As I write and collate hundreds of pages of info and
electoral complaints, several items of interest have risen to the surface,
increasing the number of irregularities in the conduct of the March 2010
With the supporting spread sheets of the election results
clearly showing interesting results to say the least, were the 80,000 enrolled
voters that didn’t show up to vote, the ones that were turned away, were they
the many still on the rolls that have passed on, or told they were not on the
roll and denied their votes?
Were they the lost postal votes?
Why is it that between the upper and lower houses the total
attendees differs, do some only get a vote in one of the houses?
The Legislative Council had an informal vote over 23,000
more informal votes, could this reflect on an un-informed electorate?
Nearly 140,000 missing or informal votes in the upper house,
where might they have been cast if the polling booths, had been attended by an
informed electorate or if the rolls had been accurate?
With a huge quantity of reports of discrepancies in the
rolls, so many being denied a vote with out regards to their rights under the
electoral act, what sort of election has this been?
Dirty tactics, false advertising, and offences against near
12 sections of the act, will the court of disputed returns favor justice?
I am already approaching 1000 or more supporting statements
and signatures, if only the government employees were not being muffled, as the
best info as to such massive irregularities is coming in from polling booth
managers and electoral staff.
Supporting affidavits cover being denied a vote, not being
on the roll, intimidation, lack of how to vote information, false advertising,
irregular scrutineering practices, denied entry to polling places, being asked
to vote under another’s name, offered a bribe, illegal advertising, the roll
having many names of the deseased, multiple voting and of course the deplorable
practice of the phony how to vote papers to name a few.
The 500 page application to the court of disputed returns
will be filed on or around Monday 12 April, the first major
protest rally will be on the day of the first hearing.
Mark Aldridge