Australian Boycott
of Coles & Woolworths from 20th July 2012
"I hope sincerely that we the people can stand up in support of those in need,
rather than expecting the victims to cry for help, it is past time we stood for
something" Mark Aldridge
Standing up for hard
working farmers and producers by the Aussie public is a worthy cause on many
fronts, whether it is to ensure hard working Australians get a fair go, demand
clean fresh and healthy produce, or to simply ensure we maintain a fair and competitive
market, the price of inaction is indeed
a price to high to pay, says Mark Aldridge, local community advocate & Independent
We have major issues in the primary production arena, our nations food security and self reliance, pokies causing problem gambling issues, dodgy fuel schemes and over pricing, and a variety of community issues, the direct result of mediocre politics and an out of control corporate sector.
In this article I will cover out fresh food future, pokies, fuel and social responsibly will be covered in other articles on this site.
Australia has one
of the most concentrated grocery markets in the world. Woolworths and
Wesfarmers (owner of Coles) account for
almost 80% of supermarket sales, 60% of alcohol retail, 50% of petrol
retail and 40% of all retail in Australia. The more market share they gain, the
more influence they have over suppliers, and the easier it is to stamp out our smaller
independent retailers.
Ironically West
farmers originated in the early 1900’s as a coop to support farmers and
producers, yet in recent times, have been accused more than once of using their
new found power to rape farmers of their hard earned rewards.
*Supermarket giant Woolworths has been
accused of using "brutal negotiations" to squeeze price cuts from
suppliers to help fund a price war with rival Coles.*
Just recently many
producers and growers have come forward with reports of unfair market
manipulation, where Woolworths themselves have demanded a lowering of the
wholesale price so they can enter a price war with Coles, those that refuse
have been told they will be taken off the shelves, and we all know the risk of
replacements coming from some foreign growers and producers.
“My investigations go much further
showing all sorts of deceitful practices” says Mark
Legislation just proposed by independent Senator
Nick Xenophon would give power to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission
to apply to the courts to have the chains' duopoly broken up. Says Mark “I sincerely hope such a move is in line with my
original calls last year to limit the big 2 to a 30% to 40% share in line with
most OCD countries”
“We the people must back such a move to
ensure the future of our farmers and growers, that they are given not only a fair go, but
a long term future with the added growth we so desperately need in Australia”
said Mark, and Nick being a lone elected voice for common-sense needs the
backing of the whole community, I certainly back him 100%.
Having met with many
local producers and spoken to the experts in the agricultural industry, what I
am hearing is simply un-Australian, from undue influence, market manipulation
to our right deceitful and misleading conduct.
Most countries offer their primary
producers government subsidies to help them compete on the world stage, our farmers and
growers are by far the most productive, yet the governments only input is
excessive red tape to achieve “Fresh food accreditation”, which most overseas
governments ignore, begging the question “If imported foods take over where
local fresh production once supplied all our needs, what exactly will we be
Hearing personal stories
from so many growers brings a tear to my eye, months tending to their crops, careful
picking and packing, shipping it off to one of the big 2, only to be told their
produce is rejected, but wait we can take it of your hands for half price or
less, yet the same produce hits the shelves at full price, wiping out producers
on a weekly basis, this type of conduct is nothing more than criminal.
Woolworths “The fresh food people” have their hands in many
pies, they are also Australia's largest owner of poker machines (13,480
machines) and the largest seller of tobacco and alcohol, so their huge
advertising budget selling them as supporters of local families appears to be
more about their wallets, rather than what is best for the Australians
Wesfarmers operates in the areas of retail, coal
mining, energy, insurance, chemicals and fertilisers, and industrial and safety
products, buying up Coles Group in 2007 for $22 billion.
These supermarket giants have been
blamed for Australians paying the fastest growing prices for groceries in the
developed world, so it
is as usual all about the money, it is not about the quality of the produce or
the protection of hard working farmers and producers, and it is definitely not
about our countries best interests.
“Woolworths and Coles are a $100 Billion
a year duopoly with a retail market share unmatched in the developed world, and
our politicians are doing nothing to stem their growth or market dominance”
Says Mark Aldridge, so it is time we the people did!
With a reported 80%
of the market in groceries, they have a massive impact in Australia, England’s
largest 2 enjoy 48% and the US a mere 20%, so it is fair to consider our
government should have put the brakes on long ago, and more than enough reason
for we the people to do it for them in the circumstances.
Make no mistake their market share
continues to grow, at
the expense of smaller operators, hard working family farms and local
producers, and most importantly the quality and availability of our fresh
We have lost a huge
slab of farming land to international interests, most of our larger
manufactures and mass food packaging companies have also found their way of
shore, so it has become imperative that those that remain are not only
protected but we build an accountable system, which will reward increased
investment in the vital production of our food stocks, not just for us, but
also for future generations.
Have many noticed
that most big shopping centres only have one or maybe both of these grocery
stores, yet none of their competitors, well that is not a coincidence, their
huge money ensures they can now control competition.
The impending price
war may seen a godsend to those suffering on a tight budget, but as the saying
goes “the bitterness of poor quality
remains long after the sweetness of low price is forgotten”, what do you
want your children and future generations eating in the future, let alone what they
may be forced to pay?
It is not only
about how our producers are treated and even paid, it is also about the rights
of consumers, my wife and I prefer local products and Australian made items,
yet it is far from easy to tell the difference, labelling is less than
satisfactory, and some home brand products are deliberately misleading, shelf
placement also makes a huge difference.
So many issues
arise when we simply wish to make an informed choice, Australian made, GMO,
even Halal certification, as if we need not know, yet it is our money, our bodies
and our long term future, so it should be our choice, China is known to treat its cabbages with
formaldehyde and some foreign apple growers used the antibiotic streptomycin on
their apples to control fire blight, do any of us want our children exposed to
“23 cents in every dollar Australians
spend ends up in this duopolys pockets” begging the question “Where the hell is
our government and their ACCC.
Dare we allow this
to continue, our farmers, growers and
producers are being forced to live on as low as 5% of what you are paying at
the counter, so the supposed huge discounts on offer are smoke and mirrors,
and it becomes unbelievable the big 2 want to reduce their meagre 5%, do the
sums, only then will you get a true picture facing those on the land.
The story I heard today of an area with
27 growers being reduced to 2, due to dirty practices, in less than a year is
simply unacceptable”
On the 20 of July I call on
every Australian to stand behind our farmers and producers, by boycotting both
Coles and Woolworths, until
this issue is resolved, or they at least come to the party with a fair system
and treatment of their Aussie suppliers.
We must also demand
easy to read labelling to allow us to support local produce and priority shelve
locations, if they are all about serving the Australian public, then these
demands should be perfectly acceptable.
Protests will be
held all over Australia on Saturday the 21 of July to ensure all
Australians are well informed about this very important event.
For more
information please contact the writer.
"The protest was a success" and has lead to the opening new "Farm Direct" Markets all over Adelaide..............
CLICK HERE to access all the information, dates and locations of Farm Direct markets and local Farmers markets
Mark M Aldridge
Community advocate
and Independent candidate