Australia’s debt now tops $200 billion the most
massive debt in history, so it is time for the people to make their own history
and kick out this inept government.
It is hard to
believe Labor borrows over $100 million per day, should we all sent our congratulations to Wayne Swan on his
double century.
The Federal Labor parties as a result, have us
massively in debt, and their new Carbon tax, will not result in dragging us
out, but rather dragging us further under, maybe to far for us to survive.
According to the Nationals our debt ceiling was $75
billion when Labor got into government.
On 11 March 2009, Wayne Swan invoked "special
circumstances" to increase it to a "temporary" level of $200
billion. In the last budget the government has increased it permanently to $250
I hope every Australian is happy with their new
insulation, well those not devastated by its installation, or the not so worthy
School Halls debacle, as the amount Labor is borrowing amounts to over $11,000
per person in a very short period of time.
If Labor keep borrowing money at this rate, we might
find the interest alone, will put us in the perilous situation we see many EU
nations, a very sad thought in deed.
If you go to you
will see that your nation's "Total Commonwealth Government Securities on
Issue" as of today sits at $200.242 billion.
The Labor party has increased our gross debt by $140
billion since they came to office in November 2007, and with their new green
partners, backing their new Carbon tax, (the UN tell us we have to have) who is
going to pay the billions about to head of shore to cover international
Labor have been in government for just over 1360 days
and have therefore borrowed well over $100 million per day, and guess who has
to pay that back with the massive interest it will accumulate?
The people did not vote for
this total incompetence; they didn’t vote for another new massive tax, and in
fact most did not want their vote to end up in Labors lap, with hundreds of
thousands of votes missing, as many names missing of the electoral rolls and
hundreds of thousands of votes not counted by way of formality.
So most say NO to a new tax,
and NO to our government, just like the miners did at the Eureka Stockade, so
best we the people re-visit such a patriotic stand.
Three twelve eleven, is to
be such a day, the same day they tore down the Eureka flag, we the people must
put it back up, and demand a new election, by way of genuine democratic reforms
and free choice, on top of a demand to lower our debt ceiling levels, for our
children’s sake.
On the 3/12/11 head to your
closest Parliament house at 12.00pm, with your supplies, and lets stand united
until we have a result and our demands are met, a few days now, is better than
a future of suffering.
Mark Aldridge
Candidate and proud Alliance supporter