHTS V COMMON LAW | LIFTING EMPLOYMENT N SALISBURY | DEMANDING small bus support | BOYCOTT COLES/WOOLWORTHS | RAMSAY BI-ELECTION EXPOSE | RESTORE REGO LABELS? | LABOR ABANDONS INNOVATION  | AUSTRALIA... 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